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$0.01 Reissue Red Alert in TRU

PostPosted: Sun Sep 03, 2006 7:47 pm
by Jestermon
Today I was visiting my local TRU and I saw a lone reissue the box had a little fading I thought. I scanned it and in the store it scanned for $0.01, I took it to the register and said hey can you scan this if it rings up as what it is I want to buy it.

He scans it and it rings up right, he checks it out I was goign to use my card then I think I might have change so I dig threw my wallet and give him a penny, I think for a second and realize no dollar spent no sales tax.

Upon opening the box I realize someone has spilled something on it but the toy was untouched, I had seen the same toy sitting there before so it must have been a customer or employee that never told anyone they did it, as it was still in the package, but still I got the Reissue for a penny.

I feel a great amount of joy, also minicons are $3.00 at my Wal-mart they say $.00 on them but ring up as $3.00. Hopefully I will find the Silverstreak they had floating around sometime too, I assume they found this guy when they were changing the shelves around again.

Here is the receipt. ... h=imgAnch1

PostPosted: Sun Sep 03, 2006 9:14 pm
by gawd6sic6
i dunno how it is for their company. but usually when a piece of merch gets marked down to a penny. its been mos'ed or poi'ed.. ( marked out of stock , priced out of inventory)... thats what it is with any company that i have worked with. and usually you are sposed to mark it to the price it should have been.. so i think that you lucked out myfriend. nice find.. keep your fingers crossed that you can get more for that.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 03, 2006 11:05 pm
by Hobbyist Prime
That sir, is one sweet a$$ deal! congrats and good luck with the second one!


PostPosted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 1:58 am
by Jestermon
You guys should keep a look out too(They are moving all the displays), after getting my Computron labels and faction symbols I decided to spring for the Reprolabels for him to so he will not be so naked in robot mode.

I really hope I find Silverstreak I know they had 3-4 the time that some one stuffed them all on the discount shelf.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 5:44 am
by Frappster
Sorry, but I have to burst your bubble on this one.

Any $0.01 merchandise at TRU is destined for the trash compactor as soon as it's found. You got lucky and found it before any associates got changing the price. Chances are the cashier alerted management that it came up as a penny, and now they're gone.

Unfortunately it's a store policy that the merch has to be destroyed rather than sold or given away. Something to do with tax laws or something.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 9:01 am
by TM Devastator
Yeah, it's the same way at the store I work at. When something gets marked down to a penny, it's supposed to go in the garbage. I don't really think you're bursting anyone's bubble though Frapp. It was a very good and lucky find, especially considering it was the last one he could find.

It saddens me, the thought of having to throw out perfectly good Transformers. I understand the reasoning, but it's still sad :(

PostPosted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 9:08 am
by grimlockprime108
the only time i see that penny thing apply is when they get a too many plant bulbs at wm

PostPosted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 9:10 am
by TM Devastator
Grimlock, you go by the same ID on ebay right? My brother just won some stuff from you if so!

PostPosted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 9:22 am
by grimlockprime108
who's your bro,dev?

PostPosted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 10:47 am
by Nemesis Sturmvogel
You're a Lucky guy, a G1 almost free.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 6:22 am
by Caliburn
:shock: Talk about a good stroke of luck.