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PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 5:38 pm
by Devastron
Name: Hound
Allegiance: Autobot
Function: Scout
Alternate mode: Jeep Wrangler
Weapons: Shoulder-mounted missile launcher, hologram gun, machine gun
Special Ability: Topographical scanning ability, Limited holographic projection system
Height: 28 Feet (8.53 Meters)
Quote: "Observe everything, remember even more."

Strength: 5
Intelligence: 8
Dexterity: 6
Speed: 5
Endurance: 7
Courage: 10
Firepower: 3
Accuracy: 6
Melee: 5
Tech Skill: 7
Charisma: 7

Profile: Hound had once known a time without fighting, but he had never known peace. As the seeds of war were being planted, he was a member of the Koan Security Force. He was called upon as Megatron led his prison break, his security team not strong enough to prevent
their defeat, and more importantly, the death of Sentinel Prime. He has since become a staple of the Autobot army. Gentle and kind, it's a wonder how Hound would ever come to pick up a weapon, though few would regret he did. His experiences during the war have left him envious of Earth and it's simple, organic ways. He secretly wishes to be human.

Abilities: While in his jeep mode, Hound uses his turret gun to sweep over the landscape from horizon to horizon, like a radar scope, and, with the help of internal 3-dimensional simulation circuitry, stores this information as a topographical map. Error distortion is no more than one inch per 150 feet distance from point of data collection. In robot mode, Hound's turret gun becomes an infrared radiation collector. It can detect heat differentials as small as .02 degrees Centigrade, and he uses this ability in tracking machines as well as humans. Hound's shoulder-mounted hologram gun can project 3-dimensional grid laser light images of terrain maps stored in his memory. He sometimes also can use it to cast simple illusions.

Weaknesses: Hound's infrared tracking ability can be countered by thermal interference. High frequency electromagnetic waves can distort or completely destroy his map-making ability. Sophisticated manipulation of such waves can even result in the recording of false images within his memory circuits.