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From 2010 to 2011 ... Happy New Year!

PostPosted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:30 am
by Burn
Yeah, here we go heading into a brand new year. Now i'm sure we'd all love to look back and reflect on what 2010 brought us as Transformers fan, but that particular topic will be along later.

I thought i'd kickstart a thread for everyone to reflect on the year that was, and take a look at what the year will be.

For me, 2010 was a bit of a continuation for the changes that have happened in my life in the last three years. It's truly amazing what a change in job can bring you, and two and a half years ago I did just that. Changed jobs. Since I did that i've moved ahead in life. I got a new car, paid it off, and this year I took the big plunge and bought a town house of my own.

Now I won't be moving into it until the tenants get out at the end of January, but I now have a mortgage and about 30 years or repayments ahead of me. :shock:

A few years back I helped form a community band for this town, a little concert band. We didn't do much this year, but next year is shaping up to be big for us. We're moving from the local high school into an actual auditorium for our practices and i'm going to be taking on a more direct role in helping get us out there to the public. After all, if i'm going to be doing the marketing for work, I may as well utilise those talents and contacts for the band!

I head into 2011 still single, 2010 had it's ups and downs in the romance stakes. All involving one woman who loved me, hated me, and just plain loved to hate me and hated to love me. Very very confusing woman. But you know what? I've learnt from it and i'm going to be taking those experiences into 2011.

2011 will also mark the year I turn 35. Which, according to the various death clocks on the internet, means i'm well past the first half of my life. :shock: Oh the horrors!

Overall I think 2010 was a fairly quiet year for me. Things happened, both good and bad. I enjoyed the good and learnt from the bad. 2011 will be a big change for me, my own place, but at the same time I think it'll also be a quiet year as well. But then again, I could be wrong, after all, who knows what the future may hold for me.

Resolutions? pffffft. We all know I won't keep them anyway. But like many, I want to lose weight. So we'll see how I go with that.

Happy New Year folks, over to you!

Re: From 2010 to 2011

PostPosted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:05 am
by Rodimus Prime
Well, I still have a while to go until the clock strikes 2011 for me, but what the hell.

2010 was also up and down for me in many parts of my life. I found a job after 5 months of being unemployed, but it's at Walmart. A job is a job, but this is close to the bottom rung of the ladder. Hopefully 2011 will see me movin' on up. My TF collecting got a bit out of hand, as I spent at least a quarter of my money on procuring pieces of my now-considered-near-complete collection. So, 2011 will see me getting maybe a few DoTM figures, and MP Rodimus. That's all. In the romance department, I've been with the same girl since the end of 2009, though our relationship has been anything but smooth. We've definitely had both good and bad surprises for each other, but I must say she trumped me big time in the letdown column. Oh well, some things are easier to deal with than others, and I believe in second chances, I've definitely needed my share.

Otherwise, I plan on doing what most other people in the new year say they will, get in better physical shape and save my money. I say that every year.

Happy New Year!

Re: From 2010 to 2011

PostPosted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:33 am
by Jesterhead
2010 was a year of change for me!

First off, I'm finished school! After wasting 2 years in a program I decided I didn't like, I had some time to make up! Now, my program required an un-paid co-op placement to graduate (which bothered me to no end), luckily I was able to land a paid position doing exactly what I wanted! Starting my career was one of the best feelings ever. I've been with the same girlfriend for 4 years now, so no changes there. I also bought my first car, the insurance is brutal, but still totally worth it!

Before starting my new office job, I've only done jobs which involve moving heavy object back and forth (warehouses, tree nurseries, and bakeries). I've put on like 10 pounds in the last 6 months, from sitting on my a$$ all day long! urghhh...

Any way, Happy New Years to fellow Seibertronians,
Looking forward to 2011, the international year of chemsitry!! :-B

Re: From 2010 to 2011

PostPosted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:11 am
by Cyber Bishop
For me 2010 started out on an ok note.. Our finances were stil a mess from my layoff in early 09 but things were looking up especially with my school board IT job. I was singing almost every week at church on praise team and things looked decent. About sometime in May I got the word that it was looking like I was going to get my own school to work with for the 2010-2011 school year and with that would have come a nice pay raise.
Me and the wife had gotten our finances on the right track and were hoping to become debt free by feb 2014 (via debt management plans)..
Then came late July..
We got the word that the school board cut our contract due to "budget cuts" (actually a serious scandal where high ranking boardmembers received huge bonuses which killed their budget).

