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Transform And Roll Out - New G1 Guidebook!

PostPosted: Sun Aug 12, 2018 4:13 pm
by starfish
I've written a book! Foreword by Gregg Berger! Cover by Mike Collins! Pre-order link here:

Transform And Roll Out is a complete guide to the classic G1 era of The Transformers in America and Europe, chronicling the toys, the comics and the cartoon series that started it all.

Every comic and cartoon episode is analysed, reviewed and put through the wringer, with extensive notes on the continuity, the creators and the lore of the G1 Transformers era.

What's the origin of the Constructicons? Is Buster perpetually 17 years old? How difficult is it to move a planet? Who was Prime's predecessor? All these questions are explored, and more.

Includes - for the first time ever - sales data for the UK Transformers comic, and details of UK Transformers cartoon airdates.

Also includes a look at the books, annuals, 3D comics and other fiction that was released during the era.

If you ever wanted a complete synopsis of "Matt and the Cat", or a list of all edits made to the US comic for its UK publication, or even just a chuckle at Galvatron's insanest quotes, this book is for you!

From Telos Publishing, the company that brought you the acclaimed Thundercats guidebook, Hear The Roar

If anyone has any questions about the book, feel free to comment in this thread!

Re: Transform And Roll Out - New G1 Guidebook!

PostPosted: Sun Aug 12, 2018 4:21 pm
by ZeroWolf
This looks like it might be an interesting read...I take it with the look at the toys it includes the Rescue Force and the European release of Overlord?

Re: Transform And Roll Out - New G1 Guidebook!

PostPosted: Sun Aug 12, 2018 4:29 pm
by starfish
This being a paperback, the ‘Toy’ section consists of a short essay for each year of releases, then a list of each toy, what it transforms into, gimmicks, colour, original Diaclone/Microchange name (if applicable) and so on. Of the three main sections of the book (toys, comics, cartoons), the toy section has the shortest page count. Rescue Force and Overlord are indeed listed!

I would have liked to go into further detail about the toys, but the pagecount was getting a little silly by this point (well over 800 pages - this thing is a brick and has a higher word count than an average Game of Thrones novel) and it wasn’t commercially feasible to split it into a two-volume project.

Hope that helps, and cheers for the interest!

Re: Transform And Roll Out - New G1 Guidebook!

PostPosted: Sun Aug 12, 2018 4:48 pm
by ZeroWolf
Thanks for the reply, I'll be looking into this :)

As a writer myself, I know all about trying to keep to word limits or page counts :P though mine are definitely a lot shorter then yours! :lol:

Re: Transform And Roll Out - New G1 Guidebook!

PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 3:36 am
by starfish
Just a quick bump: the book is currently at the printers for a launch at the end of this week!

It’s currently only available direct from the publisher, but as soon as it goes on sale at the major retailers (amazon etc.) I’ll post the links here.

In the meantime, if anyone has any questions about the project, feel free to reply in this thread!

Re: Transform And Roll Out - New G1 Guidebook!

PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 4:34 am
by Burn
You might want to, out of courtesy, contact the site owner before you start using his forums to make money.

Just sayin' ... :wink:

Re: Transform And Roll Out - New G1 Guidebook!

PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 7:25 am
by starfish
I meant no disrespect, and I apologise for posting without following the protocol. By all means feel free to delete the thread if you feel it’s inappropriate!!