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PostPosted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 11:24 pm
by Aetrius
Name: Spartan
Allegiance: Autobot
Sub-group: Tactical Response Team
Function: Tactical Response Team Commander
Alt. mode: Bell AH-1Z Viper Attack Helicopter
Weapons: Robot Mode – Disruption Gladius, 20mm Gatling Cannon.
Vehicle Mode – 20mm Gatling Cannon, 2.75mm Hydra Rockets, Air to Air Missiles (x2), Air to Surface Missiles (x16)
Height: 34’
Quote: ‘Life is like combat, there’s no room for nonsense in either’

Strength: 7
Intelligence: 8
Dexterity: 6
Speed: 5
Endurance: 8
Courage: 8
Firepower: 8
Accuracy: 7
Melee: 9
Tech. Skill: 4
Charisma: 3
Rank: 7

Profile: Spartan is the no nonsense commander of the Tactical Response Team. He is a stoic, powerful ‘bot with a commanding personality. The rest of his team may not like him, but they respect his tactical wisdom and know he will get them through whatever situation they find themselves in. He is a master tactician, a genius in combat, but has the social skills of a block of wood.

Abilities: In his robot form, Spartan is a massive, black and red Autobot with glowing blue eyes. He is very strong, and incredibly skilled with his disruption gladius, an energon based weapon that causes disassociation of molecular bonds in whatever it touches and thus has the ability to cut through almost anything. Though an incredibly skilled close combat fighter, he also carries a 20mm cannon capable of leveling a building in moments at range. He is physically a match for most, but Spartan’s greatest strength is his mind, he is a brilliant tactician, able to analyze a situation and plot a course of action in microseconds.
Spartan’s alt mode is a Bell AH-1Z Viper Attack Helicopter. In helicopter mode he can attain speeds of 255 mph and carries enough firepower to decimate an armored column, or most military installations.

Weaknesses: Spartan’s primary flaw is his inability to understand emotion. It is said that to defeat an enemy one must be able to understand them, and though Spartan can analyze any tactical mistake an enemy may make and exploit that, he lacks the ability to understand what drives them to do what they do.