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Kuro's Smol Collection

PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2017 8:00 pm
by Kurona
Named not just because I don't have that many, but because my circumstances mean I can't get any single Transformer bigger than a Leader Class at the moment.

Yeah. Really. Might be able to get Overlord tho.

Anyway, yeah; figured it was about time I made one of these considering how much I take pictures of my money-burning hobby and ramble on about the importance of fiction for toys bred of rampant capitalism. Or something. Welcome to my thingy! I'll post pictures I think are good but actually aren't, post thoughts I think are enjoyable and thought-provoking but aren't, and generally be that one person you put up with to be nice but just nod your head and back away slowly. Welcome to my madness!

Seriously I'm just gonna post my hauls and random pictures and anything I think doesn't fit elsewhere over here. Expect way too much praise for MTMTE/Lost Light and the robots that happen to be classified as female. Try not too groan too hard

I haven't prepared for this at all because, well, I'm a Uni student. That's kind of 101 for us. Instead, have some random pictures I've taken throughout the past year before I actually get some organisation together!


Have to start things off with a Lost Light display. How can I not start things off with a Lost Light display? If you think I won't you're crazy. I'm crazy. We're all crazy. This one's a little outdated because I've got some figures since, and at the time it was so small and I was so short on Protectobots I put friggin' Hot Spot in there! I mean he's technically part of the Lost Light but... c'mon. Honestly I just loved his design too much to not put him with my favourite characters.


This was only taken about 10 months ago but still makes me feel old. Partly because most of these guys - vehicons, Armada Starscream mold, Skywarp, Soundblaster - are off in storage at my mum's. So I figured I'd post this one since I ain't gonna get them for pictures any time soon! I still love em a lot, especially that Soundwave mold and that Vehicon mold (mainline, not first edition). The former is absolute badassery and everything great about Soundwave condensed into one big meaty figure (impressive for the infamously bad quality of figures at the time), and the latter is just the best armybuilder ever and I will fight you over that.


Long time ago I figured eventually I would get one shelf to represent every character and toy released in G1 in a single year. So I'd have a shelf for every character and toy in 1984, a shelf for every character and toy in 1985, etc etc.
Months later I realised this was incredibly stupid and I limited myself only to characters I loved or toys I thought looked friggin' amazing (hello Wolfwire). But not before I'd gotten a few random characters like Roadbuster and Chromia for cheap, so I bundled them all together into this ragtag team lead by Optimus because I love ragtag teams and Classics Optimus is a fantastic toy. I also came up with the idea of having the classics Prowl mode hold their guns like that to cover up their hideously long neck. It works!


My (for now) complete Combiner collection. There's a few I think look really great (Grand Galvatron, Computicon) but the four combiners I really like (as characters and teams) are Bruticus, Defensor, Victorion and Predaking. And since I don't see an official update for Predaking round these parts, far as I'm concerned, for now this is a complete collection. And a pretty friggin' sweet one at that, look at these guys! I love them! They have the exact same torso mold yet they look so different and unique and they're cool and oh my god Combiner Wars had it's faults but at least we got this. Love 'em.


And Victormeown. Because Victormeown.

Expect more pictures and nerdery soon!

Re: Kuro's Smol Collection

PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2017 8:21 pm
by Va'al
Kurona wrote:Image

And Victormeown. Because Victormeown.

Expect more pictures and nerdery soon!

There are many reasons I keep you around.

This is one of the most important ones.

Re: Kuro's Smol Collection

PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2017 8:53 pm
by Cobotron
I've got good feeling about this place.

Re: Kuro's Smol Collection

PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2017 9:38 pm
by Kurona
... so that said, the main reason I set up this thread right this minute is that goddamn, if I don't have a huge haul that's way too big for the actual haul thread.

Came home yesterday after spending a month at my mum's Christmas. Had a nice time, saw my friends and family, was an absolutely wonderful holiday.

I came home to this.


