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Joe Quesada vs. Dan DiDio

PostPosted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 9:10 am
by Cyberstrike
Quesada Marvel Comics editor-in-chief vs. DiDio DC's top editor.

Which do you think is better or worse.

I think Quasada is better DiDio because at least you get sense that Joe cares about the Marvel Universe even though he has done some bone headed (like Spider-Man: One More Day and Brand New Day) things at Marvel.

DiBio has pretty much destroyed DC Comics for me in fact I won't buy any title published by DC and it various imprints until he leaves or is fired unless they are TPBs or HC of books that was published before he came to DC.

Re: Joe Quesada vs. Dan DiDio

PostPosted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 6:29 am
by Inferno Prime
I'm not sure, Quesada is a jerk and Didio's inept. Though in Didio's defence Dc does essentially own the graphic novel market since he took over.

Largely it depends on which of their pet writers you like Bendis versus Morrison/Johns. I prefer the latter and think Marvel's earth based stories are the worst they've been since the 90's

Re: Joe Quesada vs. Dan DiDio

PostPosted: Tue Oct 17, 2023 9:00 am
by snavej
Both have moved onto other jobs now. They could slap each other for a while until they both had heart attacks and died. There are plenty of younger people who could do their jobs. Randy Quaid wins for no good reason.