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Re: Anime/Manga General Discussion, Rants & Rambling

PostPosted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 7:02 am
by Tekka
Full Metal Alchemist - Chapter 88

Wooow, I knew that was the only way they were going to beat Pride but I didn't expect Alphonse to be used in that way.

I wonder how much longer until the finale, it can't be too far away now with only three homunculus left. (Four if you count Father.)

The only real question on my mind would be "Is Greed going to make it to the end?" :P

Detroit Metal City - Episode 8


This episode is about the recording of DMC's first album, and was really quite good! The ending of the first story in particular was so funny it hurt even though I did see it coming.

The second part of the story was something that's been done before in a lot of movies... Mrs. Doubtfire is the first one that comes to mind. Negishi has to rush back and forth between a date with Yuri and a DMC publicity event until eventually he ends up confused as to which personality he's supposed to be using in each location.

Great stuff! More please!

Re: Anime/Manga General Discussion, Rants & Rambling

PostPosted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 8:51 am
by Shadowman
I'd be reviewing episode 2 (Technically episode 27) of Gundam 00, but gSS fansubs SUCK (Leaving notes in the subtitles, and the video skipped a bit here and there) and Mendoi-Conclave is going to take five years to put up the next three episodes.

I'm using Nyoron Fansubs now. I'm using mp4 format, but only because I couldn't find a decent avi version, and I'm desperate.

Also, they mentioned something about a Moon Couch, Aeolia Schenberg's Secret Weapon of Mass Ass Comfort, and how it will be the final enemy, powered by 8 billion GN drives.

Re: Anime/Manga General Discussion, Rants & Rambling

PostPosted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 10:39 am
by Shadowman
Gundam 00, Season 2 Episode 2 (Episode 27 overall)

-The series is taking a turn from Wing towards Zeta. The A-LAWS have been preforming mass-murders, and using Celestial Being as an excuse, much how the Titans preformed mass-murders using Zeon as an excuse.

-Billy has apparently spent the last two years taking care of Sumeragi, who has been trying desperately to hit rock-bottom in her Alcoholism, probably just to be the first person in Gundam to have to attend an AA meeting. Apparently she's not a blabber-mouth when she's drunk, because Billy seemed pretty shocked when Setsuna told him her code name and occupation. (Although he may have been more shocked that a drunk was the strategist for a highly-effective armed intervention group, unfortunately not the kind that makes you stop doing alcohol)

-Saji learns that it wasn't Setsuna's fault that Louise's hand was blown off, and that he should should direct his emo towards the Thrones.

-New Lockon is a double-agent. Son of a bitch.

-00 Gundam appears to have gone through First Fight Badass Syndrome. (Wherein a brand new mech is intensely powerful in it's first fight, also called New Megazord Syndrome)

-Allelujah is still captive, and that's the next episode.

Re: Anime/Manga General Discussion, Rants & Rambling

PostPosted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 2:53 am
by Tekka
I have far too much to watch at the moment. But it's all to determine what I'll be watching for the rest of the year. So here are just short notes on some more first episodes.

The Count and The Fairy - Episode 1

This was actually quite cute, but it is a shoujo anime, and that is quite painfully apparent. What with the sparkly bishonen and all. Yes they literally sparkle... *Hair flip, smile, sparklies* It leaves my mouth agape in horror. :P

I think I'll keep watching this one though, it has grabbed my interest.

Tytania - Episode 1

Aristocrats in space!

Love it.

Kurogane no Linebarrel - Episode 1

Yay cheesy mecha! This was actually really fun, and it was great that it didn't try too hard to be super-awesome-cool-deep-and-intriguing like so many shows do these days. (That element of the plot will come though I'm sure, it certainly was alluded to at the beginning. ;_;)

Emi looked really nice, but I don't get the whole summon Linebarrel while touching her boob thing. :P

Ahh, mecha pilot zombie! =(

Yozakura Quartet - Episode 1

It was quite fun to watch. While not by any means spectacular it was certainly worth 25 minutes of my time.

This feels like one of those mediocre shows that have a good premise but suffers from pacing issues. Of course it is far too early to make that judgment, and it is only my initial feeling.

