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Jenus's Collection

PostPosted: Fri May 14, 2010 7:32 am
by Jenus
I'm finally getting the chance to do this but it's really late almost too late anyway I thought I better put up my collection before it completely dissipates. I have all the current pictures of my collection and then below that will be pics of what I had to sale off because of unemployment, anyway let me know what you think.

Current Prime & Primal Collection


Full View Of Collection

Classics/Universe/Henkei Collection

Seeker Collection

Masterpiece Collection

Current Movie Collection

Current Animated Collection

Current Beast Wars Collection

G1 Collection

Stuff I used to own

Past Prime & Primal Collection

My Old Movie Collection (Some figures missing because they were already sold off)

My Old Beast Wars Collection

Other Stuff Used to Own

Old set ups

Well that's it, what I have and used to have. I know it's dumb putting up past stuff but it makes me feel good that I used to have a lot of other stuff. There were many other things I never did take pictures of but I know I owned them.

Re: Jenus's Collection

PostPosted: Fri May 14, 2010 4:18 pm
by WolfDawg
It always sucks to hear people talk about how they had to sell treasured items because of financial hardships. It sucks even more when I find out that those treasured items were Transformers. That being said, I'm sorry to hear about your situation, but to be quite honest, your trimmed down collection is still quite impressive. Sometimes quality is better than quantity and your collection looks a whole lot neater and well organized that many of the "big collections". Hope things look up, but I really admire your current set up. It's putting me in the mood to pack away some figures and "trim" down my display as well.


Oh yea, and I forgot to mention that your Lio Convoy's legs are turned the wrong way for some reason. I just purchased Lio Convoy, Big Convoy and Takara Reissue Prime (with the cartoon accurate head/colors) and I was planning on displaying them together. Good to see that Lio and Big look pretty good standing next to eachother.

Re: Jenus's Collection

PostPosted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 8:24 pm
by JetOptimus23
:shock: Holy Crap! How many seekers do you have!?