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Lord Megatron

PostPosted: Sat Apr 10, 2021 2:08 pm
by WarCat
After Jetfire, my free time got very limited and I stopped drawing. But, finally the bug hit and I picked MP-36 Megatron as my next project. Megatron was a fun drawing to make, and a bit complicated at times.
As always, I started with a head sculpt.
Test Head scuplt.png
Test Head scuplt.png (10.23 KiB) Viewed 124345 times

Once that was done, I got started. I was about 40% done when something happened that I didn't expect to happen. I lost the file, and the backup. For whatever reason, the laptop I was working on decided to do an update and it erased the USB drive that was attached to it. Starting over on a drawing that is about half done was jarring. But, I started researching the toy better, realized that I had made several mistakes on a few of the details, and started anew. So, here we are. Enjoy the fruits of my labor.
Here is the finished prototype drawing.
(2) Megatron Finshed Prototype.png

And the wireframe drawing.
(1) MEGATRON Finished Wireframe.png

The finished drawing
(3) MEGATRON Finshed drawing purple background.png

Here is a comparison of the drawing and the photo I based it on. The photographer is Alex 2k5.
(4) MEGATRON photo Comparison.png

Am I done using this drawing? Not at all. However to do the group drawing I want to do requires me to draw another bot, and as of right now I am maybe 35% through with that drawing. So when that drawing is completed, there will be more to post. Until then, laters....