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The Tagan Heights

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Re: The Tagan Heights

Postby FuzzymusPrime » Sat May 03, 2008 6:31 am

Refinery Complex 3 - Warehouses

Slag continued running towards where he last saw Carnage, trusting his speed and ferocity to prevent the Sweep from dodging beyond his grasp. He felt something pop into the front of the crate, then the top lid popped off as series of hot glowing rocks starting spewing out of the crate like fireworks. Solid Energon Residue, deposited in the refining pipes and needing to be remove with jackhammers every solar cycle or so. Just enough volatile chemical traces to make them crack violently and heat up till they glowed. Not that Slag knew any of this, he just noticed there was fire and sparks coming out of the crate. That made it harder to hit him, right? He didn't really consider that a warehouse like this was the last place you wanted sparks.
He continued charging. At this rate, the two fighters were going back out of the warehouse soon.

On final approach to Refinery Complex 3

Scrapper looked out at the battlefield arrayed to his right. The laser fire seemed to have died down, as the Sweep Drones backed away to let the sentient Decepticons do their work. This could be a critical juncture in the fight, and his team could be on the frontlines sooner than he was confortable. Already he saw smoke coming from one warehouse on the outskirts: He hoped desperately that there wasn't any high-grade fuel stored there.
"Keep your optics wide, people, this is a warzone and we could come under fire. No heroics, we're here to do a job."

At the Dauntless

Scourge savoured the feel of his claws as they dug deep into Snarl's back. He attempted to get a grip so as to tear off his opponents backplate, but the sturdy Dynobot managed to lift him up and swing his sword around. Scourge let go and flew back, as the Energon sword caught him on the flank. Barely a scratch, but it burned with energon, and even the Sweep leader could feel that heat. He'd need to be smarter, the Dynobots seemed to be as tough as their reputation said.
"The feeble weapons of the Autobots are as nothing to the New Breed of Decepticons!!" Scourge fired a salvo of mini-missiles* at Snarl's sword arm, hoping to disarm him and show Scourge's superior fighting skill. He landed on the hull of the Dauntless, intending to leap back at Snarl, but suddenly a burst of shrapnel erupted around his position. Scourge had no way of knowing Onslaught was the source of this friendly fire, just as the Combaticon leader had no way to know Scourge would be here in the midst of the Autobots. The concussion threw him over Snarl's head, landing unceremoniously on his face, shrapnel decorating his wings. Scourge was not pleased.

"Oh right, I'm playing spotter." Swindle transformed and turned some macronoculars at the battle, only to see Scourge do some impromptu gymnastics. "Uh-oh."
>>Er, Onslaught Sir, it seems certain elements of our forces have taken it upon themselves to play catch with your shells, by getting up close to the 'Bots. I see Sweeps, A silver Seeker femme, that nut Triggerhappy, all trying to get a bit of the action.<< Swindle swung his view around to the outer positions, where Grimlock and Kup had taken cover. >>Sending coordinates for some of their big guys. Actually, given how Bugly's been sqwauking over the radio, I'd say bombarding the approach to the refinery would be a good option. If only to keep him quiet.<<

Nearby again

Banzai-Tron broke left as Smokescreen opened fire, turning his charge into a circling movement. He spotted me. Excellent, he is competent. Bringing up his photon neutraliser, he fired a burst back.
Banzai-Tron briefly considered his weapon. It was adequate, for someone who was able to kill easily with his bare manipulators, but it wasn't particularly impressive, the thin black bolts barely visible, and the cracks they left in opponents armor only really noticable to his enhanced eyes. Good for subtle work, but in open warfare like this, Banzai-Tron felt he should have the option to make some noise, burn up the battlefield like the bigger mechs. Just having the option would be nice...
A round went into Banzai-Tron's shoulder, breaking him out of his reverie. His new composite armor insulated him from the numbing electro-distruption, but it meant he couldn't afford to be lazy anymore. I never get time for my own thoughts..., he mused as he dove for cover behind a forklift drone.

OOC: It says Scourge has explosive weapons in his RPG profile, I'm assuming that includes missiles.
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Re: The Tagan Heights

Postby Devastron » Sat May 03, 2008 3:41 pm

Weapon: Energo-Sword
Crash Site

Grimlock considered Kup’s idea as he fired off a rocket from his gun, sending down another Sweep drone in flames. The improvised cover wasn’t going to hold for long and they probably would be hesitant to unleash their full fury on the refinery. At the very least they could always lure some of them in there and blow it up to help cover an escape.

Apparently the Decepticons were having a similar idea as they began shifting fire to the path between the crashed shuttle and the refinery. That would make things a big more difficult, but it wasn't accurate or powerful fire for the most part, just a blind wall of it. Fortunately he still had some surprises in store for them.

“Lightning Strike Coalition! Get in refinery! Me provide you with cover!” The Dinobot commander flung his improvised shield at another drone, winging it and sending it flyly wildly out of control. He opened fire in the air all around him as he drew his sword and slowly jogged after the other Autobots. Hopefully the Decepticons would all zero in on him since he would be the biggest target.

One of the sweeps, unknowingly to Grimlock it was Scourge, landed nearby. He gave the sweep a swift kick before continuing to move on. He had no time to waste fighting any of them one on one at the moment. Artillery began exploding around him and in the air, further adding to the confusion. Once he was sure that all of his teammates were far enough away from the ship he sent a coded message to it and smashed his way into the refinery.

Its engines were destroyed and its weapons crushed, but the vessel’s main power core was still active. Grimlock wasn’t one to neglect using a potential weapon or allowing anything of value to fall into enemy hands. After receiving his signal, the fallen vessel promptly overloaded its core and detonated in an impressive fireball, but isolated enough to not set off the refineries.