Needless to say, I was pretty freakin' happy!
And all of it's Transformers stuff! WOO! TIME TO FINISH UP MY CHRISTMAS HAUL!

So, box numero uno. This technically wasn't part of my Christmas, it's actually a late Birthday present (my birthday being November 17th). Because I live in Scotland, and my friend live in Canada... and I was away for a month. WHOOPS! Friend was beginning to think it was lost in the post and so was I to some extent so it was a joy to see this at my door.


So let's open it up!


Oh? What's this suspiciously G1-y Megatron besides a blurb?

Well, she only went and got me The entire freakin' G1 boxset


Sans the movie and Japan-exclusive series, but jesus christ! That's 98 20-minute episodes! With bonus features! And really nice covers! And she said she'd try to top this next year :shock:

It also came with a note but it's kinda personal; bottom line though? She's way too good to me and I'm so lucky to be friends with her.

So, yeah, pretty much everything about this was unbridled joy. Nothing could spoil this day! Package number two!


It's not very big, so it should just be a small breather before the big thing I--

Oh no.

Ohhhh nooooo.


You dare show up in my house? You dare? After all my rants, after all my saying you're even worse than All Hail Megatron, after all the hell you made me go through while waiting for Optimus Prime and Lost Light... you show up at my goddamn house?

Joking aside, these are the Revolution cards from the Humble Bundle. And they're pretty good.


Some lovely art, some nice bios... not sure exactly if there's some sort of card game you're supposed to play with them, but I really like them. Just a shame I learned way more about the characters from these cards than Revolution itself; oy vey...

Now, the reason you're really here.






Right, first things first, CLOBBER! Freaking awesome little toy! Not quite as good as hype had led me to believe, but he's still awesome! Cute little dragon, great headsculpt, and a fun stand-in for Soundwave's Action Master buddy Wingthing imo. Which I really wanted. Because according to Animated Almanac, Wingthing's entire character is screaming and I can kind of relate.


Oh yeah, and he forms this adorable little t-rex too! I admittedly had a bit of trouble getting him in there and it was a little frustrating, but I'll happily go through it a thousand times for this cute little result. Look at him! Look at his little face and his tiny arms and his legs he probably just waddles around in! I love this toy and I need more Titan Masters now. I NEED them!

Oh yeah, Clobber has a head too, doesn't he? Well, there was a certain Titans Return deluxe who I loved in every single way aside from the head. Time to fix that up!



Hell. Yes. This aesthetic totally works for me. I mean, it's a monochrome head aside from the eyes so it'd probably work for anyone, but still - this is great! Since I don't really care for either character I'm very happy to leave them like this, it looks so good.
And... and call me crazy for what I'm about to say. Call hearsay on me for what I'm about to say. I probably deserve it.
... putting Grimlock's head on Wolfwire... to me, at least, somehow made him look more feminine. I'm not even going to try and begin to explain how that works. I don't know how I'm seeing it that way, I don't know why I feel this... but I do, it looks feminine to me! ... and I like it! I have no clue what's going on, but... **** yeah. Female Grimlock that turns into a wolf? Wasn't quite expecting that when I picked up either figure, but I'm rolling with it.


So yes, Clobber. Phenomenal figure I'm in love with, great in every mode... somehow makes Wolfwire look feminine. I'm happy.

But let's get to the real star of the show!!!!


