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Transformers: Peaceful Chaos Chapter three

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Transformers: Peaceful Chaos Chapter three

Postby BeastProwl » Tue Aug 30, 2011 2:35 pm

Motto: "Gravity Hurts"
Weapon: Razor Tipped Wing Swords
This is chapter three of this fan fic. It's the last one I'll do for a while, lack of feedback and such, but here it is.

Chapter 3

We Enter the Surgical room, were Optimus Prime's new arm had just been melded onto his body. Ratchet figures that he should not wake prime until the Ceremony of Fallen Heroes. Optimus, however, could not have been awakened anyway, for while his body was laying on the table, his mind, his spark, were elsewhere.....

"Optimus! Wake up! Why are you here?" A gruff voice shattered the blackness that had been looming over him ever since he had arrived in this place...

A much more subtle and sleek voice chimed in: "Come on big guy! you aint outa the fight jus' yet!"

Optimus' Optics shot open. He was laying on the ground. Not the earth's ground. Not Any type of ground he had been on Recently...

It wasn't possible... But it was undeniable. He was home... He was at peace, and he was home, on Cybertron...

The two figures who Awoke him were none other than Jazz and Ironhide. He couldn't believe it. He saw these two perish, It wasn't possible. It was almost enough to drudge up some emotion. Some feeling of semblance, peace of mind. But he knew this couldn't all be real, could it?

Once he had pulled himself up off the ground, he then proceeded to look around. He saw long fields, clear vistas, and complex skylines framed by neon signs, and a sky filled with stars, under a cage of interconnecting bars locked together in a honeycomb design. The bars that formed this cage themselves were littered with bustling cities of their own. There was no longer any doubt. This was clearly Cybertron in it's golden age.

He walked with Jazz and Ironhide. In the distance he could see a monolithic structure. It had to be hundreds, thousands, maybe even millions of years old. They had finally arrived at the massive front doors, embroidered in gold writings and tribal designs. This was before his time. He'd wondered all over Cybertron when he was young. This building wasn't in his memory banks.

They opened the doors with surprising ease. He reluctantly entered, to find that it was a giant, empty room, with five thrones.

In four of five of these massive seats, sat four VERY Familiar faces.

"Ahh... Optimus, you decided to join us at last? I Apologize if it was one of mine".
It was Megatron speaking. He was far left of the four.

"Do not grieve for what once was, and now is Optimus, what's done is done. It's in the past. The distant past. My decisions were faulty, even I can see the errors of my ways..."
Sentinel, middle left, seemed as wise as he ever was.

"Still," Sentinel continued; "Surely we didn't work you over that much, did we?" Sentinel then grinned at Megatron, who then proceeded to roll his optics away from Sentinel's gaze, and back onto his brother, Optimus.

"Some of us, Optimus, have walked down a tattered path of evil, and what you see before you, is what's left of the Goodness in our sparks".
The Fallen One, Megatronus sat middle chair, sounding calm and sage. Wise in his selection of spoken words. He didn't want to light any fires. It was out of character for him.

"We will forever await your return to us Optimus, and know that this is a real place, not a figment of your fractured mind". It was jetfire, middle right, who spoke now. "Yours is a spark forged in chaos, from the fires of war. Your here for a reason. All will be revealed soon.

Optimus just stood there, not knowing what to think, what to feel. Megatron then walked toward him. Such an odd sensation. He could almost welcome him here. He didn't even want to draw a blade, or pull out a gun. He felt safe, at peace.

"That throne is rightfully yours, brother, but not now. I feel a great power, looming deep in the heart of the cosmos, pulling me towards it. Even now, I fade from this plain of existence."

"Optimus," It was Sentinel this time, "I see in you a great darkness, that in all it's fury and hate, must not take further root in your soul. You need to go now, the purpose of why you have been brought here is not idle chit chat".

Megatron then waved his arm towards a massive door that had begun to open. Optimus saw that, in his brother's spark, the evil had finally gone.

Was he right in not sparing these three? Jetfire could not have been saved, but the others? Could he have done right by them?

The Fallen would not stop until earth was destroyed, nor would Sentinel, surely his brother would have stabbed him in the back at some point if he was spared?