OOC: Moving things along a little bit there for the bots, players can feel free to fill in the blank of their dash from the vessel to the refinery. Decepticon players, be careful what you post. Tearing through a ship from one side to the other with just bare hands, even clawed ones, is a pretty major task. Also, transforming, landing, shooting at someone and then transforming and taking off before they can reply is a bit shaky as well. At the very least that wouldn't result in a very accurate attack.
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Re: The Tagan Heights

Postby *Silverblade » Sat May 03, 2008 5:58 pm

Dauntless Crash Site

The argent femme never even made it within striking distance of Sludge, instead she was attacked by another dinobot. Halting Silver realized the angered Autobot had fired a set of air to air missiles. Not only that but he had transformed into an almost seeker like shaped alt mode and was heading straight towards her. The silver altered seeker shot upward trying to avoid the firepower meant for her, though she was fast she hadn’t considered the power behind her attacker’s missiles.

Silverstrike twisted to avoid the explosions caused by Swoop’s missiles. The concussions from their detonation pushing her back and causing her to loose altitude. Sword still in hand the dulest positioned her body to face her opponent, only to find herself shielding her ice hued optics from the blast of the exploding Dauntless. The Refinery and its surrounding area were bathed in a fiery light as the ship pieces burned the glow of the flames mirrored in her armor.

She could not take notice of her comrades nor the actions of the other autobots her focus was now on this flying dinobot and the contest of war he had now engaged her in.

“I’m sorry sweetness but I stopped indulging in explosives a long time back, too much residue, not good for my reflective appearance.”

In truth Silver hadn’t had her own long-range weaponry since she graduated from flight school. Which was why she was taking him on with her sword, she was short on options. But …… she wasn’t a blade mistress for nothing, she could dance, and dance she would.
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Re: The Tagan Heights

Postby Darth Vegeta » Sun May 04, 2008 1:08 am

Refinery Complex 3: Warehouses

Bludgeon obeyed Bugly and changed course. Accelerating at highspeed, the green and purple Tank blast it's way through a wall and drove on.
Arriving on the side of Slag, Bludgeon noticed Carnage who was retreating. Turning his turret, he unleashed a powerful blast upon Slag, deciding to weaken the Dinobot if possible. The lady seemed to need a breather so he would give her one. He was already itching to transform and deal with the problem manually though... .
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Re: The Tagan Heights

Postby Tasbirk » Sun May 04, 2008 1:33 pm

Skies above Refinery Complex Three- Thunderwing

The City Commander of the Tagan Heights had not been idle. There was good reason for his radio silence- The Autobots had crashed within striking distance of of one of the refineries. This facility was connected to the primary pipelines. There was more than enough unrefined energon entering Complex Three to wipe the Heights off the map if it detonated. And that said nothing of the destructive potential of the product exiting the facility.

The Valckastan had devoted the entirety of his attention to rerouting or shutting off as much of the pipelines as he could. While he had been partially successful, there was only so much one could do by remote. Furthermore, a true shutdown would have taken mega-cycles to accomplish safely. Many of the outgoing pumps had to be manually disengaged, and if he closed off any more of the intakes he would have risked creating a massive pressure buildup in the pipelines, worsening the danger tenfold.

Having done everything possible to ensure the safety of the Empire's energon, Thunderwing transformed, streaking through the sky towards the combat zone. The Warlord at last broke radio silence, opening a general channel.

>>"All Decepticons. This is Thunderwing. I am en route to take command of the situation. Protection of the energon is priority one. Any Deception who endangers the reserves shall be fed to Clench's Commandos. In pieces."<<

As the refinery began to come into view, the Lord of Tyrest opened a private channel to Bugly. >>"Situation Report,"<< he transmitted as he banked sharply, coming in for a landing.

Refinery Complex Three- Mindwipe

((OOC: Using underline to indicate hypnotic commands))

The Necromancer looked over the growing battle with increasing scrutiny. This was getting out of hand. But then, great victories required great risks, did they not? And if today saw the end of the Lighting Strike Coalition, what was that but a victory of the highest order?

Mindwipe had moved swiftly and discreetly towards the refinery. Not a difficult thing to manage, considering the surrounding chaos. As he flew, the shrikebat spared a thought for Silverstrike. He had lost sight of her back near the border, unable to match her sheer velocity. However, as he neared the refinery, the apostate caught sight of his protegee' engaging not one, but TWO Dinobots. And holding her own quite nicely.

Still. Two on one was hardly fair, he thought with a smile. It would take at least three to match his Shining One. He continued one, searching for his intended prey. He found something even better. Falling out the sky, he landed on Slag's neck frill. Inverting himself, the sinister hypnotist made optical contact.

"Good friend," he drawled as he brought his mental powers to bear. He lifted off, flitting around his massive victim as he attempted to enforce his will upon the bucking Dinobot. "My my! You certainly are an angry one...aren't you? Why don't we...put some of that anger where it belongs? Yes!" Peering around quickly, the mentalist spied the rusty blue form of his intended prey.

"Look, my friend! Look! It is that obsolete wreck...Kup. He thinks he knows it all. Why don't you...teach him a lesson, my big, strong friend. Why don't you Destroy Kup. Yes."
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Re: The Tagan Heights

Postby Longshot » Sun May 04, 2008 4:42 pm

Motto: "Feed them to the Sharkticons!"
Decepticon Outpost Tau - The Yard

It had certainly taken him long enough, but at last Swindle appeared to belatedly recall why he had been dispatched to the forward zone of engagement. The distractible munitions expert's initial report, however, left a great deal to be desired. Seconds after the information had been relayed to him, the Combaticons' usual team frequency was filled with a string of blistering invective. To say that Onslaught was displeased with the general lack of coordination being shown by the defending forces would have been a profound understatement. He was sorely tempted to continue his barrage and let Primus sort the sparks of the Autobots from those of his fellow soldiers of the Empire with more enthusiasm than sense.

That, however, would have constituted a gross misuse of Megatron's resources. Wartime matériel could not simply be expended without a second thought, even if it were hopelessly defective. A measure of prudence was required to ensure the Decepticons offensive survived this lean age.

Before the Combaticon Commander could modify his orders, however, he finally received coherent instructions from the province's command staff. Onslaught's confidence in the possibility of successfully prosecuting a counterattack against Grimlock's rabble was bolstered by the Valckastan warlord's appearance on the front line. >>By your command, Thunderwing,<< he acknowledged crisply before returning to the matter of directing his own troops.