And finally....

Kemeko DX - Episode 2

Awesome! The second episode was not a let down... very very entertaining. We didn't get to see much of Izumi but every time MM pops her head out of Kemeko I just want to glomp her, squish her up, and take her home with me. So cute.

The random FLCL/Excel Saga style humor continues to do its job nicely and makes this a pleasure to watch.

More please!

Re: Anime/Manga General Discussion, Rants & Rambling

PostPosted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 2:00 pm
by Tekka
Ga-Rei Zero - Episode 2

I'm pissed off. >=(

The cast from the first episode really was killed off. I wanted to see more of Natsuki and Tooru.

I still have no idea what's going on.


Re: Anime/Manga General Discussion, Rants & Rambling

PostPosted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 3:53 pm
by Shadowman
Tekka wrote:Ga-Rei Zero - Episode 2

I'm pissed off. >=(

The cast from the first episode really was killed off. I wanted to see more of Natsuki and Tooru.

I still have no idea what's going on.


...The whole cast, as in everyone, or just a bunch of people? Because killing everyone off in one episode is unusual...well, unless you're Yoshiyuki Tomino, but even then, he usually leaves few people alive!

Re: Anime/Manga General Discussion, Rants & Rambling

PostPosted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 3:57 pm
by Tekka
Basically all the protagonists of the first episode. The only ones that didn't die were a couple of nameless extra people and the two villains who did the killing.

For the second episode they brought in an entirely new group of people. They were interesting too but I had gotten attached to the ones from episode one. =(

Re: Anime/Manga General Discussion, Rants & Rambling

PostPosted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 4:11 pm
by Shadowman
Tekka wrote:Basically all the protagonists of the first episode. The only ones that didn't die were a couple of nameless extra people and the two villains who did the killing.

For the second episode they brought in an entirely new group of people. They were interesting too but I had gotten attached to the ones from episode one. =(

Who the hell kills all the heroes in the first episode? Even Tomino waits until the series is almost over.

Re: Anime/Manga General Discussion, Rants & Rambling

PostPosted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 4:30 pm
by Tekka
It's new to me. I've had one or two characters killed off early who I thought were going to be main characters, but this is the first time all of them have been killed off at the same time.

It's starting to make me think that maybe villains are the main characters this time. But I honestly have no idea.

I guess I'll just have to wait and see.

Re: Anime/Manga General Discussion, Rants & Rambling

PostPosted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 10:21 am
by Robot4762
Sailor Moon episode 1

As you can tell, i love sailor moon. best anime ever. i like how serena is a total goofball. I highly recomend this anime.

Re: Anime/Manga General Discussion, Rants & Rambling

PostPosted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 10:33 am
by Electron
damn thats an awesome review, come on guys lets all rush to download sailormoon ep 1

Re: Anime/Manga General Discussion, Rants & Rambling

PostPosted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 10:47 am
by Robot4762
Electron wrote:damn thats an awesome review, come on guys lets all rush to download sailormoon ep 1

My keyboard is wonky right now. all i can say is give sailor moon a try

Re: Anime/Manga General Discussion, Rants & Rambling

PostPosted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 11:20 am
by Shadowman
SailorCybertron24 wrote:
Electron wrote:damn thats an awesome review, come on guys lets all rush to download sailormoon ep 1

My keyboard is wonky right now. all i can say is give sailor moon a try

I did. It's sub-par, at best. When you get right down to it, it's just Power Rangers with an all female team.

Re: Anime/Manga General Discussion, Rants & Rambling

PostPosted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 11:23 am
by Robot4762
Shadowman wrote:
SailorCybertron24 wrote:
Electron wrote:damn thats an awesome review, come on guys lets all rush to download sailormoon ep 1

My keyboard is wonky right now. all i can say is give sailor moon a try

I did. It's sub-par, at best. When you get right down to it, it's just Power Rangers with an all female team.

I like the deep plot and lovable characters

Re: Anime/Manga General Discussion, Rants & Rambling

PostPosted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 11:30 am
by Tekka
Tell you what, since you like Sailor Moon so much... There was a new shoujo romance series I watched yesterday called Skip Beat. It's actually quite nice, and makes a refreshing change from the usual slew of death, gore, bizarre antics, giant robots, and gigantic breasts. It's nice to have something a little more down to earth that makes its appeal on a more human level.