So I was going to be laid off again.. No 5 months of cushion from a severance package this time (like in 09).. It was complete panic mode now!
By the graces of God my brother in law worked at a mechanic shop and they needed a service adviser. I went in and got the job... Unfortunately it was for a dollar less than my school board job (and the sb job was $2.50 less than the job I was at for 14 years in 09).. SO another pay cut and only part time now.. The only bright spot was that I was only part time for a week. I hated this job, it was not in any of my fields that I had training in, it had a lot of "customer service" and I was really uneasy at first dealing with customers. I was at a low point in my life and kept asking God as to why I was gong through this. His answer would come later.. I was bringing home a paycheck and was just glad to be able to do that, however with my new salary, it was not enough to maintain all the bills. If we did not get rid of our credit we would lose our house because we could no longer afford the CC payments (through the debt management programs) and our house note/electric/water/food/etc...
The one bright spot came in early October when I ran into an old school bud of mine, he told me that his company was hiring and that because of my electronics, mechanical assembly, troubleshooting and computer skills that I would fit right in.
Well I applied and got the job! I even went up .50 in pay.
Unfortunately the little pay boost was not enough for the finances so we had no other choice then file chapter 7...
It was trying but on the 27th we completed it after seeing the trustee and now we can "start over" so to speak..
MY new job even sent me to Lexington Ky to get certified on Lexmark copy machines and now I am the first person there to have certification on some machines before my 90 day probation period is up.
God really knows what he is doing because his answer to why I had gone through all I had gone through for the past 2 years was this..
I am now using EVERY skill I have learned at every job I have had.
mechanical assembly/disassembly
troubleshooting electronics and mechanical assemblies
computer work
Even something I never thought of that I learned from the auto shop...
customer service

2011 can only go up from here.
Here is to everyone, that you 2011 be a happy prosperous year!

Re: From 2010 to 2011

PostPosted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:48 am
by Editor
For myself.. 2010 was kind of a big year...

Started with the lead-up and the Winter Olympics which from about 2 weeks before they started to once the Paralympics finished more-or-less dominated everything, from work handling orders of gear and swag to just how if effected everything around this town.

At the beginning of March I found myself unemployed for the first time in years, when my finances were already shot from helping to support my Girlfriend who had been out of work for half of 2009. Made things tough but at least I wasn't worried about needing time off to watch the world cup. Also spent time working on modifing a ROC Ice Dagger into a Red Shadow Vehicle, hey I was happy with the result.

Somewhere in June, me and my GF decide regardless of our finances or other issues, we would celebrate our 3rd anniversy together by taking the plunge and getting married.

July brought the birth of former room-mates and two of my closest friends first child. kind of a big deal seeing they weren't even sure if they would be able to have one up until last year. August was a huge month, as we held the 9th Anime Evolution here in Vancouver and I found myself in the role of Convention Chairman. We had about 6150 people in all and in most ways it was a success. Less than a week afterwards I found myself with a new job (making better money than before). September followed that with my first trip to PAX, Had an awesome time and realized how much with conventions I have missed by working them for the past decade rather than just attending.

October was uneventful... except for the wedding, which was quite decent. (Editor Pro Tip: If you can meet your future wifes/husband's family for the first time earlier than just 2 days before your wedding. I would recommend it, the last thing you need with everything else going on, is to have to make your first impressions.)

Collection wise, things for most of the year were slow, with a number of great additions towards the end, Breacher is one of the best figures at that size, I have enjoyed most of the PCC Decepticon releases, and the last few Animated figures have helped to finish off a shelf. And that's not even counting the Fansproject Combaticons, which immediately received a spot of honour in my display pieces.

so in all, 2010 was good, 2011..... we'll just have to see.

Happy New Year from

PostPosted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:45 pm
by Seibertron
The staff of would like to wish all of you Seibertronians a safe and Happy New Year! It looks like 2011 is going to be another incredible year in the world of the Transformers with lots of new products in the works and the 3rd installment in the live action Transformers films titled "Dark of the Moon".


Make sure you check out the "'s Finest of 2010" article that was posted earlier today which showcases the staff's favorite picks from 2010. You can share your picks as well by posting in that thread.

Please stop by to share your New Year messages with other Seibertronians by clicking here. Stay safe friends ... 2011 is almost here! Happy New Year!

Re: From 2010 to 2011 ... Happy New Year!

PostPosted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:00 pm
by DevastaTTor
Happy new year Ryan, staff, members, and friends of! Hope everyone has a great 2011.

Re: From 2010 to 2011 ... Happy New Year!

PostPosted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:10 pm
by SlyTF1
I hope 1011 is better than my crappy 2010 and 2009 years. I don't even remember how 2008 went, but it was still probably almost as horrible as 09 and 10. So far, it looks like it's going to be a good start, but with me, nothing is certain...ever.

Re: From 2010 to 2011 ... Happy New Year!

PostPosted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:33 pm
by CybertronHotShot
First of all, i like to wish a wonderful 2011 to everyone and let`s hope the new year be greater than 2010 when it comes to our big passion. :D

Re: From 2010 to 2011 ... Happy New Year!