>>Maintain current postion, Swindle. Brawl, commence mobile suppressive fire and follow my lead. Vortex, desist current operations and rendezvous with us at Swindle's location. Blast-Off, monitor Refinery Three and broadcast general alert immediately should our quarry attempt to escape via surface exit. Cripple or destroy targets of opportunity as circumstances permit.<< Onslaught paused briefly, then added, >>None of you is to take any action that would jeopardize the Heights' energon reserves. Understood? Then proceed as ordered.<<

Massive wheels grinding upon the uneven ground, the Combaticon rolled out of the Yard, quickly accelerating to his top speed as he approached the battlefront, Brawl trundling along behind him more slowly. As he advanced, Onslaught fired another pair of shells near where his internal targeting computers estimated the LSC leader was mostly likely to be located given his last known course and speed.
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Re: The Tagan Heights

Postby Rebel Raven » Sun May 04, 2008 6:12 pm

Tagan Heights- Skies of Tagan Heights

Discord sends orders to the Drones. A good many transform forming a phalanx of sorts using their heat lasers to blast and cut at the Autobots while other Sweeps remain in their alt modes using their Disintegrator cannons against the Autobots at low altitude. There's no simply running past them now. They'll have to be slowed down by melee after they run the gauntlet of weapons fire.
The Autobots would all be hard pressed to battle their way through the relentless torrent fire without substantial damage, and Grimlock is surprisingly ignored, short of evasive maneuvers against him.

>>Rage, dear, do destroy the straggling Autobot.<< A simple, brief transmission is sent, then she resumes orchestrating the Sweep drones under her command, moving to position herself to flank the charging Autobots, and fire upon them with some.
Hopefully Rage will at least distract Grimlock along with Scourge.

She's not an idiot. What's more important? Save a refinery, and disable a half dozen Autobots or take down one Autobot?


As if the Drones weren't enough, Shrike returns to the battlefield, and her assault mode blasts a sustained 8 second beam that slashes at the main team of Autobots from their rear, trapping them between the fire of the Sweeps and her own deadly beam in an attempt to slow them down ,and perhaps cause damage and destruction among their ranks.


An obvious ploy. Grimlock offers cover, and the Autobots inject themselves into a valuable landmark. Bugly does so hate being underestimated. Certainly the rest of the Decepticons can see this?

A general broadcast is sent to All Decepticons. He sends a data feed to the Decepticons as well giving a real time map to them to better coordinate.
>>To all Decepticon warriors, The Autobots are charging Refinery Complex Three! They must be stopped at all costs!<< He rallies them as best he can.

>>This is our best chance to destroy them as once the Autobots reach the refinery, the whole complex may well become useless! Do you understand this? We cannot afford to let the Autobots reach the Refinery!! Even if the Autobots retreat from the Refinery, no doubt they would rig it to explode as they had their own ship! Victory cannot be half afted here! Fail to stop the Autobots at your own peril!<<He warns them of the grave situation.

>>And do not bother firing on Grimlock unless ordered otherwise! He's a diversion! He is only to be fully assaulted should we fail to prevent the Autobots from entering the Refinery complex! That will draw out the other Autobots to try and rescue him!<< He states it as if it were all obvious. His brilliant strategic mind works wonders, does it not?

He puts out his final orders before Thunderwing takes control.

In the back of his mind he debates blowing up the Complex with the Autobots inside much as the Autobots blew up their own downed ship.
Yes, the refinery is important, but the Autobot taint may soon be on it, and if you give the Autobots an inch and they'll take a mile. They'll spread like a virus, and the termination of the Autobots is the only cure! No doubt they'll set the Refinery to explode much as they did their own ship, then they'll assault another refinery, and another! Intolerable!!

Yes.. The refinery might be destroyed, but so would some of the most powerful Autobots should the Refinery explode on the Decpticon's terms. The choice is a difficult one, but it would be a surprise if the refinery detonated on those slagging Autobots, and killed them all, hm?
It's not beyond him at all, punishment be slagged, he'll have deactivated many Autobots in that maneuver.

He receives Thunderwing's transmission, and doesn't seem pleased, if one could tell from his unexpressive shell. Blowing up the refinery to kill the Autobots inside was one of his emergency plans. Especially since he's expecting the Autobots to rig it to explode anyhow.

He replies to Thunderwing on a likewise secure channel. >>Lord Thunderwing, I shall be blunt. The Autobots are charging for the refinery, and I do not believe we can stop them with our forces that are fielded at present. Clench's team has not fully arrived, the Combaticon's bombardments will likely prove inadequate in halting the Autobot advance, and the Autobots do not fear the Sweeps bombardments at all as they are charging their lines as we speak.<< He doesn't hold back on the bad news at all. He obviously doesn't feel this is his fault even in the slightest from the sound of his voice. To him it's like coordinating Mech-ants to stop a rust sea tsunami it seems, what with the Drones so woefully inadequate in damaging the heartiest of the Autobots, and none of the heavy hitters doing much to get in the way.
He resumes on the same secure channel.
>>I fear, as I've said, that the Autobots will ensure this refinery is destroyed, or disabled one way or the other even if we drive them off. They have shown to be a surprisingly vindictive lot in the past, and should not be underestimated.<< He motions lightly to the destroyed Autobot shuttle to help illustrate his point.>>We should be willing to carefully destroy the Refinery to ensure that the Autobots do not have the chance to rig it to explode, or otherwise sabotage it. If we detonate the refinery on our terms, likely with the Constructicon's aid, we can kill the Autobots inside and leave something of the complex to be salvaged.<< Bugly makes it sound like there really is no good news. Frankly he's hard pressed to pull a silver lining out of this. The Autobots are in a Do or Die mode with their best cover abandoned, and the refinery their only option, and only a small fraction of the sentient Decepticons actually fielded to stop the Autobot Advance.


The explosions begin ripping through the ship, and Rage escapes it in her sleek alt mode like a bullet of hellfire, not stupid enough to stay in a sinking ship.

Rage beelines for Grimlock then transforms mid-flight on her path towards him seeking to sink her superheated talons into his back in an effort to hinder his ability to cover the other Autobots, and maybe also hinder his ability to function.
The explosions of the Dauntless and the general chaos of the battlefield cover up the noise of her approach offering her a rare shot at a surprise attack.

