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Re: Star Trek: The Next Thread

PostPosted: Tue Oct 13, 2015 7:23 am
by Ironhidensh
Galvamegs wrote:I like the Original Series the best, especially now with the special effects. The episodes have a surreal feel to them. It seems like the tone is a mixture of literature, poetry, philosophy, mysticism, and science.

The Next Generation and the iterations on felt like pure science.

Why do most people say the Next Generation is the best, and Picard is better than Kirk?

Because most people you have probably interacted with are of an age that grew up with TNG. The original series was discovered later and will always be secondary to them, even if it did come first.

Re: Star Trek: The Next Thread

PostPosted: Tue Oct 13, 2015 3:12 pm
by Galvamegs
During the introduction of the Borg, the commercials said they were the most powerful force in the universe. But couldn't 'Q' just snap his fingers and destroy them?

Re: Star Trek: The Next Thread

PostPosted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 1:07 pm
by sto_vo_kor_2000
Galvamegs wrote:During the introduction of the Borg, the commercials said they were the most powerful force in the universe. But couldn't 'Q' just snap his fingers and destroy them?

you cant put much stock in whats said in commercial adds for episodes, they are made to sell the episode to the viewers.

its like when a used car dealer tells you that a 13 year old car runs like it was brand new

Re: Star Trek: The Next Thread

PostPosted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 1:45 pm
by Galvamegs
Are the Star Trek books considered legit. No one ever brings those up, or almost never. Why is that? Do they suck?

Re: Star Trek: The Next Thread

PostPosted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 3:19 pm
by Ironhidensh
Galvamegs wrote:Are the Star Trek books considered legit. No one ever brings those up, or almost never. Why is that? Do they suck?

Some suck, but many are very good. Sadly, they are not considered official cannon.

Re: Star Trek: The Next Thread

PostPosted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 12:57 am
by fenrir72
Galvamegs wrote:Are the Star Trek books considered legit. No one ever brings those up, or almost never. Why is that? Do they suck?

It's a miracle! A very legitimate and logical question. There IS hope :BOWDOWN:

Re: Star Trek: The Next Thread

PostPosted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 10:44 am
by Galvamegs
Star Trek: The Motion Picture was painfully boring, great idea but poor execution.

Re: Star Trek: The Next Thread

PostPosted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 2:52 pm
by Galvamegs
Is Star Wars bigger than Star Trek?

Re: Star Trek: The Next Thread

PostPosted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 6:18 pm
by Roadbuster
Star Trek TMP's main problem was Roddenberry's indecisiveness to take one story and stick with it. This is why you got a large snooze fest because he kept changing it over and over before paramount decided to take what they had and finalize it to get it out. Wrath of Khan was actually a penned episode for the new series they were going to make but instead did a movie since they didn't want to compete against Star Wars. They just added in Spock's death since Nimoy requested to be killed off and supposedly that was to be changed due to Rodenberry leaking it, so they did a fake-out and instead of killing him during Khan's attack on the Enterprise, they had Spock die saving everyone.

The later question, is a matter of opinion. Star Trek has been around longer. But Star Wars has been more high profile in today's media. Really, it's like comparing an apple to a banana. They both fall into a similar category, but there is so much different about each one with only few similarities. I say, it comes down to ones own opinion.

Re: Star Trek: The Next Thread

PostPosted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 6:54 pm
by Ironhidensh
Monetarily speaking,Star Wars crushes Trek.

Re: Star Trek: The Next Thread

PostPosted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 12:09 am
by Galvamegs
Ironhidensh wrote:Monetarily speaking,Star Wars crushes Trek.

But Star Trek has more media (i.e. Tv shows, movies, books) and a much longer history.

Also, Star Trek is sci-FI and therefore has more potential for interesting stories.

Star Wars is basically religion. Is most of their money off of toys?

Re: Star Trek: The Next Thread

PostPosted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 12:20 am
by Burn
Galvamegs wrote:But Star Trek has more media (i.e. Tv shows, movies, books)

Star Wars has had a number of cartoons. They also had 20 years of Expanded Universe books. Not to mention 20+ years of comics from Dark Horse. Star Wars has far more story material. I'd tell you to go read someone, but you've basically made it clear you want people to read things to you like a bed time story.

