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A Snavej Fan-Fic Chronology!

PostPosted: Thu Nov 14, 2019 5:44 am
by snavej
Snavej’s Transformer Story Chronology

This list shows most of the stories that I’ve written, arranged in chronological order according to the timeline of that particular set of realities. Some are on while others are on and I’ll try to keep this list updated when new stories arrive. (I’m not including here my stories from the early 1990s because they take place in a different reality and also they’re worse quality!) Please note that the exact timing of many stories is impossible to reckon because the action spans several million universes.

Generation One - Origin of light god Primus, Cybertron and the Transformers
Earnest versus Irksome - Arrival in Milky Way galaxy, first contact with dark god Unicron
Single Parent Family - Rebuilding Cybertron, not for the first time; scientific breakthroughs
From an Unlikely Forge - Transformers develop hyperdrives, psychic powers and teleportation
Conjurors' Playground - Transformers develop portable beam generators for exotic energy effects
Unmellow Yellow - Transformers' use of hyperspace for travel, data processing and storage can be problematic
Disjointed - There are territorial disputes when Transformers try to establish bases across the Milky Way galaxy
Malevolent Dawn - Origin of Decepticon leader Megatron
Games without Frontiers - Origin of the Autobots and Decepticons, start of the Cybertronian civil war
Dying for a Change - Civil war continues
Harnessing Discord - Decepticons try to induce crippling fear in Autobots via their past life memories
Dealing with the Darkness - Cybertron pulled out of stellar orbit by black hole weapon
Far Out Schemes - Decepticons divided; Matrix hunt; origin of Autobot leader Optimus Prime
An Alliance Too Far - Megatron becomes galactic fugitive, struggles against Unicron
Dissolution - Three Decepticons struggle to survive on an alien world
Shrouded Purpose - Unicron suspects that there is a plot against him and tries to prevent it
Higher Priorities - Primus evicts Unicron from the universe
Cosmic Jungle - In Andromeda, light gods Primus and the Exalter evict dark god the Excisor from the universe
The Lessons of History - End of civil war, reunification of Autobots and Decepticons
A Secret Inheritance - A former Decepticon alters the balance of power on an alien world
Appreciating Experience - Cybertron’s data store becomes overloaded; the Transformers flee off-world
Random Signal Intercept - Another dark god is defeated by Primus
The Price of Victory - Primus and his allies evict all dark gods from the universe
Misplaced - In a new universe, some Transformers are stranded in the formidable Evermaze nexus
Muddling Through - Primus finds a universe where his powers are limited and he has to move on
Fresh Eyes Find Faster - A sentient universe guides Primus in his grand quest
Marginal Cost - Transformers defend a man as he evolves into a light god
Walk on the Blind Side - A woman uses a huge fleet of Cybertronian robots to do good works
Intrepid Recliners - On Cybertron, virtual reality simulators become linked to alien worlds
The Right of All Sentient Beings - On a pleasant world, natives banish aliens via mysterious portals
Web of Circles - On the same world, natives create a huge portal to banish unlimited aliens
Inversion - In another new universe, the Transformers become cruel life-destroyers
Krunk - In a pocket dimension, a Transformer fights a powerful supernatural enemy
Retarded - In another new universe, the Transformers destabilise and wreck societies in a galaxy
Games within Frontiers - organic races in another galaxy find how to stop the Transformer onslaught
Bottleneck at the Border - The Transformers finally escape from their long service to Primus

For more light relief, see my numerous captions in Seibertron's Caption Competition.