Screaming. Internally.
I'm pretty hyperactive tonight. I'm really sorry if it's getting annoying in any capacity, but this guy's kind of a big reason behind it! Ever since we saw that one leak months back, I've been excited for this guy beyond belief. And... yeah, I get it. He's just Blitzwing with a different head, weapons and maybe chest. Blitzwing is probably gonna fit the mold better. This is just Hasbro being cheap and re-using the mold and yadda yadda yadda... I don't care. Far as I'm concerned? This is the best damn CHUG Megatron we've ever gotten and I'll be damn impressed if they can top it, and I've been waiting for one with these qualities for absolute ages.
Classics Megatron? It's a pretty cool and unique design and unlike others I kind of like the idea of him being a Nerf gun, but it's not quite up my alley. CW Megatron? Awesome, but he's too big outside of a dedicated Leader-class display or as a Masterpiece stand-in imo. Megatrons from other series like Energon and Prime? ... nah, not quite for me.
But this guy! This guy. This. Guy. He's bulky. He has a flight mode and firepower mode. He's got perfect proportions, a perfect balance of original design elements and new elements, a Fusion Cannon that's not too small and not hilariously oversized. The headsculpt is beautiful, the articulation great, just... I haven't even got past the first picture yet! That's how much I love him! He's just about everything I want out of a Megatron toy, just... aaaa he's so great! Stock photos and renders make him look so terrible, but please don't dig into them - in-hand he's a completely different story, and even the legs that looked skinny beforehand actually feel and look bulky and in proportion with his body when you have him.
There's a few flaws, admittedly. He really wants a wrist swivel, I don't know why they made the second gun grey when it's clearly supposed to be a Fusion Cannon extention, and unfortunately on mine his right arm (that is, his right) has a loose pin on his shoulder so every time he brings his arm up normally it flops back down. Which is a shame considering it's his Fusion Cannon arm, but there's alternate methods and it's just one annoying point against an otherwise incredible figure. And despite all the reports of QC issues and things not tabbing in right, that's the only QC issue mine has!


So, first of his few modes! Tank!
When I first saw it from the con pictures, this was probably my biggest problem with the figure. It... looks really weird, to say the least. It doesn't look that much like a real tank, it's trying just a bit too hard to work with the pieces, and things are jutting out everywhere. Not enough to ruin the figure for me - I was mostly getting it for that excellent robot - but it was still a little annoying.
In-hand? Yeah, it looks nothing like a real tank... but now I actually have it, I kind of adore it. It feels less like a mismashed effort and more like a bizarre alien vehicle used in big-budget sci-fi war movies; some weird super space tank with enough weird elements to make me love it. The jet mode thrusters being on the front actually help this quite a bit!


Unfortunately the barrel's not able to move up and down exactly. For me a tank mode has to do two things right; the turret has to swivel, and the barrel has to move up and down. Don't even need the treads to move, as long as those two are done I'm set. So while it does the former correctly, it unfortunately doesn't do the latter well. Still, given the engineering on this toy it's easily forgiveable, and I can kinda fudge it with this. Actually kind of works with that whole bizarre alien vehicle excuse I put up there.


Oh yeah, and it can do this. For when your dumb alien super space tank GOTTA GO FAST


And this, friends, is where I fell in love.
Now I like the tank. It's a cute thing. And with the whole alien vehicle excuse it kinda works, especially since I love cybertronian vehicles.
But this? This?
This is pure, utter beauty in jet mode form. It's sexy. It's sleek. It's one of the best damn jet modes I've seen, I think I actually might like it more than the leader seekers! I'm not usually on the whole redeco-this-into-everything thing, but damn, if this doesn't get used after Blitzwing it'll be a crying shame because it's so beautiful. Give it to the seekers! Jetfire! Silverbolt! Goddammit, give it to Needlenose for all I care; this potential can't go squandered!

... so yeah, I like his jet mode. It's pretty freakin' sweet.


Despite the kibble underneath. It's not quite aerialbot levels, and everything considered it does hide the bulk underneath pretty well. That's another thing I haven't mentioned yet; the engineering. This is my first experience with a TR Voyager and I'm really impressed how they managed to do a triple changer like this without sacrificing the aesthetic for at least two modes (the tank does suffer, but again, I like it). It's one of those figures where I just step back, look at it and think "how the hell did they do this", try and think of how I'd do it and come up with not knowing where the heck I'd start on making something like this, and I just end up blown away by the geniuses at their design departments. When I got Megs out the box I actually had no clue where to start and I had to get his instructions, he's that complex! I've never had to do that! And yet, once I've done his transformations for the first time, I'm able to do them by myself without taking even a second glance at that grey piece of paper that really needs to be a bit more clearer seriously someone's gonna hurt their eyes looking at too many of those. So yeah, the transformations are really fun and really clever. It helps make him feel so much better than the CW Voyagers (which I adored!)
... so all that considered, I can forgive a little bulk under the jet mode. Especially when it makes such good use of it for the fusion cannon mount, which kind of makes me think of Animated Megatron's jet mode. It's really cool that Megs gets a good way to use his signature weapon in all three modes.


