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(Fembot) Energon Windrazor

PostPosted: Tue Jan 21, 2020 12:57 pm
by Evil Eye
I've always liked the Energon Aerialbots, and always rather bemoaned their utter lack of characterization other than "limb" in any media of any kind. As such, I took it upon myself to give them some personalities, including two new names and four genderswaps. I started that nonsense off in this thread So here's the first of my efforts, in (rather rough) fineliner and marker- Windrazor! Not my finest work, I will admit, but I'm quite pleased with it.
One of the "Auxiliary Aerialbots", Windrazor is hot-headed and overexcitable. She adores doing ridiculous high-speed maneuvers and dizzying acrobatic displays both in and out of combat. The upside of this is that even the most skilled Decepticon fliers struggle to lock onto her, making her a formidable foe. The downside is that she's often so busy going fast and pulling G-force that she fails to notice how much fuel her afterburners are using up, resulting in her running out mid-flight and falling out of the sky at the worst possible moment, much to her embarrassment. She also has a secret yearning to join the Cybertronian Aerial Wrestling league, and practices various martial arts when nobody is looking. She can form a limb for Hyperion (preferably an arm) and is armed with a dual neutrino machine gun.