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PostPosted: Fri Jul 24, 2015 9:00 am
by Foximus

Allegiance: Autobot
Function: Metallurgist
Alternate Modes: 4WD Truck
Weapons: My First BlasterTM
Special Abilities: The power to annoy someone to death.
Height: 15ft/ 4.6m
Quote: “Molecular structure is the window to understanding."

Strength: 06
Intelligence: 08
Dexterity: 06
Speed: 06
Endurance: 05
Courage: 07
Firepower: 02
Accuracy: 02
Melee: 05
Tech Skill: 07
Charisma: 09
Rank: 05

Profile: Gregarious would be a good word to describe Swerve. So would outgoing, enthusiastic, upbeat, joyfully irreverent, flippant, sarcastic, wise ass, troll, or "total pain in the aft," depending on which side of his weapons-grade mouth you happen to fall on and how long you've been listening to him use it. Swerve has a sense of fun and even whimsy that stands out from your run of the mill Autobots fairly dramatically. The little fellow may get on their nerves... he'll probably get on their nerves... But it'll always be with a smile, a laugh, and an epic level quip, making him a good bartender.

He is, however, also a menace to everyone within range of a gun in his hand - including himself - given his legendarily bad aim, as well as to anyone driving nearby because he's so easily distracted by just about anything that catches his attention. Despite this, he's quite intelligent and skilled as a metallurgist, analyzing the properties of a material with unique sensors in his hands. When he gets caught up in a problem, he becomes almost laser-like in focus and intensity, going on quest after quest, both major and minor. Unfortunately, this generally leaves him just as distracted from any other tasks at hand and just as accident-prone as ever. He's almost always in need of some repairs, major or minor, because of it.

Abilities: Subject has above-average strength and great intelligence. He is an expert at metallurgical science. In vehicle mode, he can travel at speeds of 120 mph for up to 500 miles. In robot mode, his hands contain sensor that can divine the chemical and physical properties of metals and various geological substances.

Weaknesses: Subject isn’t heavily armored, putting him at risk during firefights and combat operations. His poor driving forces him to undergo numerous minor and major repairs. His poor accuracy makes him a danger to himself and others with a gun in his hands.