Also there's a tiny little Blitzwing in there. Love it. Honestly a little touch about Transformers figures I always like is when cockpit space is available; when it's evident that someone could actually ride in these vehicles rather than a whole bunch of robot mode stuff being shoved into where the car seats should be. Makes it more believable and helps the illusion. That's part of why I like TR's gimmick as a whole, because it means by definition every vehicle mode needs somewhere to sit the Titan Master inside. So this IN ADDITION to the ridiculously good engineering already found throughout Megatron? I love it.

So yeah! That's the end of my Christmas haul unless I end up picking up a Hot Rod with my christmas money (which I do plan to, IDW Rodimus is kind of my favourite character). This has been a wonderful Christmas for me and I hope it has been for you guys too; have a good new year and stuff! ... she says two weeks after the new year has started!

Re: Kuro's Smol Collection

PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2017 9:55 pm
by Sigma Magnus
Glad to see you finally got a collection thread, and I can't wait to see more. No hurry though, there's a lot here already. :-P

Re: Kuro's Smol Collection

PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2017 10:00 pm
by Va'al
Kurona wrote:Right, first things first, CLOBBER! Freaking awesome little toy! Not quite as good as hype had led me to believe, but he's still awesome! Cute little dragon, great headsculpt, and a fun stand-in for Soundwave's Action Master buddy Wingthing imo. Which I really wanted. Because according to Animated Almanac, Wingthing's entire character is screaming and I can kind of relate.


Oh yeah, Clobber has a head too, doesn't he? Well, there was a certain Titans Return deluxe who I loved in every single way aside from the head. Time to fix that up!




So yes, Clobber. Phenomenal figure I'm in love with, great in every mode... somehow makes Wolfwire look feminine. I'm happy.


(You have good friends.)

Re: Kuro's Smol Collection

PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2017 10:33 pm
by Bumblebee21
Cobotron wrote:I've got good feeling about this place.

i have a bad feeling about this pun

Re: Kuro's Smol Collection

PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2017 10:58 pm
by Kurona
Oh yeah, updated Lost Light display!


God I want First Aid to come back.

Re: Kuro's Smol Collection

PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2017 1:19 am
by bodrock
Awesome lookin crew!

Re: Kuro's Smol Collection

PostPosted: Tue Jan 17, 2017 2:15 pm
by no-one
Hey hey, another collection thread to derail check out. Nice stuffs you got here and dat haul! :shock:

I'm glad I spied the link at the haul thread. I'm just going find a quiet place to lurk now :-P

Re: Kuro's Smol Collection

PostPosted: Tue Jan 17, 2017 6:19 pm
by Ironhidensh
The size of a collection doesn't really matter. Over time, yours will grow and shrink, as your personal tastes change. Hell, just wait until the first time you really come into some disposable income. We fans tend to go a little nuts. Circa 2007, I had a damn near complete transformers collection. Since then, I've sold off over 9 grand worth of stuff on ebay, and shrunk the collection down to less than a tenth of its size. I'm very happy with that, when ten years ago I would have said never.

TL;DR your collection is awesome, welcome to the crazy forum from the resident cranky old man.

