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Why GIJoe movie no heavy metal?

PostPosted: Sun Jun 19, 2016 12:39 pm
by Deathastator2212
Aside from the bad story* in the animated movie of GIJoe, I also disliked the lack of rock/metal music like Transformers had. Can anyone remember why?

* My dislikes:
- The main known characters have little screentime, compared to the four new Joes; Tunnelrat, Jinx, Big lob, and the MP guy.
- This does also count for the main characters of Cobra.
- The origins of Cobra are really, really stupid. Especially the very low detailed Cobra-La ice dome where just about everything is a living animal.

Re: Why GIJoe movie no heavy metal?

PostPosted: Sun Jun 19, 2016 1:16 pm
by Mkall
Deathastator2212 wrote:Aside from the bad story* in the animated movie of GIJoe, I also disliked the lack of rock/metal music like Transformers had. Can anyone remember why?

Probably because the composer decided not to? I suspect it was scored with less of an audio budget. But then again, after that awesome themesong, nothing else could compare.

* My dislikes:
- The main known characters have little screentime, compared to the four new Joes; Tunnelrat, Jinx, Big lob, and the MP guy.

This is similar to the Transformers Movie. They had to shuffle away the old guard and make way for the new guard, however unlike the Transformers movie, they weren't able to kill off the old cast (being human and whatnot I guess). I think only Duke was supposed to be killed, but they had second thoughts after the backlash of Prime's death.

- This does also count for the main characters of Cobra.

Didn't you know? He was once a man.

- The origins of Cobra are really, really stupid. Especially the very low detailed Cobra-La ice dome where just about everything is a living animal.

And a giant, planet-eating robot the size of a solar system isn't?

It was the 80's and the movies were designed to sell toys. Just sit back and enjoy it.

Re: Why GIJoe movie no heavy metal?

PostPosted: Thu Sep 22, 2016 9:44 pm
by Dagon
Mkall wrote:
It was the 80's and the movies were designed to sell toys. Just sit back and enjoy it.

Yes, enjoy it. Ignore those things about it that you DON'T enjoy, and enjoy it because it was made to sell toys, so your enjoyment is irrelevant. You should like it regardless, so enjoy the thing you didn't enjoy simply because.

Sorry about the necrobump, but I never can resist this type of reply.