She, and hopefully Scourge will serve as a strong diversion for Grimlock's diversionary tactics, though Rage knows not why she assaults short of being pointed at a target.
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Re: The Tagan Heights

Postby FuzzymusPrime » Sun May 04, 2008 7:24 pm

OOC: Apologies to anyone with a less frequent posting schedule if it seems I'm posting too often. I have a lot of characters in this location, not by intention but because of the way the plot has gone, and thus I have to keep track of a lot of people's posts. I assure you I'm not trying to swamp the thread, just trying to keep it going by responding promptly to events my characters are involved in.

Near the former site of the Shuttle Dauntless

Scourge had been taken by surprise by the artillery burst, but not truly wounded by the anti-personnel rounds. The kick from Grimlock had certainly smarted, as it sent him most of the way back to the shuttle, but it hadn't been really meant to wound so he'd just needed an astrosecond or 2 to shake out his circuits and pick himself up. Unfortunately, that was just long enough for the shuttle to explode behind him, and send him flying 50 mechanometers down the road, crashing off the corner of a warehouse and bouncing onto the avenue halfway to the refinery.
As his systems rebooted and the pain in his joints worked itself through his circuits, Scourge watched the Autobots charge past him towards the refinery, weapons fire stitching the ground aroudn them. It had become crushingly apparent what a misjudgement he'd made. He'd been too focused on ending the encounter quickly on his own terms, that he hadn't considered the Autobot's own skills and their plans to trump the Sweep's assault. And now he, and possibly all the Decepticons, were going to have to pay for his mistakes.
Still smoking, badly scarred from the fires of the shuttle detonation, Scourge managed to rise to one knee. It took some prying of his melted armor, but he managed to flip up his comms panel.
>>Scourge to Lord Thunderwing....I would like to personally...apologise for the failure...of the Sweeps to contain the Autobots. I will accept all...relevant punishment personally, once the battle is done. Until then be assured...I and all the Sweeps will protect our energon and our territory...with the last pulse of our sparks...<<
>>All Sweeps, me.<< It occurred to Scourge that he hadn't truly been aware of what his soldiers had been doing for some time. Another grave oversight on his part. He almost felt like punishing himself over all this, but he was in enough pain already. He saw Rage charge at the straggling LSC leader, but didn't feel like ordering her further: She wasn't the kind to listen unless he put some effort into it, effort he didn't really feel like spening right now.

Refinery Complex 3 - Warehouses

Shockingly enough, Slag had horribly misjudged where Carnage was, and charged straight past the Sweep, widening the hole she had made in the wall as he kept going. He brought himself to a stop just in time to be caught in the flanks by Bludgeon. The electric blast knocked the Dynobot off his feet: A much more effective weapon than heat lasers. Still, Slag had enough bloody-mindedness to keep his systems focused.
"RrragggHH!! You 'Con think sneaking up on Me Slag gonna help ya?!?" Slag threw the still-burning crate at the Electric Warrior, and was picking himself up when a unusual face filled his vision.
Slag's compact brain took to Mindwipe's mental command rather more effectively than the Hypnotist had probably been expected. He certainly didn't have the mental strength to resist, so he took the command and began to execute it. Because he was doing it, he quickly began to regard it as a good idea. And because it was a good idea, obviously he had come up with it. And since his default response to talking Decepticons was to ignore and kill them, he had forgotten who had given him the command an astrosecond after he'd accepted it.
"Out of Slag's way, funny-face!!! Me Slag has more important things to do than crush you. Like killing that self-centred rustbucket Kup!!" Transforming to beast mode, Slag began to lope off towards where he'd last seen the old warrior, now oblivious to the warriors who'd tried to kill him mere seconds earlier, and the rain of lasers that faced him.

Near the Avenue
Yeah, I thought he'd take it that way. Swindle marvelled at his commander's command of the more vulgar elements of the Cybertronian language. Even using that kind of empty-slang, he still sounded every bit the officer. It was a rare skill.
"Will do Sir. Enemy are almost all into refinery, I count approximately a dozen mechs. Can't see more clearly than that, lot of smoke and heat from their vehicle." Darn shame it blew up, shuttles of that model are pretty rare these days. Eh, maybe some of the hull plating is salvagable.

Refinery Complex 3 - Main Pumps

"Yee HAAA!! Let's rip things up!!"
"Bonecrusher! NO!!"
Angling his dozer blade and firing his afterburners just before landing, Boncrusher impacted the ground and drove a deep furrow along the yard before the primary pumping facility. Metal screeched as it was thrown up into a new wall, facing the direction of the now-furious battle.
"YOU IDIOT!! If you'd hit a pipline..."
"But I didn't! And now ya've got the fortifications ya wanted. So it's all good!"
Scrapper was tempted to labor this point a great deal, but it didn't look like he had time. He looked around to access the situation. A lot of the machinery seemed to have been shut down automatically, but they had to be sure. Even a moderate amount of refined energon was a grave risk in these circumstances.
"...Ok then, keep expanding the wall, cut off access to the main pumps while you're at it. Mixmaster, help him, and make sure he doesn't tear up anything that looks even remotely important. Scavenger, Long Haul, sniff the pipelines for any remaining energon and either drain it off or redirect it to somewhere else. Be prepared to dump it down the emergency sluices if you have to, we can pump it back up later. Hook, come with me, we need to disengage the last of the pumps."
Scrapper spared a glance over his shoulder. It looked like the battle had definitely moved into the Warehouses on the outskirts of the Refinery complex. If the Autobots got much closer, the Constructicons wouldn't be able to do anything with the facility: They'd be it's last remaining line of defense.
>> Lord Thunderwing, Defenses are being prepared inside the facility. If you can spare soldiers to occupy them, that would be appreciated.<<
"Stay within sight of each other. Let's move team."
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Re: The Tagan Heights

Postby Smokescreen85 » Sun May 04, 2008 9:21 pm

Motto: ""A look can be deceiving; a touch can be lethal.""
Weapon: Twin Shoulder-Mounted Rocket Launchers
Crash Site

A sense of relief overcame Snarl the moment Scourge let go of his back. The Dinobot immediately spun around to face his attacker, sword at the ready. Several small missiles shot by him, one grazing his left arm. Snarl looked up to see the Sweep leader perched on top of the Dauntless. “Come down! Fight me, Snarl, like a real ‘bot!” Then an explosion erupted around Scourge from an unknown source, sending the Sweep flying over Snarl’s head and onto the ground face first. “Ha! Ha! Stupid ‘con! Now you know how me felt!” Snarl was about to move in for the kill when Grimlock ordered everyone to the Refinery. “You lucky, ‘con. We finish this another time,” Snarl growled as he ran past the fallen Scourge. He quickly scooped up his laser pistol from the ground and headed for Refinery Complex 3.

