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odd find at walmart

PostPosted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 9:56 pm
by Megatron Wolf
was checking out the clearance section looking for stray thundercat & monsuno stuff when i noticed a couple of gijoes. I noticed them because they werent new ones they were old ones from the 90s. First thought was hasbros reissuing finally but after looking closer i noticed they were opened at some point. Apparently someone took 2 new figures & swapped them with the 90s Slice & Dice figures then returned them. They even through in a bunch of weapons from that era of GIJOE as well. Why anyone would do this is beyond me, its like taking a beast hunter figure & replacing it with a G2 figure then returning that to the store. But hey i got 2 mint condition 90s gijoes plus weapons for less than 2 new ones.

Re: odd find at walmart

PostPosted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 2:13 pm
by Jelze Bunnycat
The only time where toy swapping actually works out for the collector :)

How much have G.I. Joe figures changed in the last few decades anyway? I mean noticeably changed? Not by much I bet if something like this were to be unnoticed...

Wait, did you say Walmart? Forget I said anything then.

Re: odd find at walmart

PostPosted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 10:05 pm
by Evil_the_Nub
They've improved a lot since the old days. The articulation is far better and they don't have those rubber bands holding them together anymore.