There's plenty of melodrama and light comedy to keep even the most warped of us interested.

Re: Anime/Manga General Discussion, Rants & Rambling

PostPosted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 11:35 am
by Shadowman
SailorCybertron24 wrote:I like the deep plot and lovable characters

Deep plot? Gundam has a deep plot, Ghost in the Shell has a deep plot, hell, even Naruto has a deep plot. Sailor Moon does not have a deep plot.

Re: Anime/Manga General Discussion, Rants & Rambling

PostPosted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 11:42 am
by Robot4762
Sailor moon is way better than Inyasha, lucky star, bleach, death note, naruto, and Haruhi. just my opinion. There are animes way worse than sailor moon.

Re: Anime/Manga General Discussion, Rants & Rambling

PostPosted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 12:02 pm
by Shadowman
SailorCybertron24 wrote: Sailor moon is way better than Inyasha, lucky star, bleach, death note, naruto, and Haruhi. just my opinion. There are animes way worse than sailor moon.

I don't normally say this, and it's a thought I try very hard to keep from being spoken, but I can't help it here:

You're opinion is just wrong. Saying that is not much different from saying that Power Rangers is better than Battlestar Galactica, Stargate, Heroes, and FireFly.

Re: Anime/Manga General Discussion, Rants & Rambling

PostPosted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 12:41 pm
by Electron
Shadowmans right, sailormoons days and fans are limited

i don't even think it should be classed as anime/manga

its just a bunch of power ranger esq girls, its like that program totally spies, do you watch that aswell?

Re: Anime/Manga General Discussion, Rants & Rambling

PostPosted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 12:45 pm
by Shadowman
Electron wrote:i don't even think it should be classed as anime/manga

That part's not quite right. It's an anime/manga, it's just **** anime/manga.

Re: Anime/Manga General Discussion, Rants & Rambling

PostPosted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 12:51 pm
by Robot4762
I do watch totaly spies. closest thing to a moddern sailor moon

Re: Anime/Manga General Discussion, Rants & Rambling

PostPosted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 1:03 pm
by Tekka
I have had my doubts about you from the beginning but I'm starting to think you are really only here to troll the boards. I can understand being a fan of something can overtake ones life but honestly... This is going to far.

You are generating too much hate for a famous, much loved and classic series simply because you cannot seem to find it in yourself to mention anything else.

SailorCybertron24 wrote:I love sailor moon. so what? I could go on all day why i hate most other animes.

If this is how you really feel then this really isn't the thread for you.

Re: Anime/Manga General Discussion, Rants & Rambling

PostPosted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 1:14 pm
by Robot4762
Tekka wrote:I have had my doubts about you from the beginning but I'm starting to think you are really only here to troll the boards. I can understand being a fan of something can overtake ones life but honestly... This is going to far.

You are generating too much hate for a famous, much loved and classic series simply because you cannot seem to find it in yourself to mention anything else.

SailorCybertron24 wrote:I love sailor moon. so what? I could go on all day why i hate most other animes.

If this is how you really feel then this really isn't the thread for you.

sorry tekka. schools been makin me insane. Im losing my mind.

Re: Anime/Manga General Discussion, Rants & Rambling

PostPosted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 1:16 pm
by Electron
i agree with tekka, i see you as a spammer and a sailormoon propaganda machine

apart from sailormoon is great or someother adjective

i've seen this in so many threads, even your review of sailormoon was half arsed not even that it was a turd, if you really like it you would of put some depth into it

Re: Anime/Manga General Discussion, Rants & Rambling

PostPosted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 1:22 pm
by Robot4762
Electron wrote:i agree with tekka, i see you as a spammer and a sailormoon propaganda machine

apart from sailormoon is great or someother adjective

i've seen this in so many threads, even your review of sailormoon was half arsed not even that it was a turd, if you really like it you would of put some depth into it

My computer is broken and i have to use the wii. Its a b*tch to type a sentence, letalong a review. Once my computer is fixed, i'll type alot more.