Stay off my lawn. ;) :-P

Re: Kuro's Smol Collection

PostPosted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 9:46 am
by WreckerJack
I don't have a big collection either, but my collection makes me happy. I think I have about 15 or so of them but the enjoyment I get out of them is what really matters to me. Each of my figures has a story to it. I am happy when I come home and see them on my shelf, they are always happy to see me. Not to mention the hours I spend posing and using my imagination to enjoy them.

Re: Kuro's Smol Collection

PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2017 7:24 am
by Va'al
Kurona wrote:Oh yeah, updated Lost Light display!


God I want First Aid to come back.


Also, something wicked your way comes. ;)

Re: Kuro's Smol Collection

PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 3:17 am
by Kurona
Been a bit quiet around here recently. Let's fix that.

Just over a year ago I started getting into collecting Transformers (to be exact; early December 2015). From there on it quickly stacked in scale - I went from a single Deluxe to owning Voyagers and Leaders and a whole Combiner; and eventually... even my first goddamn MASTERPIECE. I don't care what you say Will, I friggin' love Road Rage <3 ;)

So what tops that? Don't say a Titan, I'm not getting a Titan. ... I mean I might at some point, just don't have the money nor space; Trypticon's looking like a very attractive prospect though...

REGARDLESS! To top a Masterpiece... courtesy of the very beautiful Va'al, I have my very first Exclusive - TFCC Rampage!


And he is absolutely gorgeous. Ooooh man. This is my first time with the mold too so it's a double whammy; this premium paintjob on something I've never even had before. The dude's made of the crimson red fury of the pit itself!


And this? This right here? THIS is why I keep calling for wrist swivels and why I sorely miss them on CW and TR figures. In conjunction with a ball-jointed head such simple and small movements can give off so much personality and character. Sure in this case it helps especially when the hands are shaped so deviously, but still! Look at this dude!


I'm a big fan of this mold already and while it seemed odd at first... the more I play around with him, the more the TFP Megatron design just works so well for Rampage. It's a perfect blend of the psychotic, devastating madman with the gentleman and schemer - elegant, destructive; orderly, chaotic. In many respects and from many viewpoints this fits Rampage so well - we all remember the gargling madman laughing as he let loose his rage on anyone foolish enough to get in his way, but what sold him for me in Beast Wars was how psychotic he could be with his words too. It was restrained for a kid's show, sure, but man... there's a reason he's my favourite non-IDW Transformers character.


And the range on this mold's arms, too! I love it when the arms are long enough to reach up to their heads or cross their arms without being so long as to look silly. Such excellent engineering.

... oh, yeah, he had an alt mode too, didn't he...? Well, um... I'm kinda... not taking pictures of it. Much as I adore this figure I am scared to transform it again (it was really tricky, I can't find the instructions on the internet and I do NOT want to break this wonderful gift!!). Plus, uh... TFP Megatron was kind of always one of those designs that went a bit...

"Hey, I've finished Megatron's design! I combined the best aspects of all his previous incarnations yet gave him his own unique edge to create a silhouette that just screams power and chaos and elegance."
"Bloody hell, that looks amazing! So what does he transform into?"
"... ****."

So... yeah. Awesome toy but until I have to move, he ain't transforming.

I guess the one other problem I have is that I would have preferred him in Voyager... but as is, he's not a bad size at all. He's not even a small Deluxe or anything so he doesn't look terribly out of place next to say, CW Hot Spot.


Man, Deep Metal sure is different from how I remember it...


And, of course, I HAVE to put him next to TR Megsy. I seriously love this dude and I love that I'm suddenly getting an influx of great Transformers villains that happen to be repaints of other figures who the mold is clearly designed for first and foremost but ended up working for this re-use perfectly. ... in my opinion.


And, of course, here he is next to Va'alpha Bravo. I have a working theory that Va'al and AB are the same being that will blow Braingate out of the water, I swear...