Nearby, Smokescreen fired off a few more shots in the direction of Banzai-Tron in an attempt to keep him pinned down behind that forklift drone. Then, heeding Grimlock’s orders, the diversionary tactician transformed to alt mode and sped off at full speed towards the refinery, dodging drone weapons fire as he went. Along the way, he passed by Snarl, who was not as fast. But, then again, the Dinobot didn’t have wheels either. “Come on, big guy! Hurry up! Unless you want to end up as scrap!” Smokey called back as he pulled ahead.

Refinery Complex 3 – Warehouses

Moments later, Smokescreen entered the outskirts of the complex, followed closely by Snarl. Suddenly, the Dauntless exploded into a mighty fireball behind them. “Good thinking. We don’t want the Decepticons getting their hands on our ship or any of the files contained in the shuttle’s computer system,” Smokescreen said, transforming back to ‘bot mode. He and Snarl stood there for an astrosecond, watching as the Dauntless went up in flames. Their moment of rest was short lived as explosions erupted around them, knocking Smokescreen to the ground. “Frag it!”

“You okay?” Snarl asked as he reached a hand down to help his comrade up. “Here, me, Snarl help you, Smokey.”

“I’m fine. Thanks, big guy,” Smokescreen replied, grabbing Snarl’s hand. Once on his feet, the two quickly headed for a nearby warehouse to take cover.
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Re: The Tagan Heights

Postby The J Writer » Sun May 04, 2008 11:19 pm

Refinery Complex 3 - Warehouses

The move from the Dauntless to the Refinery Complex had been a somewhat difficult one for Kup. None too fast in his vehicle mode due to his old age, the veteran had decided to move in robot mode instead. While this had given him the advantage of easily wielding his acid laser during the move, it had allowed the Sweep Drones to close easily on him. But nevertheless, he had made it to the rally point with the other Autobots, suffering just a minor heat laser wound here and there for the effort and leaving a couple of broken Drones in his wake. One comment echoed through his head as he ran and fought, though: These odds stink!

"Smokescreen, throw a little concealment out there for us if you can," he told the diversionary tactician. He began to draw a bead on Bludgeon with his acid laser, but before he fired he noticed something quite unusual: Slag coming toward him in dinosaur mode at a dead run. Now, Slag charging at someone was hardly an unusual occurrence. But generally speaking, that someone is usually a Decepticon! Kup lowered his weapon and turned slightly toward the Dinobot.

"What're ya doin', Slag? The bad guys are the other way!"

Something seemed very wrong to the old warrior.
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Re: The Tagan Heights

Postby Smokescreen85 » Mon May 05, 2008 1:09 pm

Motto: ""A look can be deceiving; a touch can be lethal.""
Weapon: Twin Shoulder-Mounted Rocket Launchers
Refinery Complex 3 – Warehouses

“So, how bad?” Snarl asked as Smokescreen inspected the Dinobot’s damaged back near the far corner of the warehouse.

“Well, you’ve certainly had worse,” the diversionary tactician responded. “That thing really had a good hold on you. You’re lucky he didn’t tear your entire back plate off.” Smokey continued examining the damaged areas. “Looks like your internal systems have already begun repairs, but it’s going to take some time, considering how deep those claws went. You should be fine, though. Just avoid getting shot in the back.”

“Me, Snarl, keep that in mind when busting ‘cons,” the Dinobot said as he walked away.

“Where you going?” Smokescreen asked, following behind him.

Snarl looked at his teammate, bewildered by the question. “Back to battle, of course. Me, Snarl not hide back here with you.” And with that, Snarl was in the heat of the fight again. He pointed his laser pistol into the air and fired several shots at oncoming drones. He quickly rejoined the other LSC members at the rally point.

“I wasn’t hiding,” Smokescreen said as he reloaded his weapon. “I was simply taking cover.” First Snarl falls into me and almost crushes me, and now he insults me. Why are Dinobots always so grumpy? The red and blue Autobot then took a deep breath and quickly darted out into the open. He fired on several drones as they buzzed by overhead. He didn’t run in a straight line, but instead, crisscrossed back and forth to make himself a harder target.

Finally arriving with the others, Smokey stopped near Kup. The old warrior was no worse for wear considering the fire he had been taking. Kup shouted over to Smokescreen about throwing up some concealment if possible. “You read my mind, Kup. I would’ve done it sooner, but Grimlock was behind me and I didn’t want him getting caught up in my smoke.”

The diversionary tactician positioned himself behind the other LSC members and transformed into car mode. He then pointed his aft section in the direction of the oncoming enemy, drone or otherwise. “Time to smoke some ‘cons!” He shouted as his smoke generators kicked on at full capacity. A cloud of magnetized smoke shot out and rose steadily into the air, creating a black shroud that would hopefully give the Autobots enough cover to help shield them from more attacks.
Last edited by Smokescreen85 on Thu May 08, 2008 12:52 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The Tagan Heights

Postby JaAm » Mon May 05, 2008 1:13 pm

Refinery Complex Three

Carnage smacked Mindwipe with the flat edge of her Cutlass. "Kill-stealer," she said. She blasted up, looking for new targets. Hmmm... Smokescreen and Kup were setting up cover. Her mouth formed a twisted, wretched, smile. Perfect. She transformed and dived at the two, lasers firing.