PostPosted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:45 pm
by mattyc1007
Good 2011 To Everyone!. Its been 2011 here for 2 hours now, and I'm already enjoying my first sandwhich of the year, a first of many ;)

Re: From 2010 to 2011 ... Happy New Year!

PostPosted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:15 pm
by Wheeljack35
LOL Us people who have no lives get stuck at home to be bored to death :p

Re: From 2010 to 2011 ... Happy New Year!

PostPosted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:29 pm
by ALEXD3498
Happy new year!! I cannot wait for MP Rodimus. Hope they reissue more encore figures and maybe reissue headmasters since in 2010 it was season 3 and Japan celebrated, maybe they will celebrate 2011 as headmasters since in episode 1 it said in the year 2011! Probably not but still keeping hopes up!!! :BOT: :CON: :KREMZEEK: :grin:

Re: From 2010 to 2011 ... Happy New Year!

PostPosted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:41 pm
by Doctor McGrath
Happy New Years everyone. An hour and a half left here in Ohio!

Re: From 2010 to 2011 ... Happy New Year!

PostPosted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:53 pm
by Praxus Prime
I just got back from my best friend's house, but unfortunately I had to leave a little early... And dad gummit, I'm not gonna get to see her for a while now... :sad:
Anyway... 16 1/2 minutes in advance, HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Re: From 2010 to 2011 ... Happy New Year!

PostPosted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:58 pm
by soundwave13c
It has been a good year, full of surprises. Full of sadness and joy, but I, and all my my friends, present and past, would like to say Happy New Year, One that is extreamly safe and awesome :APPLAUSE:

Re: From 2010 to 2011 ... Happy New Year!

PostPosted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:06 pm
by Cyber Bishop
We are having a nice get together with some friends right now..

I am feeling pretty good too.. Rum and Dr. Pepper RAWKS!

Re: From 2010 to 2011 ... Happy New Year!

PostPosted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:16 pm
by SlyTF1
It's only been New Years for 6 minutes, and it's already off to a horrible start. I quit life. :-(

Re: From 2010 to 2011 ... Happy New Year!

PostPosted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:32 pm
by soundwave13c
SlyTF1 wrote:It's only been New Years for 6 minutes, and it's already off to a horrible start. I quit life. :-(

I humbly ask you to be optimistic ;)

Re: From 2010 to 2011 ... Happy New Year!

PostPosted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:33 pm
by SlyTF1
soundwave13c wrote:
SlyTF1 wrote:It's only been New Years for 6 minutes, and it's already off to a horrible start. I quit life. :-(

I humbly ask you to be optimistic ;)

Every time I do, something bad happens anyway.

Re: From 2010 to 2011 ... Happy New Year!

PostPosted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:50 pm
by soundwave13c
SlyTF1 wrote:
soundwave13c wrote:
SlyTF1 wrote:It's only been New Years for 6 minutes, and it's already off to a horrible start. I quit life. :-(

I humbly ask you to be optimistic ;)

Every time I do, something bad happens anyway.

Ha! yup thats the beautiful thing we call life! :grin:

Re: From 2010 to 2011 ... Happy New Year!

PostPosted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:17 pm
by Cyber Bishop
SlyTF1 wrote:
soundwave13c wrote:
SlyTF1 wrote:It's only been New Years for 6 minutes, and it's already off to a horrible start. I quit life. :-(

I humbly ask you to be optimistic ;)

Every time I do, something bad happens anyway.

Bro, ready my synopsis of 2010... Things can only get better..
Even for you.

Re: From 2010 to 2011 ... Happy New Year!

PostPosted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:26 pm
by First-Aid
Happy 2011 all! Now that the calendar has turned, we can all spend the next three months accidentally writing "2010" on our checks!

Oh, and please do not resolve to not make any resultions. It will result in a paradox, since by making it you already break it, and it will rip open a hole in space time which will result in a disaster of Biblical proportions. Old Testament...real wrath of God type stuff.

2010 had one good event for me: a Stanley Cup win for the Blackhawks (I work for the AHL team, meaning I know and have blackmail pictures of most of the players). Other than that, it was over 600 rejected job applications and two months of shin splints. Hope 2011 is better...

Re: From 2010 to 2011 ... Happy New Year!

PostPosted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:27 pm
by Samsonator
Well, I've still got two hours of 2010 left, time to get sloshed and play the endless stage on Megaman 9.

Re: From 2010 to 2011 ... Happy New Year!

PostPosted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:30 pm
by Rated X
Happy new years to all !!!

Re: From 2010 to 2011 ... Happy New Year!

PostPosted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:45 pm
by Cyber Bishop
First-Aid wrote:Oh, and please do not resolve to not make any resultions. It will result in a paradox, since by making it you already break it, and it will rip open a hole in space time which will result in a disaster of Biblical proportions. Old Testament...real wrath of God type stuff.


But I agree, I never make resolutions, as they always get broken..

Man it is hard to type correctly with a serious buzz...