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Fan designed Transformers part 3

PostPosted: Tue Aug 27, 2019 4:44 am
by deceptispoon

Part three to my series of Transformers but-what-if-I-designed-them.
Part one.
Part two.

As before all of them will have a link to a tumblr post containing my personal headcanons on the character aside from Unicron (spoilers) at the end who I'll just give a brief explanation of, I'd also greatly appreciate it if you at least looked at Unicron at the bottom as I am very proud of that image.
As with prior posts these headcanons also link into my own 'fan universe' but that is not necessary to dive into or bother with unless you want to, so without further procrastination here we go!

Seaspray headcanons.

Brawn headcanons.

Blurr headcanons.

Quintesson headcanons.

Blitzwing headcanons.

The Empty's canon wiki page for those who didn't know of them.
My Empty headcanons.

Primacron headcanons.

Swoop headcanons.

Laserbeak headcanons.

And now the best for last!
I headcanon Unicron to be (and so he is in my 'fanverse') a colossal cosmic horror! He is both organic and in-organic! His mass is so large you almost never see all of him, he's cruel and sadistic, he took great joy in torturing and abusing his three servants and likes to savour devouring planets, mostly to watch it's people panic.
His lower jaw is made up of jagged metal spikes and his horns are also metal, the rest in this image is pulsating flesh, he has a halo to 'add' to the 'ancient monstrous god' vibe.
I'm VERY proud of this piece so even if you didn't like the others I'd like some feedback on this one if you fancy it.