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Help with writing?

PostPosted: Wed May 18, 2016 7:27 am
by BeastProwl
Now I don't know if this is the proper place to put this, but I figure here is best because I'm more asking for help and expressing my feelings towards writing In general.

For the last month and a half or so I've been attempting to write a story. Like, an actual work of fiction. I have a good setup, several characters and an established set of rules, (I feel this is important to establish early) as well as events I know they'll go through; I know who lives, who dies, who betrays who, etc.

However, writing isn't easy, especially writing characters with believable personalities, and describing things without coming off as overbearing.

Does anyone have any general advice for this? I'm kinda stuck at the moment.

It's just very frustrating spending hours and hours writing and re-writing the same 3 chapters or so when I want to get on with the story. I just feel my writing isn't good enough? Or could be better in the least.

Re: Help with writing?

PostPosted: Thu May 19, 2016 10:43 pm
by Counterpunch
BeastProwl wrote:Now I don't know if this is the proper place to put this, but I figure here is best because I'm more asking for help and expressing my feelings towards writing In general.

For the last month and a half or so I've been attempting to write a story. Like, an actual work of fiction. I have a good setup, several characters and an established set of rules, (I feel this is important to establish early) as well as events I know they'll go through; I know who lives, who dies, who betrays who, etc.

However, writing isn't easy, especially writing characters with believable personalities, and describing things without coming off as overbearing.

Does anyone have any general advice for this? I'm kinda stuck at the moment.

It's just very frustrating spending hours and hours writing and re-writing the same 3 chapters or so when I want to get on with the story. I just feel my writing isn't good enough? Or could be better in the least.

Someone will probably give you the trite advice, "Show, don't tell." your set of questions, it may be appropriate.

Believably, in my opinion is what happens in between scenes. Characters work when the live beyond their plot task. Establish what they like to drink, how they swear, how they react without words to the actions or speech of others. Figure out who they are and hurt them.

I'm serious about that. If a character puts value in something, take it away. If they love someone, kill or threaten that person. Motivation tied to action, with the regular world moving and colliding with a character is what brings them to life.

As for getting stuck. Learn this and learn it well.

There is no re-write.

There is only writing and editing.

Once you start writing, don't stop until the story is done. Even if it's scant, lousy, or thin...finish. Get to the ending. Then you can edit, repair, or revise your work.

If you're stuck on a point, then your current situation or character isn't complete.

If this methodology doesn't work for you, then start outlining.

My outlines end up being massive and detailed. I even put song titles next to sections to remind me to listen to certain music so I can feel a certain way when I get to a section.

Re: Help with writing?

PostPosted: Sun May 22, 2016 12:02 pm
by BeastProwl
I'm currently writing a story outline and after that I'll do what you said :D Ill get it finished one day... Idunno how long it'll take however... I'll definitely need second opinions in the process though.

Re: Help with writing?

PostPosted: Sun May 22, 2016 10:16 pm
by WreckerJack
Read if you don't already. This will help you gain a more natural sense of writing.

A thesaurus is an invaluable tool when you are looking for the perfect word.

Re: Help with writing?

PostPosted: Tue May 24, 2016 2:55 pm
by ZeroWolf
There's nor much I can add that others have said but I can't stress enough, what counterpunch said about finishing a story then editing it. Being able to take a step back and look at the complete picture allows you to see if the flow of the narrative is disrupted anywhere or if there is plot hooks left dangling or just forgotten about.

One of my stories got completely rewritten from the first draft that way, I'd like to think I made it better but we authors are not the best to judge our talents as the best can think they are lower than worms while the worst think everyone hangs on their words.

Re: Help with writing?

PostPosted: Fri Jun 03, 2016 5:13 pm
by WreckerJack
I found a neat tool! (Works on PC just fine you don't need a smartphone)

Re: Help with writing?

PostPosted: Tue Jun 07, 2016 2:45 am
by Va'al
I keep meaning to pop into here to drop some tips, but always forget.
I bumped into this thing this morning, and it looks quite fun to get some engines oiled up and maintained: ... rcises.php

That do-it-all-then-edit thing that Counterpunch mentions - that's how NaNoWriMo works, in November. Give it a look, if it's your sort of thing!

Join discussion groups for feedback on the work you're producing, and show your work as you're writing - don't wait until the end. Read it out loud if you can, you'll judge pacing, flow, structure and dialogue in particular.

This is a good podcast for writers, by a UK poet/novelist/nerd:

Re: Help with writing?

PostPosted: Tue Jun 07, 2016 1:43 pm
by ZeroWolf
I think i may have to try NaNoWriMo this year. Thanks for the link va'al! :-)

Re: Help with writing?

PostPosted: Thu Jun 09, 2016 9:24 am
by Me, Grimlock!
I do fiction-writing tutoring: stuff like the show-don't-tell that's been mentioned, the three-act structure, how to make sure your act II doesn't bring the story down (that's where people have the most trouble), keeping readers interested, how to punch up the climax, how to create suspense, etc. Hit me up on PM if you're interested. I've got a few novellas out in a series, three on Amazon, if you're interested in my level of fiction writing. Not sure I can directly link them since that might look like I'm using the site to peddle them, but if you want to take a look, I can PM you the links. They have previews available.

Oh. Wait. Forgot. Look at that. The links are in my sig.