Seriously, this was such a wonderful gift - for FREE! - and I feel I can't thank Va'al enough for it. He's beautiful, he's incredible, he commands the mold surprisingly well with his unique colour scheme despite clearly being made for the other villain... yup, Alpha Bravo Va'al Rampage is just bloody incredible ;)^

Re: Kuro's Smol Collection

PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 4:38 am
by Va'al
Kurona wrote:"Hey, I've finished Megatron's design! I combined the best aspects of all his previous incarnations yet gave him his own unique edge to create a silhouette that just screams power and chaos and elegance."
"Bloody hell, that looks amazing! So what does he transform into?"
"... ****."

I lelled.


And, of course, here he is next to Va'alpha Bravo. I have a working theory that Va'al and AB are the same being that will blow Braingate out of the water, I swear...

Actual totally true story, in fact. I am about his height.
And I mean 13.5 cm, not the character's height. Typing is a lot of work, jumping from key to key..

Seriously, this was such a wonderful gift - for FREE! - and I feel I can't thank Va'al enough for it.

You are more than welcome. :D

Re: Kuro's Smol Collection

PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 7:20 am
by WreckerJack
His head looks like a lucha mask to me.


Re: Kuro's Smol Collection

PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 8:20 am
by Cobotron
Va'al may be tiny, but he is more than meets the eyes. That's for sure!

HOLY CATS TEVENS! I had no idea that there was a Deluxe Prime Megatron. I assumed that exclusive was the Voyager all along. Learn something new everyday.

I like your new toy, K. I like how much fun you're having with it even more. ;)^

Re: Kuro's Smol Collection

PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 9:11 am
by bodrock
Sometimes, just having the option to transform is enough - especially if the bot mode is so much more fun to pose.


Re: Kuro's Smol Collection

PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 9:55 am
by Cobotron
Agreed with bodsy there. Prime Megs is possibly the worst offender of alt mode-is-a-pile-of-what? syndrome out there, but that bot mode is sooooo good it's easy to over look his alt mode. Even the Commander class Cyberverse toy.

Re: Kuro's Smol Collection

PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 10:07 am
by Va'al
Cobotron wrote:Agreed with bodsy there. Prime Megs is possibly the worst offender of alt mode-is-a-pile-of-what? syndrome out there, but that bot mode is sooooo good it's easy to over look his alt mode. Even the Commander class Cyberverse toy.

I've always been fond of it, in a 'imma ride myself inside out because i'm evil' way.


Oh! Also, K - intructables for you: ... ageID=3017

Re: Kuro's Smol Collection

PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 10:15 am
by no-one
Congrats on the awesome figure ;)^

Cobotron wrote:I had no idea that there was a Deluxe Prime Megatron. I assumed that exclusive was the Voyager all along. Learn something new everyday.
I also assumed it was based off the voyager as well. So to clear it up, it's based off the FE Megs mold. I think that was a two pack or something.

Re: Kuro's Smol Collection

PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 10:17 am
by bodrock
Peek-a-boo, 'Page! I C U ;)
IMG_4790.JPG (26.2 KiB) Viewed 210143 times

You guys are making me love dem TF Prime figures!

Re: Kuro's Smol Collection

PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 10:18 am
by Cobotron
:lol: never thought of it that way.
Oh I have enough imagination power to make a loaf of banana bread a viable space ship. My hang up is always when the alt mode is so abstract I can't picture it in my mind and have a hard time getting there from bot without reference.
In the heat of playtime battle, ain't nobody got time fo dat! :-P

Re: Kuro's Smol Collection

PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 10:19 am
by Kurona
Yup, that Megs came in an exclusive 2-pack with a deluxe TFP Optimus and some PVC figs of the three humes. Guess they decided to use it for something since probably no-one was using the deluxe for their TFP Megs :lol:

Re: Kuro's Smol Collection

PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 10:27 am
by Va'al
Kurona wrote:Yup, that Megs came in an exclusive 2-pack with a deluxe TFP Optimus and some PVC figs of the three humes. Guess they decided to use it for something since probably no-one was using the deluxe for their TFP Megs :lol:

It also sold as a single pack, by Takara!