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I built my first Gundam

PostPosted: Fri Jan 22, 2021 5:07 pm
by Notimus Crime
I know I could post this on the Gundam thread but I'm not really certain I want to fully get into Gundam yet so I'll just make this it's own thing (it'll be simpler in case I decide nah)

Full disclosure I know absolutely nothing about Gundam

So I was at Target today. Went straight to the Transformers and everything was cleaned out except for a few kingdom core classes, some cyberverse, and a HUGE cluster of the Buzzworthy Bumblebee Bumblebee and Spike set on the shelf. So nothing I wanted. I decided to take a look around, and something caught my eye. A Wing Gundam model kit. I had given model kits some thought before, but every other time I decided I would just save my money in case there was a Transformer I wanted the next time. This time I decided to bite the bullet. I grabbed the kit and got a pair of nippers, and (roughly) two hours of assembly later it was done. It was pretty satisfying, although some parts were a bit frustrating. Mainly concerning the stickers. Was I supposed to be using a pair of tweezers on those or something? Because I hand applied them and even though I got them all on almost exactly as they're supposed to be, it was more than a bit of trouble to do so (seriously they were absolutely tiny these are the smallest stickers I've ever seen).

Yeah I like this thing. It's a bit smaller than I thought it would be (I knew it wasn't going to be nearly as large as the box because of the whole sprew thing), but I don't at all feel ripped off. I still feel like this kit is really good for the price. It looks really cool, it's got great articulation, and everything feels nice and tight. The weapons are pretty cool too.
Oh, and it helps that it has a nice and simple transformation into an awesome space jet. Like, yeah, it is very obviously a robot lying down, but it's still pretty sick.
If I had to lob one complaint against this model kit, it's that the thrusters on the feet are very frustrating to take out, and I really wish they had just included a pair for each mode rather than making you take them out and put them in whenever you want to change modes. They'll be staying in the pieces for jet mode, as they aren't all that visible in robot mode and It's jet mode where they really matter for the look.
I don't really know if I'll be buying any more Gundams in the future unless one catches my eye, but if I do get a couple more I may actually try and watch some Gundam so I can know what's even the story here. But for now I'm happy with the one Wing Gundam model kit I have, it'll be staying stored in the box and I might take it out to play around with it every now and again. I'll display it if I ever decide to go the extra mile and get a stand for it, as it is it's too top heavy to comfortably display without extra support.

Re: I built my first Gundam

PostPosted: Fri Jan 22, 2021 9:48 pm
by Jelze Bunnycat
Good job on completing your first Gundam kit! :APPLAUSE:

The Gundam story is... well, it's like any franchise that's decades old, with multiple timelines and reboots. The basic premise in most continuities is basically rebels fighting government oppression in specialised Gundam suits, with the lead one always resembling yours (the "Optimus Prime" of the line :lol: )
I know of two series have been localised: Gundam Wing in the 90's (love both opening themes), and right now Iron-Blooded Orphans. The latter airs on the Toonami block of Adult Swim (Cartoon Network past 8pm).

Pliers are really recommended for the stickers, for picking them up and especially placing them. Another good tool is a narrow wooden stick like a large tooth pick to help you get them into narrow creases or get them perfectly plat.

Re: I built my first Gundam

PostPosted: Fri Jan 22, 2021 10:17 pm
by Roadbuster
I remember 1/100 High Grade Wing Zero was my first model, back when I was in High School, during the year 2000. It was flimsy and required quite a bit of panel-lining to bring out the details. My paint job was horrid to say the least. I had yet to discover the proper painting techniques to make it appear smooth. I hardly ever paint unless I actually want a certain part looking closer to the box. Since then, I discovered to make it look like what is on the box, you'd need to invest in an air brush, paints, and a few other tools along with patience. Personally, I prefer just building.

For stickers, tweezers are recommended. You don't need a specialty pair. A simple cheap set will do. Wire cutters are another useful tool for separating parts from their runners. it also helps to get the excess plastic off where the parts were connected to the runners.

I'm glad you gave it a try, even if you are on the fence about jumping into Gunpla.

Re: I built my first Gundam

PostPosted: Fri Jan 22, 2021 10:35 pm
by Notimus Crime
Jelze Bunnycat wrote: The Gundam story is... well, it's like any franchise that's decades old, with multiple timelines and reboots. The basic premise in most continuities is basically rebels fighting government oppression in specialised Gundam suits, with the lead one always resembling yours (the "Optimus Prime" of the line :lol: )

Yeah figured there was some sort of Optimus Prime/Red Ranger situation going on there. Where no matter how many timelines or reboots you have of a franchise it's almost always a guy with a similar appearance/color scheme leading the good guys. The wing Gundam looks A LOT like the one Gundam I was familiar with before this (the one from the original Mobile Suit Gundam). Of course the fact that there was a kit of that one directly next to this one on the shelf helped me make that connection.
Pliers are really recommended for the stickers, for picking them up and especially placing them. Another good tool is a narrow wooden stick like a large tooth pick to help you get them into narrow creases or get them perfectly plat.

I knew something was wrong when I got to step 2 of the instructions and it showed you're supposed to apply sticker 6 (the green rectangles) to the Gundam's chest and sticker 6 fit on the tip of my finger. I would've asked my Dad for a pair of tweezers (or pliers) but he was busy doing something and I didn't want to bother him. I'm honestly kind of astounded that I got them on there as well as I did. I'll definitely get something for the stickers beforehand if I get another kit.

Re: I built my first Gundam

PostPosted: Sat Sep 04, 2021 12:20 pm
by chuckdawg1999
I've built a lot of kits, funny enough my first were some No Grades 1/100 from 00. I've built quite a few since then. I even have this kit on my to-build list.

Re: I built my first Gundam

PostPosted: Sat Sep 04, 2021 1:24 pm
by JohnnyFountainS1983
Mine was Shinning Gundam.