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Re: Cary's collection and other random musings

PostPosted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 7:27 pm
by Cobotron
donny1975 wrote: authentic cubic cybertronium???
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Cary's collection and other random musings

PostPosted: Sun Jun 21, 2015 4:54 pm
by no-one
On the road with Swerve

ImageLast sunset of the last day :sad: I couldn't decide which one I liked better and this is my neck of the woods, so I posted both.

ImageBye, Y'all!

Me: Thanks for hanging out with me, Swerve.

Swerve: No problem, big guy, you know me. I'm always up for a good q......

Me: Hey Swerve, isn't that Ultra Magnus over there? I think he is ready for a debriefing.

Swerve: HEY! Mags! HEY, wait up!

Me: Whew, that was a close call.

Re: Cary's collection and other random musings

PostPosted: Mon Jun 22, 2015 10:30 am
by no-one
It's story debriefing time on the Lost Light.

ImageMan, I really need Chromedome, Eject and Cyclonus figures.

Finally getting to that Magnus party! :DANCE:
This guy. This frakking guy right here, is awesome!


And for all you IDW fans out there.
I know he is based on the "middle" Minimus, but I like to pretend that he is the smallest. So here is what I'm thinking. A 3rd party needs to get on a cab replacement that can form the middle Minimus. Now that would be sweet!

And a little Hot Spot love before resuming the ongoing Combiner Wars saga.

I don't own very many G1 figures. But for some reason I've always held onto Hot Spot. Still trying to find my Magnus cab.

Ok, this next shot was inspired by Seiberton's "scorpion" mode from his gallerys. I call this "Big Honking Bazooka" mode!


Re: Cary's collection and other random musings

PostPosted: Mon Jun 22, 2015 12:48 pm
by Cobotron
Welcome home Mr. Jazz face man.
Looks like the debriefing went well.

Re: Cary's collection and other random musings

PostPosted: Mon Jun 22, 2015 4:44 pm
by donny1975
Tailgate is always gettin' cozy for a story...err debrief. Love the shots!

You also need a yellow brief case!

I think I am going to make one for my Smartrobin along with a face place with a decipticon logo on the inside... :-?

Re: Cary's collection and other random musings

PostPosted: Mon Jun 22, 2015 5:03 pm
by no-one
Cobotron wrote:Welcome home Mr. Jazz face man.
Looks like the debriefing went well.
Thanks, it's good to be home. I have finally found my cool guy glasses 8) <--- take a quick pick that-a-way.

donny1975 wrote:Tailgate is always gettin' cozy for a story...err debrief. Love the shots!
Thanks, I was going for that around the campfire vibe.

donny1975 wrote:You also need a yellow brief case!
I think I've heard someone has already made one via Shapeways for Smart Robin. I wanna say I saw a pic somewhere here with the same briefcase on Gen Brainstorm. Anyway, I just added a link to one that I found via a quick search. I found a few more, but that one looks very nice.

OK, this is in response to Willy-J's Top 5 Worst Shellformers article. If memory serves me correctly, Cobs brought this next guy/line up.

Image Crocobite I think. I also think they are part of the MotU line, maybe? focus man, focus

Bonus Time!

ImageI think the other guys are part of the Gobots Rocklords line? They were just chilling with crocoegg there. That chrome has not held up well.

I also wanted to add, that I missed all the botcon news until we got home. Holy snikeys! CW is going put me in the poor house.

Re: Cary's collection and other random musings

PostPosted: Mon Jun 22, 2015 5:30 pm
by Cobotron

...and I'll meet you in the poor house. :-(

Re: Cary's collection and other random musings

PostPosted: Mon Jun 22, 2015 5:39 pm
by no-one
Cobotron wrote:...and I'll meet you in the poor house. :-(
At least I'll be in good company.

What I really want is one of those fold-out posters with all the different figures available with little check boxes to be able to keep track of them all. Why don't they do those anymore? That could be a great mail-in.

I want 3/5 of Bruticus, so might as well complete the guy. Sky Lynx seems like a no brainer. And most of the new autobots. ARGH... hopefully the waves will be stretched out enough to give my wallet some breathing room.

Quite frankly, BotCon and now Takara's Devastator has been just too much to take in. I'm currently stalking all the TF fan sites to get all the different angles and pictures. And Titan Wars :BOOM:

Re: Cary's collection and other random musings

PostPosted: Mon Jun 22, 2015 5:50 pm
by donny1975

...and I'll meet you in the poor house. :-(

CW + MP + 3P = poor house, and since we'll all be poor we can all live in the same poor house it'll be cheaper for all... LOL

Totally love the rocklords had all of those goofy things when I was kid!

