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Outline: Peril of the Primes

PostPosted: Thu Apr 26, 2018 7:58 am
by Stormtalon
I was deeply disappointed in the Machinima series: Combiner Wars and Titans Return so before the third (and mercifully final) installment ‘Power of the Primes’ airs, I thought I’d take a stab at crafting the tale and share it with all of you
This is a treatment, not a novel so expect details to be thin in some places. My focus is on the broad strokes.
Lets begin.

Act 0: Prologue (of the Primes)
Note: The prologue functions as a trailer for the main series. Scenes could be reused for flashbacks.

The story opens on Axalon. Axalon is the Transformer equivalent of Avalon, Mt. Olympus or Asgard, a legendary home to the mythic thirteen Primes. In practice, Axalon is a bustling space station (think Deep Space 9 or Babylon 5). But today, the station is brutally attacked.

The Captain of the Guard, Nova Prime, leads a handful of Primes through the battered station to the space bridge. Along the way, they see the carnage left by their attackers. They are spotted and Nova flings herself at the attackers buying the others time. In the bridge room, Solus Prime begins tinkering with the equipment. Their enemies have a way of tracking down Primes. She has to alter the space bridge to neutralize that. With the attackers beating down the door, any further discussion is cut short. The remaining Primes step into the space bridge and vanish.
End Prologue

Re: Outline: Peril of the Primes

PostPosted: Fri Apr 27, 2018 3:37 pm
by Stormtalon
Act 1: The Peril of the Primes

Valoria (Dino-Riders) Prime: Vector Prime

Plot A:
Cybertron is attacked by a corrupted Nova (now called Nemesis Prime). They strike fast and capture Iacon. A few survivors are gathered by a familiar looking mini-con who gets them off the street and into the sewers. Topside, Nemesis Prime reports to her mysterious masters: the Quintessons.

Plot B:
Author’s note: Solus Prime altered the space bridge splitting the Primes into two: a Prime Master (a diminutive being retaining a Prime’s memories and identity) and a Prime Core. (An object containing a Prime’s vast power.)

Valoria is home to two sentient races: the human-like Valorians who live in the frigid north and the reptilian Rulons who inhabit the arid south. Both fight over the fertile temperate lands in the middle of their shared continent. Recently, the balance of power has shifted.

Rulons, on the backs of long-extinct dinosaurs, have pushed back the Valorian forces. Where these dinosaurs come from and how the Rulons are able to control them are questions an elite commando unit is tasked with finding out. The commandos sneak behind enemy lines and discover the Rulons have a time machine. Using Vector Prime’s core to power a device called the Space Time Energy Projector (STEP), the Rulons creates time portals to Valoria’s Cretaceous period.

The commandos follow a Rulon detachment through the portal and into the past. They witness the Rulons wrangle and brain-box dinosaurs. The team is discovered and separated in the forest primeval. The team’s psychic discovers she can mind-link the team with the dinos. (Think ‘How to Train Your Dragon’). Elsewhere, the others discover the Rulons are building something that could cause trouble in present-day Valoria.

The Dino-riders regroup and in a daring raid, they bust up the Rulons’ camp just as the return portal opens. The team’s medic and psychic stay behind. (It might be a choice or it might be the heat of battle) Riding their dinos, the Valorians make it through the portal back to the present.

Re: Outline: Peril of the Primes

PostPosted: Sat Apr 28, 2018 7:51 pm
by Stormtalon

Prysmos (Visonaries) Prime: Alchemist Prime

Plot A
Back on Cybertron, the Iacon survivors figure this mini-con, Sovereign, is connected to Alpha Trion. Sovereign tasks them with finding the Armory of the Primes, a legendary caches of weapons and tools. The ragtag group includes a few extremists who think the Armory will help their cause more than this invasion.

Topside, Nemesis Prime begins reporting to Delta Q just as the Autobots launch a counter-attack. The attack is put down and Nemesis continues her report not skipping a beat. Delta orders deployment of the Prime Hunters.

Plot B
The world of Prysmos alternates between ages of science (Tekla) and ages of magic (Merklynn). The end of the age of science rings in a new era of magic. A rising force, the Lords of Dark, attack science with a vengeance. Led by Darkstorm, (This Darkstorm is a goth-babe wannabe) they seek to destroy anything related to the old world. Libraries, bookstores, and museums are prime targets for these zealots. Their crusade goes unchallenged until they encounter the Spectral Knights.

The Spectral Knights are figures from the previous age of magic, who can transform into spirit animals. These knights rally the people to resist the Darkling Lords. Once the Darklings are defeated, the Spectral Knights vanish.

We follow the Spectral Knights to their home base, a Disneyland-type amusement park and meet their creators, the Visionaries.

During the age of science, this amusement park employed hologram technology. And as Disneyland had its Imagineers, this place has Visionaries, the last scientists and engineers on Prysmos. The Spectral Knights were holograms in the age of science, but non-functional in the age of magic until a Visionary discovered a Prime core. It isn’t bound by the same rules as Prymosian power sources and supercharged the holograms into hard-light projections.

Now the Spectral Knights and the Visionaries attempt to preserve as much science as they can find.