Also, Star Trek is sci-FI and therefore has more potential for interesting stories.

Star Wars is sci-fi you ... yeah.

Re: Star Trek: The Next Thread

PostPosted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 12:24 am
by Galvamegs
George Lucas himself said Star Wars is NOT sci-FI. He says it's a space opera.

Re: Star Trek: The Next Thread

PostPosted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 12:38 am
by Burn
Galvamegs wrote:George Lucas himself said Star Wars is NOT sci-FI. He says it's a space opera.

This interview conducted earlier this year says otherwise

I've backed up my point, you back up yours. Or go sit in the corner until you're ready to play with the rest of the adults.

Re: Star Trek: The Next Thread

PostPosted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 2:41 am
by Stuartmaximus
well here's irony for you.....didn't the previous director of the recent Star Trek movies go on to direct The Force Awakens?

also......isn't Simon Pegg(director of the current Star Trek) to appear in The Force Awakens somewhere?

Re: Star Trek: The Next Thread

PostPosted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 3:05 am
by Burn
Stuartmaximus wrote:well here's irony for you.....didn't the previous director of the recent Star Trek movies go on to direct The Force Awakens?

Why is it ironic? He's a Director, he took a job.

Re: Star Trek: The Next Thread

PostPosted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 8:19 am
by Galvamegs
Did JJ Abrams leave Star Trek to do Star Wars because Star Wars has more money?

Is it because it's owned by Disney who can write blank checks all day long?

Re: Star Trek: The Next Thread

PostPosted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 9:00 am
by Ironhidensh
if I remember right, it's because he had differences with the studio executives over the direction of the franchise. It's the same problem he will probably run into in a few years with the Star Wars franchise. Studio executives love to interfere with movies that are actually making money, and it never has a good consequence. I think very soon now, we'll see that same studio executive influence start to destroy the Marvel Universe.

Re: Star Trek: The Next Thread

PostPosted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 2:50 pm
by Galvamegs
I will always dislike Chekov in the new Star Trek because he let Spock's mom die, sort of the way Jack McGee killed Elena Marks.

Re: Star Trek: The Next Thread

PostPosted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 4:18 pm
by sto_vo_kor_2000
Burn wrote:
Galvamegs wrote:But Star Trek has more media (i.e. Tv shows, movies, books)

Star Wars has had a number of cartoons. They also had 20 years of Expanded Universe books. Not to mention 20+ years of comics from Dark Horse. Star Wars has far more story material. I'd tell you to go read someone, but you've basically made it clear you want people to read things to you like a bed time story.

Also, Star Trek is sci-FI and therefore has more potential for interesting stories.

Star Wars is sci-fi you ... yeah.
I hate to say it, but DG has made a reasoned point here.

Star trek also has its "expanded universe", 40+ [give or take] years of novels, near 59 years of comics,a good amount of video games,board much more cand lets not forget 30 seasons worth of TV shows that aired between 1966 and 2005 and 11 films

SW may have a larger following, has made more money, but in regards to a media presences, I dont think either has the advantage,

Re: Star Trek: The Next Thread

PostPosted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 6:19 pm
by Galvamegs
sto_vo_kor_2000 wrote:SW may have a larger following, has made more money, but in regards to a media presences, I dont think either has the advantage,

Trekkies are the most rabid fans in the world. Star Wars fans cannot match their passion.

Star Trek the Original Series is on tonight. Star Trek: The Next Generation is on every weeknight. Where's Star Wars?

Re: Star Trek: The Next Thread

PostPosted: Mon Oct 19, 2015 11:54 pm
by Galvamegs
Star Trek has inspired and driven people to become astronomers, scientists, physicists, mathematicians, and engineers.

Star War has not had this effect.

Re: Star Trek: The Next Thread

PostPosted: Tue Oct 20, 2015 12:30 am
by Burn
Galvamegs wrote:Star Trek has inspired and driven people to become astronomers, scientists, physicists, mathematicians, and engineers.

Star War has not had this effect.

Can you back this up with evidence?

Re: Star Trek: The Next Thread

PostPosted: Tue Oct 20, 2015 11:47 am
by Galvamegs

Re: Star Trek: The Next Thread

PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2015 1:48 pm
by Galvamegs
Star Trek inspired me to enlist in the navy because I wanted to be Spock and Scottie.