Orbit over Tagan

Blast-off looked down at Cybertron. A wretched planet filled with miscreants. Oh well, he thought, Back to work. He looked at radar, syncing his with the rest of the Combaticons. The display grew to show what the others were seeing and picking up. He then synced it with the Sweep drones, as to perfect his view. So now, his team was all on the same page, and he could start up. He loaded his rifle. Checking with his radar, he took aim at two red dots, (Smokescreeen and Kup,) and then puled the trigger for a total of 20 times, expending his entire round. He reloaded. It felt really good to be sniping again.
Last edited by JaAm on Tue May 20, 2008 2:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Tagan Heights

Postby Cryhavok » Mon May 05, 2008 3:43 pm

Motto: ""It is all about pain.""
Weapon: Fusion-Powered Anti-Gravity Gun
Crash Site

The situation didn't look favorable to Clench at all. Had this been pretty much any other industrial sector, he would have blown the damned refinery complex sky high and the Autobots with it. But here... even with the fuel pumps deactivated, the system would need far longer to be drained properly to allow any explosions anywhere near the pump station. In the other words, the fuel lines were as good as open. An explosion near the pumps could destroy a large section of Tagan Heights. And that would be the minimum damage scenario, for no one really knew how much damage could be made to the planet if fuel line failsafes wouldn't function properly.

"Weirdwolf, Skullcruncher. We need to get between that warehouse the Autobots are stationed in and the pump station Constructicons are working with." Clench spat out and summoned a holographic map of the refinery complex 3 as the two Decepticons approached him.

"If the Autobots break out of their current location and reach the pump station... we are even more screwed than we already are."

Indeed, artillery fire was now out of question. Breaking into the warehouse was dangerous but necessary, still... even that could not be achieved if the fuel pumps were left vulnerable. If Grimlock and his group would get there and overwhelm the Constructicons, the LSC would be keeping the whole citystate if not the planet as hostage. Eavesdropping on the private command channel between Thunderwing and Bugly clarified it even more.

>>"Commander Thunderwing, Bugly, forget about blowing up the refinery unless you can keep the Autobots pinned down long enough for the Constructicons to drain the fuel lines leading out of their current location. We cannot afford the option or the slagging citystate flies sky high and us with it. We need to move troops between the Autobots and Constructicons even if it opens them an escape route out of Tagan Heights. I am joining the Constructicons at the fuel station with Weirdwolf and Skullcruncher as we speak."<<
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Re: The Tagan Heights

Postby FuzzymusPrime » Wed May 07, 2008 3:59 pm

Refinery Complex 3 - Warehouses

"It all your fault Kup!!!" Slag roared as he charged the veteran. "Ever since us LSC detour for you, we cursed!! Me Slag fix problem, like me always end up doing!"
As Slag charged on, lasers flashed past him, heading towards his target and the allies he was going save from Kup. Slag growled as Carnage flew towards the growing smoke-cloud. "Stupid Con!! This Autobot Business!!! Go AWAY!!" He attempted to sideswipe the Sweep before continuing his charge.

The Outskirts - Highway J9

Bravo might have been a flier, but in his current state, he hovered along the metal surface of the Tagan-Polyhex highway just like his teammates Sunstreaker, Sideswipe and Bluestreak. He wished he would stay in formation with the Technobots Scattershot and Strafe flying overhead, but he'd been knocked around Polyhex like a mechaball by the Seekers. Still, Determination kept him moving as much as his engines: He couldn't ignore Optimus Primes orders to mobilise. He'd find a way to help in this suprise battle, one way or another.
Buildings of various kinds flashed past, from warehouses to smelters to automated defenses. Luckily, these outermost defenses were either deactivated or still programmed to accept Autobots as friendlies: Proof the Hieghts weren't truly Decepticon yet.
"Didn't think we'd be back here so soon...You were at Tagan the last time, weren't you Scattershot? You think we'll be able to move the 'Cons this time?"

Near the former site of the Dauntless

Swindle sighed as even more smoke went up between him and the Autobots. His current position was now useless as a spotter position, but Onslaught had ordered him to stay put, and that order coincided with Swindle's primary objective of not getting shot, so he stayed were we was, wondering how long it would take for the shuttle wreckage to cool down, so he could hunt for surviving components.

Thrown back against the wall of a smeltering factory by the explosion of the Dauntless, the forklift drone lay embedded, until with 3 loud thuds, it fell apart as if someone had removed all the screws. Banzai-Tron fell into the pile of parts rather unceremoniously. " much for honorable combat..."
The master of Crystalocution lifted himself up. He was battered, but still ready for fighting. Noticing the battlefield filled with smoke and fire, he moved into the gloom, seeking his new Red and Blue friend...
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Re: The Tagan Heights

Postby Smokescreen85 » Wed May 07, 2008 6:37 pm

Motto: ""A look can be deceiving; a touch can be lethal.""
Weapon: Twin Shoulder-Mounted Rocket Launchers
Refinery Complex 3 – Warehouses

A barrage of laser fire from Carnage rained down around Smokescreen. A couple shots struck his roof and hood, leaving scorch marks in their wake. Switching off his smoke generators, the diversionary tactician quickly reverted to ‘bot mode and took evasive action. Moving swiftly to his right, Smokescreen brought up his rifle and returned fire at the female Sweep. As he did this, explosions erupted around him as another shower of at least twenty or more laser blasts suddenly came straight down from the sky. This new barrage from Blast-off, along with the continuing attacks from Carnage, forced the red and blue Autobot to take cover behind some nearby crates. He was a little banged up and singed, but otherwise okay.

Smokescreen then watched as Carnage flew past, the laser fire finally subsiding, at least for the moment. I know that ‘con fired some of those shots, but where did the others come from? Smokey thought for a moment. That secondary bombardment came from directly overhead and not on an angle, almost like it originated from…Space! It was now very apparent to Smokescreen that he had attracted the unwanted attention of a certain space traveling Combaticon.


Snarl continued lobbing shots from his laser pistol into the sky as more drones descended upon the Autobots’ position. After downing several more of those mindless flyers, it was time for the Dinobot to reload his weapon. As he did, he noticed Smokescreen creating a large smoke cloud to help shield them from more oncoming attacks. Not a bad idea. However, that did not prevent his LSC teammate from coming under renewed attacks from those looking to stop Smokey’s concealing tactics.