No truce is ever permanent with a Decepticon, especially not with the likes of him. Optimus' mind was abuzz the whole tread down the ever spiraling staircase. Contemplating the possible, and the impossible. The winding of the walkway was almost hypnotic.

He recalled things he had not known he had felt during those crucial, last minute live or die decisions. He had always chosen to kill instead of the alternative, if any. But why? He recalled a sort of, tugging feeling, every time he had snuffed out a spark. did this have anything to do with this strange place?

At long last, he reached a huge room, filled with wires, and many pods in which pulsing sparks still lay undisturbed, and unaltered by space or time.

Optimus then proceeded to take a knee. He knew were he was.

"Great Primus, Why have you brought me to this place?"

The entity Spoke, all around him, inside him.
"The negativity you feel for the loss of your allies, and your uncertainty of the decisions you made on The Battlefield have created a rift in your spark. A rift I must Purge, before it overwhelms you. Before it becomes you.

"What do you mean?" Optimus asked.

"It is always your choice, Optimus Prime, I will not force this upon you now, but in time it will be inescapable".
Optimus did not understand, surely, a few negative thoughts could not condone such a higher being to intervene, could it? Divine intervention hardly seemed appropriate for a prime who was just troubled by his thoughts.

Meanwhile, Sam and everyone else arrived at the main doors of the Autobot HQ in a grand convoy. Sam stepped out of Bumblebee, Sparkplug slid off Arcee, and Carly hopped out of Mirage.
"It's so strange!" Carly said as she watched Mirage transform. "I dont think I'll ever get used to riding around in a living thing" Mirage glanced down at her "No offense" She added.
The autobots then proceeded to their individual rooms.

With the twins arriving, seeing Sparkplug for the first time in years and with Sam no doubt, left Ratchet at a loss for words. He knew exactly what kind of situation he was in here. His training never did prepare him for psychological warfare. This was a battle he knew he wouldn't win.

"well, It certainly has been a while." Ratchet said, looking at sparkplug.

"All this time, and you knew?" Sam said
"It's not like I didn't want to tell you..." Ratchet said, uneasy.
Just then, a soldier walked in. Ratchet breathed a sigh of relief and focused all atention on the soldier.
"What is it?" He asked, hoping the soldier was there to question him, and get him out of this.

"Ratchet, Is Optimus around?" The solder asked.
"Still in Stasis, I'm afraid" Ratchet replied.
"We have an autobot and a human here to see him" The soldier said.
Ratchet was even more uneasy now. Who could it be? The energon sensors havn't been giving off any readings as of late.

"What the hell you talkn' bout meatbag? Skids chimed in. "Bots aint aloud past security without a check up from the docbot!"

"That is correct, soldier" Ratchet said. "Those are the rules from Optimus himself.

"Well, I-" The soldier started.

Just then, a tall white figure walked in and Skewered the soldier from the back.
"We thought we'd let ourselves in" Icepick said
"Icepick! Autobots! I need Backup!" Ratchet called out, rolling away from his equipment.

"Not a chance" Icepick proclaimed, readying his blade yet again.

It was in this moment that arcee rolled in, and huddled up against the thwins. They then proceeded to run up the hallway. She glanced over to Ratchet. He nodded. She then proceeded to go and warn the others.

A huge blue jet blew in from the window in the ceiling, and pinned Ratchet down on the ground with his right foot. It was more like a claw than a foot. It was designed for this.

"I Really didn't want to do this!" The new bot said. "I Really Really didn't want to!"

"Dirge!" Icepick called out, "Good landing! But keep an eye out, I know there are more of them around".

Just then, Sideswipe and Mirage drove in and transformed.

Mirage was then pinned down by another con, who had been waiting on the cieling, peering in through the hole Dirge had made.

"Uh Uh Little Autobot". His voice was garbled, like he was talking through a mouthpiece. He then proceeded to point his gun to Mirage's Face. "Now, you there!" He said, Pointing his other gun at sideswipe. "Load that Energon cache into the truck!"

"What truck?" Sideswipe Interjected, trying to bide his time.

The dark red con then looked around. "He's late! Grrrrrr!" Thrust was heating up. Everyone could tell too, because the vents on his legs and arms were letting out a tremendous amount of steam.