Re: Cary's collection and other random musings

PostPosted: Mon Jun 22, 2015 9:56 pm
by no-one
donny1975 wrote:CW + MP + 3P = poor house, and since we'll all be poor we can all live in the same poor house it'll be cheaper for all... LOL
Sounds like the start of some type of commune or halfway house.

donny1975 wrote:Totally love the rocklords had all of those goofy things when I was kid!
Wasn't there some fuzzy critters in the line that ate them or something like that?

Alright, now back to our regularly scheduled programming.

Previously on Combiner Wars; Menasor was flat on his back, Superion was about to mangle Dragstrip, the Protectobots were trying to free their leader, and Streetwise was in trouble.

The battle so far.

I wondered what had happened to Alpha Bravo.
ImageThat body check has given the Protectobots enough time to form Defensor.


Wildrider is a maniac. That will help the Stunticon team.

In all the chaos, it's easy to miss the battle down on the ground.

Re: Cary's collection and other random musings

PostPosted: Mon Jun 22, 2015 10:04 pm
by Cobotron
Not Huffer!

Re: Cary's collection and other random musings

PostPosted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 5:54 am
by no-one
Not Huffer!

Wait, when did Bayou Billy J get here?

Re: Cary's collection and other random musings

PostPosted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 1:15 pm
by no-one
It's RID 2015 time!

Uncle Fixit here. Now get yourself down to the Vintage Salvage Depot for the Discriminating Nostalgist Arena. For the price of just one energon cube, you can test your metal against a chompazoid. If you can stay on for 8 seconds, you will win yourself a little dolly.

If bucking chompazoids ain't your cup o tea. Then come over to the tracks and put a few energon cubes on a race or two. You may have paid for the whole seat, but you're only going to need the edge.
Image3, 2, 1, GO!

Catch ya later folks. Goin' mosey down to the oil pits and relax a spell.

I think Fixit might just be my new favorite!

Re: Cary's collection and other random musings

PostPosted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 9:16 pm
by Cobotron
Hey fella,
Why don't you go ahead and tell us a thang'er two bout dat dere fancy Ultro Magnets ya got thar. Ya know man, the big'ne.

Is he a neat robit? :-?

Re: Cary's collection and other random musings

PostPosted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 10:54 pm
by no-one
Cobotron wrote:Hey fella,
Why don't you go ahead and tell us a thang'er two bout dat dere fancy Ultro Magnets ya got thar. Ya know man, the big'ne.

Is he a neat robit? :-?

Hey, hey guy! He is a real cool cat. Now that he is taking a break from enforcing the Tyrest Accord he has time to help me get my wizard in Diablo 3 up to level 70.

When the going gets tough, he even offers to play the really hard parts for me.

Well, well, looky there! Looks like we made it!
I would have gotten back with ya sooner, but I had a goal that had to be achieved.

Outside of that nonsense, UM is an awesome figure. All that crazy talk about him being hollow is fooey. I mean yeah he is in places, but it's a non issue. He is a heavy figure to boot, but not too heavy. As you can see from the pics he has some pretty good posability. Some peeps gripe about the cab, but I loves it. I do wish that it could turn into a robit though.

The blue is way darker than it appeared in the early photos, and I like my UM a lighter shade of blue anyway. For example that FoC UM is way too dark for me. The blue also has that nice swirly metallic thing going for it.

The arm articulation could be better though. No wrist or forarm swivels, so that limits poses. And the old hands on waist looks a little awkward.

Vehicle mode is cool and has a super fun and intuitive transformation. One of my knee joints was a little tight and scared me that I was going break it. Once it finally popped in place, it was all good. The trailer is a little janky and reminds me a lot of the G1 trailer. But then again, it's been 30 years or so since I've had my hands on that beast.

For a $50 figure, he is the bomb digity and scales great with his Lost Light robot pals. I'd highly recommend him.

Speaking of robot pals... what's your Devastator plans?

Re: Cary's collection and other random musings

PostPosted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 3:30 pm
by Cobotron
Thanks for the report brother. I'm glad to hear your happy.
Hollowness tends to not bother me much. My imagination can usually fill in the holes.
I like the cab too. It looks like a mean little robo bull dog, and I think that's cool. Don't know why everybody complains about it.

I'm glad you confirmed the awesomeness of the swirly metallics in the blue plastic. It's hard to see in photos. I love that stuff. It may be the one regret I have about the TakTom version, but I'm not sure what they used.

He looks like a ton of fun. Is he good at video games?

carytheone wrote:Speaking of robot pals... what's your Devastator plans?
Well, I'm waitng to learn more about the Takara version. If the price is right, I'll bite, but I am a.o.k. with just the regular retail version. I told shajaki, I grew up with the original Star Wars figures. The elbow thing isn't that big of a deal for me.

Hey. Is diablo some how related to D&D? Didn't it come from Baulders Gate or something?