As Snarl was reloading, a lone drone transformed and landed a few yards in front of him. His pistol not yet ready, Snarl took his sword and flung it directly at the Sweep, impaling it right through the chest cavity. Calmly, the desert warrior finished reloading his gun and then strolled over to the drone, who was shooting sparks out of his chest like a fireworks display. Snarl grabbed a hold of the sword handle. “Hold still. This not hurt. Much!” And with that, the Dinobot yanked his energo-sword out and pushed the drone to the ground where it continued to twitch and spasm until it finally fell silent.

Snarl then noticed his Dinobot pal, Slag, charging at full speed directly at Kup. What he doing? Snarl thought. Realizing that there was something very wrong with Slag, Snarl hurried towards Kup, hoping he could prevent the old timer from being run through by his comrade's three metal horns.

The Outskirts – Highway J9

Bluestreak raced down the highway, alongside Sunstreaker and Sideswipe, towards the raging battle ahead. The golden warrior’s words to the Autobot gunner regarding the bearded seeker were sharp and direct. No one was to touch that ‘con except him or his brother, Siders. “No problem, Sunny,” Bluestreak replied, not wanting to argue. “He’s all yours. If I see him, I’ll just alert you guys of his position.”

Of course, if that ‘con attacks me again, I will shoot back no matter what Sunstreaker says, Bluestreak thought as he continued onward. Soon, Refinery Complex 3 appeared directly ahead. Reinforcements were almost there.
Last edited by Smokescreen85 on Thu May 08, 2008 10:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Tagan Heights

Postby Optimus Frimal » Thu May 08, 2008 10:06 am

(ooc sorry for the huge gap between posts! :-( )

Refinery Complex 3 - Warehouses

Ironhide ran into the warehouse and fired a couple of shots at some drones, taking out two or three of them. "Ha! How'd you like that you fragging Decepticreeps!"

Ironhide walked up to Kup and said "How many drones did you get? Must of got a few dozen personally. Hahaha!"

Suddenly Ironhide whirred around as he heard Slag cry out some rubbish about it all being Kup's fault.

"What the frag... Kup, get out of the way!" He cried, as he pushed Kup away from the charging Dynobot

"Woah... him Slag gone crazy... er." Sludge mumbled to himself as he walked into the warhouse and carmly observed the events unfolding before him.

Refinery Complex 3 - Main Pumps

"Idiot..." Hook mumbled to himself as he watched Bonecrusher... well, being Bonecrusher. Upon heAring Scrapper, Hook turned around and started following his commander. "Well, it's not the most exciting job, but it'll do. At least we're not going out there as... him, right?"

Refinery Complex 3 - Warehouses Roof

Triggerhappy watched from the top of the warehouse, in his jet mode due to the damage sustained to his leg earlier rendering him practicaly crippled, where the LSC was currently trying to skewer each other or something...
"Hahahaha! Looks like they're going to do my job for me. And once their done, I can pick off any survivors..."
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Re: The Tagan Heights

Postby Stormshadow » Thu May 08, 2008 11:43 am

Crash Site

Rampage was running over the ground his feline form making the terrain no obstacle. The cyber-tiger knew this was quite stupid, but he wasn't very adept at thinking things through carefully. He was eager to get to the battlefield; preferably without getting killed in the process.

Eventually he reached the area and took a good look at the area blinking he tried to pick out a target and he snarled. This was going to be fun!
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Re: The Tagan Heights

Postby FuzzymusPrime » Thu May 08, 2008 3:49 pm

Refinery Complex 3 - Main Pumps

"Frankly Hook, the way this battle seems to be going, someone like Devestator could be just what we'd need." Scrapper unhooked a pump and began the process of compacting the energon through a nearby emergency convertor. 50 gallons of liquid energy became 2 perfectly symmetical cubes, one only half-full. "Unfortunately, while it might be the perfect time for him, it is quite obviously the wrong place. A single misplaced footstep from him could set this place off." He placed the pump to one side and began disengaging a second. He vaguely wondered if the 'heroic' autobots really knew what a chance they were taking in their violent advance: He doubted it very much.

Meanwhile, Bonecrusher stood back and looked proudly at the furrow he'd made across the yard. It was crude, but sturdy, and anyone wanting to get directly through to the main pumps and outgoing fuel lines would have to vault over the 2 mechanometer tall outcropping of tortured metal and over a trench about as wide, not to mention the ground on either side which had been thrown so badly out of alignment as to resemble the back end of a Junkion. Most engineers would have screamed in horror; Bonecrusher was fighting back drops of optic lubricant.
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Re: The Tagan Heights

Postby Rebel Raven » Thu May 08, 2008 5:02 pm

Tagan Heights- Skies of Tagan Heights

Discord responds to Scourge on a secure channel. >>Forgive me, as I do not mean to question you, Lord Scourge, but shouldn't the Sweeps be focused on preventing the Autobots from entering the refinery as I have instructed them? Shouldn't the patrolling Sweeps remain on patrol? The Autobots are not known to leave their allies stranded, and knowing when the reinforcements are coming will be key to increasing our odds of victory.<< She sounds concerned. Deeply concerned as she could only watch her drones fall back and move to Scourge appalled at the.. dare she say moronotron tactical blunder in removing the major stumbling block to the Autobots letting them get closer to the Refinery with no real obstruction. Even if the Sweeps are pulling in to defend the complex, the battle should never go there to begin with.

She flies for Scourge along with the rest wondering what he's planning. Were her plans not sufficient? Madness!

She can't override Scourge's orders, and she knows that she'll regret that fact.

What in the name of pit?! Why is Scourge pulling back the Sweeps? He's taking the battle to the Complex?! I don't like this at all. The fight shouldn't be going there!

He remains at his high ground vantage point watching the battle near Thunderwing, leaving the commands to him.
Bugly is in no particular hurry to enter combat in the name of being above the battleground much like an earth General overlooking the armies.
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Re: The Tagan Heights

Postby JaAm » Thu May 08, 2008 6:03 pm

Refinery Complex 3 – Warehouses

Carnage turned around, this time in robot mode searching for Smokescreen. She found him hiding behind some crates. Coward. she flew at him once again, her cutlass extended and her laser firing. Ths time, she didn't plan on passing him.