"Calm down Thrust," Icepick said, a tone of worry in his voice. "I'm sure he'll be here soon enough, just be patie-"

Just then, a huge green Dump Truck Blasted in through a side wall.

"Sorry I'm Late, I didn't think you guys could actually pull this off!" LongHaul Said. Everyone already knew LongHaul from all their encounters with him.

"Get Moving!" Thrust ordered.
Sideswipe didn't have a choice. He loaded the cache into the back of the truck, and Longhaul Roared out of the base, followed by the other Decepticons.

Oddly enough though, Icepick just stood there.

He then fell over, revealing that he had been shot in the back by a paralysis node.

Then in came Roadbuster, followed by topspin, and finally Leadfoot. "Oy! were late to the party!" Leadfoot said

Arcee then entered the room.

"look what I found Tampering with our Energon detectors!" She said, holding up a white suited human.

Bumblebee was sheilding Sam, Sparkplug, and Carly from the entire incident. He was eyeing a particularly menacing looking Decepticon who had been watching from the roof the whole time, and he knew that if he jumped in, he would also be pinned down. The last bot on the roof then transformed and flew away. Bumblebee got up, same as Ratchet.

Bumblebee knew these three from early on in the war. Thrust, the hotheaded powerhouse of the group. He was rather fond of cooking his opponents alive with fire. He was very temperamental, even Megatron didn't dare cross him on a bad day.

The second was Dirge. He was fairly gifted from a technological standpoint. However, that was all in the lab. On the battlefield he was shaky, inaccurate, and he often panicked. It didn't take much for him to lose it and fire every weapon he had at his disposal and fly away, leaking lubricant the whole way. He was dangerous if he was cornered though.

The third one, the one on the roof, that was their leader, Ramjet. He was legendary. Stories told of him breaking through an entire autobot army with just his jet mode's front end. In fact, all his feats were performed by ramming some part of him into something else. That's all that was really know of him though. Why he didn't come to Icepick's aid was beyond Bumblebee's understanding though. He just sat there and watched. Was he calculating the next best possible move? Was he just ordered to stay back? Who knows. All Bumblebee knew was that he didn't look like the nicest guy. He also noted that his head was massive, and rounded. Likely heavily armored.

Ratchet Grabbed hold of the tiny human and carried him off to the back of the base, were the other humans would interrogate him.

Sideswipe proceeded to help up mirage, while the wreckers hauled off Icepick to the Stasis Chamber, were he would be held Prisoner.

Sam and company were silent after all this. They were in the Sick Bay were the autobots involved were being repaired by Ratchet.

"Alright, enough! How the hell did this happen!" Sparkplug barked at no one in particular.

Sideswipe Answered as best he could. "I don't know but, A better question would be, how did that human get in here? Someone had to have let him in! We may have a Spy among our ranks! one loyal to the decepticons."

"That, Or he was a soldier who worked here" Mirage said. "It's not a far off stretch you know..."

"Stay still, the both of you!" Ratchet Barked, pushing them down.

Leadfoot came in, holding the Twins by the parts on their backs.
"And were were ye? Watching from a distance?" Leadfoot addressed them both.

"They were with me! Leave them alone!" Arcee came rolling in.
"As a matter of fact, I could have swore I told the three of you to protect Optimus Prime in case the cons got any deeper into the base, and they could have if that was what they wanted.

"My apologies, las! Don't bust me up! hyeh heh hegh heh." He then proceeded to drop the twins, and lumbered off, mumbling something along the lines of how useless they were.

"Yeah, well you can shove it wit yo clanky ass!" Mudflap yelled back at him.

"Look, let's all just quiet down, and try to get a grip here!" Sam raised his voice.
"It's not all bad" Carly said, "You didn't loose any autobots, and that man in there will be fine, so the doctors have said."
She looked at Mirage, then over into the next room. Supposedly, Icepick missed all his vital organs, so the soldier he stabbed would recover eventually.

"The body count isn't what's bothering me" Sparkplug said, sounding agitated, "so much as the lack there of."
"Aye, and what's that supposed to mean?" Mirage asked
"Why did the decepticons let us live?"