Re: Cary's collection and other random musings

PostPosted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 5:05 pm
by no-one
Cobotron wrote:My imagination can usually fill in the holes.
Your imagination could fill in the Grand Canyon :lol:

Cobotron wrote:Is he good at video games?
Surprisingly he is. Now that he has learned how to have fun, he has become a bit of an addict. He even has his own PSN ID. He asked me to say that he is waiting for you and jaki to jump on the PS4 bandwagon. ;)

Cobotron wrote:Hey. Is diablo some how related to D&D? Didn't it come from Baulders Gate or something?
I would say all flavors of RPGs are related to D&D just a little. Diablo is more of an action RPG hack and slash with some serious loot farming tendencies. It's really all about leveling up your character. It's all point and click on the PC but direct control on the consoles. If you played Baulder's Gate: Dark Alliance or Champions of Norrath back on the PS2, you would have a pretty good idea of what to expect. If you are talking about Baulder's Gate on the PC from way back, then you are talking about a completely different play style. Diablo is a very specific style of game (not for everyone). There is a story to be had, but it's all about grinding for loot. I was a huge fan of D2 and I waited 12 years for this bad boy and it has not disappointed one bit.

EDIT: Oops, forgot to talk about Devastator. I'm not really a deco/paint apps kind of guy and this may sound crazy, but the SDCC is my favorite deco. The lack of cool guy shades kills it for me. Articulation on the other hand, that's right up my ally. I find TFs to be the rubiks cube of action figures, and I like to "crack the nut" if you will. I wanted to hold out for Tak's price and release annoucement, but I just couldn't. I have a feeling it's going be out of my budget anyway (sour grapes). I went ahead an pre-ordered Hasbro's while the getting is still good. I feel that if TT's is crazy expensive, all them pre-orders are going dry up quick. I still have time to back out though if TT's is within my limits.

I'm one of them crazy folks, who hopes they keep pushing release dates back to give me more time to recover from previous purchases. With the pre-orders for Has's up, I felt time was of the essence. If TT's price is released soon enough and I like it, I will probably change my pre-order if possible.

Re: Cary's collection and other random musings

PostPosted: Wed Jul 01, 2015 5:58 pm
by no-one
I may have created a Monster

Seperated at Birth?
I think I'm the only other one who got a stinky Whirl. I don't think it was Whirl so much as it was his accessories. I dug them out of the box I keep them in and was reminded of the smell. A burning electronics smell.

Familia de Bulkhead
Bulkhead is one of my favorite characters, can you tell?

Re: Cary's collection and other random musings

PostPosted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 11:49 pm
by no-one
I just got Legends Rodimus today, and I've been having a blast with him. I think I like him better than Blackjack (definitely the color scheme anyway). I did make a small modification to make Rodimus look more like himself. Now all I need is a flame sticker and I'll be good to go.

ImageI may have spoofed someone eles's picture here.


ImageIt's huntin' season somewhere!

ImageShouldn't have stolen Prime's ride! Wait, wait, wait, wait; I can do better.

ImageWho runs Barter Town!?!

This has been sitting on my self for months, and I've been looking for a reason to post it.Image

Rodimus has been assigned a new ride as punishment.

Now, to the modification. Hey Scooter, can you give us a hand?
ImageNow, thats a Masterpiece figure I would line up for.

Look closely...

No, closelier...
ImageYeah, a little sloppy, but I couldn't get a file in there.

Here is what I did to the axe. Thanks for the hand, Rodders.
ImageCan I axe you a question?

See, doesn't it look like nothing ever happened?

And one last closing thought. Is it just me, or does this look like a cockpit?
Now, if only I could find a tiny little guy to shove in there.

Hope you enjoyed.

Re: Cary's collection and other random musings

PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 3:29 am
by Logan.
carytheone wrote:ImageI may have spoofed someone eles's picture here.

... And you have spoofed very well! :D

Re: Cary's collection and other random musings

PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 5:26 am
by donny1975
CW Mags playing video games and Scooter from GB 2 of my favs in this ocean of gems you got here! Lovin' all the pics including the spoofed one LOL! These are so fun to look through!

Re: Cary's collection and other random musings

PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 7:45 am
by no-one
Thanks guys. I'm glad you stopped by and enjoyed yourselves.

Re: Cary's collection and other random musings

PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 3:29 pm
by no-one
Rainy day with a Friend





Re: Cary's collection and other random musings

PostPosted: Mon Jul 06, 2015 9:59 am
by galvatron00
Awesome stuff here Cary, my apologies for the delay in checking it out!

Re: Cary's collection and other random musings

PostPosted: Mon Jul 06, 2015 10:04 am
by no-one
itscramtastic wrote:Awesome stuff here Cary, my apologies for the delay in checking it out!

Thanks and no apologies required. Is this your first visit through the looking glass?