Orbit over Tagan

Blast-off changed his attention to the other autobots, like the ones moving towards the refinery. He loaded, cocked,a nd aimed his rifle again, this time not planning on missing. He fired, expending a whole other clip at the enemy.
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Re: The Tagan Heights

Postby Smokescreen85 » Fri May 09, 2008 12:42 pm

Motto: ""A look can be deceiving; a touch can be lethal.""
Weapon: Twin Shoulder-Mounted Rocket Launchers
Refinery Complex 3 – Warehouses

Smokescreen came under fire once again from Carnage. This glitch must have a thing for me, he thought, returning fire with his electro-disruptor rifle. One of the Sweep’s lasers hit Smokey on the shoulder, forcing him to duck back behind the crates. “Slag it!” Then it got worse for the diversionary tactician. Several more of Carnage’s laser blasts struck the crates, causing them to erupt into flames. One exploded which sent the blue and red Autobot flying forward and landing face first on the ground. Astroseconds later, he felt the slice of Carnage’s cutlass across his back as she flew by him. “Aaaahhhhh!!! You fraggin’ little glitch!” Smokescreen yelled as pain radiated throughout his back. He was not known to lose his temper easily, but this ‘con was seriously getting on his nerve receptors and in more ways than one!

Knowing he could not stay on the ground long, Smokescreen got to his feet and quickly located Carnage high above. He fired a couple blasts from his rifle at her and then had a better idea. “Hey! You wanna play with me, ‘con? How ‘bout playing with a couple of these!” He shouted as his targeting systems locked on to the feminine Sweep. He then fired two surface-to-air missiles at Carnage with the hopes that if she managed to evade one of them, the other would surely do some damage.


Snarl stopped short of where Kup had previously been standing before Ironhide pushed him out of the way of an out-of-control Slag. Snarl turned towards his teammate. “Stop, Slag! What you doing? Kup your friend. It not Kup’s fault. Attack ‘cons, not Autobots!”
Last edited by Smokescreen85 on Fri May 09, 2008 3:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Tagan Heights

Postby JaAm » Fri May 09, 2008 1:14 pm

Refinery Complex 3 – Warehouses

Quite a persistant trophy, Carnarnage thought as Smokescreen dodged again. THe electron beams collided with her, knocking her out of the sky. It was a good thing, too, oherwise, the SAMs would have devastated her. She looked at Smokescreen."Foul language will not make this process any less painful," she said, lunging forward with her blade extended.
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Re: The Tagan Heights

Postby Smokescreen85 » Fri May 09, 2008 3:49 pm

Motto: ""A look can be deceiving; a touch can be lethal.""
Weapon: Twin Shoulder-Mounted Rocket Launchers
Refinery Complex 3 - Warehouses

I guess I shouldn't have fired my electro rifle right before launching my rockets, Smokescreen thought as Carnage advanced towards him, blade in hand. Oh, well. At least she was still knocked down. Maybe my missiles will end up hitting some drones.

"Is that for me?" Smokescreen asked the femme con, referring to her cutlass. "You shouldn't have. I don't except gifts on a first date." Smiling, Smokey continued, "Good thing I got something for you, too!" The diversion expert then brought his gun to bare and fired several blasts directly at Carnage.

Somewhere above, Smokescreen's rockets hit two more drones, effectively destroying both and sending out another wave of circuit scrambling magnetic fields that would hopefully cause additional guidance system problems for any nearby 'cons.
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Re: The Tagan Heights

Postby JaAm » Sat May 10, 2008 7:48 am

Refinery Complex 3 - Warehouses

Carnage hit the dirt, just barely dodging Smokescreen's blasts. She needed to plan her attacks, and coordinate with the other decepticons. She looked around frantically, seeing only Rampage. A pleasent diversion, I guess. She clled him through TacCom hopiing he could find her. <<Rampage, this is Carnage. I need Backup. I'm at the warehouses of refinery complex 3, over.>> she got back up, firing lasers at smokescreen's arms and hands, hoping for a disarmnment.
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Re: The Tagan Heights

Postby FuzzymusPrime » Sat May 10, 2008 5:21 pm

The Avenue leading to Refinery Complex 3

"The Autobots are already in the slagging refinery!!!" Scourge wasn't in the mood for Discords usual calm demeanour: Getting blown up didn't agree with him. "Or do you intend to crash the drones into the warehouses to get at them? This situation calls for intelligent, direct action, not sending legions of Megatron's expensive drone-troops into a trash-compactor to set off a powder-keg!"
Scourge made it to his feet. Nothing important fell off: a good sign. "Now I suggest you concentrate less on moving digi-chess pieces and use your skills more directly, Discord. I need subtle warriors to protect our energon and get the Autobots out of there. Order those drones out of their weapons range and into a patrol pattern to prevent them escaping to Iacon, and move into the refiner as queitly as you can. That goes for Scraplet and Carnage too, since none of the rest of my warriors sees fit to respond to my orders. Which reminds me..."
Scourge transformed, noting with disgust that the seams in his hull were no longer perfect, and blasted to where Rage and Grimlock were fighting. He aimed to put himself between the Dynobot leader and his objective: Keeping Rage out of there would also be a good plan.

OOC: Scourge never sent any command signals to the drones, only a radio message to the sentient Sweeps. If the Drones are doing anything odd, it's because of Smokescreens missiles, not any orders from Scourge. Not that anyone automatically knows that of course.


There was neither time for Slag to respond to Snarl's passionate plea for sanity, or to stop or redirect his furious charge. He probably wouldn't have stopped anyway: Going through Snarl was the quickest way to Kup after all. Slag was a big beleiver in efficiency.

OOC: I think it's obvious that there's way more Decepticons here than there are Autobots to give them attention. Just to recap, Inferno, Wheeljack, and Cliffjumper are present and not being played, and it would be nice if someone applied for them and gave the good guys more of a chance.
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