Meanwhile, back to Optimus Prime, and his ever more confusing encounter with the godlike entity known only as Primus.
"I Don't understand, How can you purge my spark, if this is all in my mind?" Optimus asked.
"How did the Primes bring fourth the matrix in your hour of need?" Primus responded. "This place is very real, Optimus, My son, And you have the choice, as always you will, to have this, negativity, removed, but keep in mind, it all has to go somewere."
"Were would it go?"
"Into a seperate entity"
"Wouldn't that entity be evil?"
"That is why it's your choice, you become the entity, or you split with the entity, and you destroy it physically, or, you can leave it within yourself, and slowly become what you would have ultimately destroyed."
There was a long pause. Optimus could become this evil, or thwart it. Would the evil be two strong to thwart? Would he be to strong to stop if he became such a thing?
"My decision is made" Optimus finaly said, after a period of what seemed like millions of years.
Seperate us"
"Very well"

It took some doing, but the decepticons finaly made it back to the Decepticon base in the arctic. Getting Long Haul there was no easy task either, they had to "Borrow" A human cargo ship. They placed the Energon reactors all around the warship and turned them on, full capacity.
"I don't think this is very wise!" Long Haul said
"Be silent! He is awakening!" Ramjet yelled.
The Massive warship then transformed and grabbed Long Haul's Puny body.
"Call me Un-reliable? I Was the first, and at often times the only one who ever TRULY Served our master! Puny ground vehicle! You must be destroyed!" He then proceeded to grab both of long haul's arms with his, and then kicked his head in, detatching his middle body from the rest of him, and finaly, crushing his head.
"You three there! You are superior air decepticons, Like I! We shall bring fire down on the Autobots! Take me to them!"
Dirge, Thrust, and Ramjet all transformed and flew out of the hanger, dwarfed in size by the massive flying fortress behind them.

Optimus awoke from his Stasis, an impossible feat for most, and he jumped up, transformed, and rolled out of the sergical room and into the main room, were all the fighting had taken place days before. The destruction still lingered, and the roof was still shattered.

"What happened here! Ratchet!" Optimus yelled, then Altered his form back to Robot
"Optimus? How?....Ratchet Began.
Optimus grabbed hold of ratchet.
"I ask, you answer." A Tinge of red seeped from optimus' Optics.
"By the allspark! Who are you and where is optimus!"
"Ahhaa! You catch on quick. I am optimus, or at least, part of him! Ahahahahaaaa!"
"Stop!" It was the Real optimus who came running in this time. "I will allow this to go no further!"
"HAH!" The fake Optimus Laughed and threw ratchet across the room. "And what will you do about it?"
Optimus un hinged both his bladed Knuckle Dusters and activated his face mask.
"I like the way you think!"
The false prime did so as well.
Just then, Three jets flew in and Transformed.
"Friends of yours?" The false prime asked.
Optimus glared at the three cone headed jets who had just entered.
"No? Then they must be mine!"
"Who are you?" Ramjet asked.
"I, honestly don't know"
Optimus slowly reached into his left cab piece to activate his emergency becon. Doing so would bring all the autobots to his location.
"I suppose, you can call me his new nemesis" The false Prime Stated. "Hah! Nemesis Prime it is!"
Just then, the roar of four massive jet engines filled the air, and a massive war plane darkened the sky.
He transformed and fell into the autobot base, widening the ceiling to a point were there might as well not be one. His head came up to reveal one Massive red eye, and then he pointed at optimus, who had alerted the autobots with his becon, and yelled one single sentence.
"For the glory, of MEGATRON!"
And all Three jets rushed prime, while the other Autobots came rolling out to join the fray.
"Today, Optimus Prime, you shall fall!" Lugnut Screeched

Nemesis Prime then made a run under Lugnut's legs, transformed, and Drove in a random direction. All hell was breaking loose, and Optimus was less than half the size of this monsterous Decepticon. The Negativity was not inside his spark anymore, but he had to find a way to stop these decepticons, before Innocent lives pay the price!
Last edited by BeastProwl on Sat Sep 29, 2012 8:38 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Transformers: Peaceful Chaos Chapter three

Postby BeastProwl » Fri Sep 02, 2011 6:08 pm

Motto: "Gravity Hurts"
Weapon: Razor Tipped Wing Swords
I Imagine, when writing Nemesis Prime, Him Talking and sounding alot like Animated Swindle, Also note, He's (At least right now) The same color as Optimus Prime

Lugnut was planned from the very beginning.

I appreciate comments to know If people are actually reading these.

It takes me roughly 30-40 minutes to write these, but about an hour of editing to get things right, and re-reading them, I always find mistakes. Before Editing this one, along with fixing several errors, Mirage was called Dino once as well.

I pull these out of my hat most the time, but the plot has been boiling in my head for a while now.

I Decided to include the HA Basics Characters from early on as well, and am maybe considering Adding Whirl and Dragstrip to all this, along with other stunticons, and a rift between Nemesis Prime, and Motormaster

I like reading the notes of some authors, like Catherine Lasky, so I thought Id'e add my own.

Am Currently open to suggestions, and I want the series to become popular, or popular enough, at least to increase traffic around here.

Feedback is always welcome.


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Re: Transformers: Peaceful Chaos Chapter three

Postby ArmadaPrime » Mon Sep 05, 2011 3:33 am

Weapon: Requiem Blaster
I have to say i love this story.
I am guessing that the warship is tidal wave?
I hope so, because he is one of my faves in general.
It's annoying though, because a lot of my faviorute characters in general have been killed off throughout the movie, so can't easily appar in this (shockwave, soundwave, etc)
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Re: Transformers: Peaceful Chaos Chapter three

Postby BeastProwl » Mon Sep 05, 2011 1:40 pm

Motto: "Gravity Hurts"
Weapon: Razor Tipped Wing Swords
ArmadaPrime wrote:wow!
I have to say i love this story.
I am guessing that the warship is tidal wave?
I hope so, because he is one of my faves in general.
It's annoying though, because a lot of my faviorute characters in general have been killed off throughout the movie, so can't easily appar in this (shockwave, soundwave, etc)

It's an Air Ship. Did you read the whole thing? He comes in at the end...

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Re: Transformers: Peaceful Chaos Chapter three

Postby ArmadaPrime » Sun Sep 18, 2011 2:28 am

Weapon: Requiem Blaster
BeastProwl wrote:
ArmadaPrime wrote:wow!
I have to say i love this story.
I am guessing that the warship is tidal wave?
I hope so, because he is one of my faves in general.
It's annoying though, because a lot of my faviorute characters in general have been killed off throughout the movie, so can't easily appar in this (shockwave, soundwave, etc)

It's an Air Ship. Did you read the whole thing? He comes in at the end...

I did, but i completely didn't realise it was the same person.
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Re: Transformers: Peaceful Chaos Chapter three

Postby BeastProwl » Sun Sep 18, 2011 9:52 am

Motto: "Gravity Hurts"
Weapon: Razor Tipped Wing Swords
ArmadaPrime wrote:
BeastProwl wrote:
ArmadaPrime wrote:wow!
I have to say i love this story.
I am guessing that the warship is tidal wave?
I hope so, because he is one of my faves in general.
It's annoying though, because a lot of my faviorute characters in general have been killed off throughout the movie, so can't easily appar in this (shockwave, soundwave, etc)

It's an Air Ship. Did you read the whole thing? He comes in at the end...

I did, but i completely didn't realise it was the same person.

Throwing Tidal Wave into this would be O-O-O-O-O-O-O-OVERKILL!!!!!!!!! :P

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Re: Transformers: Peaceful Chaos Chapter three

Postby ArmadaPrime » Sun Sep 18, 2011 10:11 am

Weapon: Requiem Blaster
BeastProwl wrote:
ArmadaPrime wrote:
BeastProwl wrote:
ArmadaPrime wrote:wow!
I have to say i love this story.
I am guessing that the warship is tidal wave?
I hope so, because he is one of my faves in general.
It's annoying though, because a lot of my faviorute characters in general have been killed off throughout the movie, so can't easily appar in this (shockwave, soundwave, etc)

It's an Air Ship. Did you read the whole thing? He comes in at the end...

I did, but i completely didn't realise it was the same person.

Throwing Tidal Wave into this would be O-O-O-O-O-O-O-OVERKILL!!!!!!!!! :P

But awesome
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