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Transformers: Alternators

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Transformers: Alternators

Postby johndillinga2003 » Tue Nov 30, 2004 8:42 am

I posted this over at Transfandom and got a good reaction so check it out here are the first 4 chapters I've done so far and i am close to completing chapter 5, hope you like :D btw the main Character is Sideswipe so the Italic represents his thinking to himself

Chapter 1

You might not recognize me. Matter of fact I don't think anyone on Cybertron would recognize me looking like this.
I'm Sideswipe. My new form comes from Binaltech, Chip Chase's Technology Lab.
I'm part of a team of elite Autobots sent by Optimus Prime to investigate reports of Decepticon attacks on Earth. Little did we realize, That the Decepticons had a Major Opperation going and were more then ready to deal with us when we showed up.
Megatron had devloped some sort of Virus, It was directly engineneered towards Autobots and it dealt us a serious blow.
The Virus Destroyed our bodies but in a slow way, We had no choice but to seek help of our Human alies, Spike Witwicky and Chip Chase.
Chip had devloped a technology involving the process of Construction machines transforming into Mechs for better building but instead of having a Spark like us Transformers Humans could use the Energy field of their minds to control the new Machines.
It didn't take much redisign to outfit newly designed bodies for us using Earth vehicles.
We are now know as the Alternators

"Sideswipe what you got?".
That was Prowl, Not the most Subtale of bots.
"I'm following Deadend...At least I was Following Deadend".
"You lost him!" Prowl Barked.
"I'm not happy about it. But yes".
"I'd hate to be you when you tell Streaker" Prowl ribbed.
"Nah you can tell him instead".

I killed the Comm channel as I slowed down and transformed into my Bot mode to get a better vantage point from which to spot Deadend.
Bingo. A cloud of dust from the west of my current posistion signaled the direction Deadend was heading towards. I would never catch up to him now, Not with the Distance between us. The Decepticons could not have stolen a better body from the Binaltech labs, Along with the Body Swindle now had and most of the blueprints for Chip's Work. But thankfully the body was not complete, The high powered Energon Drive was last to be installed It would have made Streaker's body the fastest on this planet. Lucky for us The Decepticons didn't know of it.
"I'm returning to base".
With out a response I transformed to my Vehicle mode and headed back to base.

It was about a Half of a Mega-cycle when I got back to the Binaltech lab, Tracks and Hound had just reached the main gate before I had, We exchanged greetings and walked into the base together.
We all Grimaced at hearing the loud boastious voice of Grimlock as we entered the command center
"-are fools for chasing stupid Deadend, So what he have Sunstreakers body just build new one", "Me Grimlock say build new one, better one!".
"If only we could" Chip Chase spoke to the Former Dinobot, "Right now we don't have the resources to even attempt it".
"Bah Me Grimlock say you a foo-".
"Enough!" I decieded to cut in, "We won't acomplish much if we waste our time fighting amongst our selves".
"Grimlock's right, We'll just have to build Sunstreaker a new body" Chip recanted.
"Then for fun. Me Grimlock go rip Deadend's Spark out of his butt".
Sliverstreak paused from polishing his weapon and looked up at Grimlock.
I had from that momment, Expected Sliverstreak to make a smart mouthed comment to Grimlock, I knew Tracks and Hound were hopping for it.
Prowl just shook his head in disgust, Looking for an excuse in my oppinion to bite Grimlock's head off.
Infact Sliverstreak opened his mouth to speak when Jazz and Windcharger busted in destroying the momment.

"We just got our skid plates handed to us" Jazz growled as he sat down next to Sliverstreak.
Smokescreen, Prowl, And I looked at Jazz.
"I want to rip Swindle appart piece by piece" Windcharger sneared as he braced himself against a near by wall, "Gah just look at my paintjob. It'll take weeks to polish this out, And what do the Decepticons need with Alternator forms. I mean Good ole' Megatron engineneered that little gem to destroy us. It was explicitly engineneered towards us Autobots".
"Well if the Cons keep pulling out in Alternator forms were gonna be in for some serious trouble down the road" Hound replied.
We all nodded in responce to Hounds remark
"We will need more Autobots revieved from statis, And soon" Smokescreen looked down and spoke to Chip.
Chip nodded and pulled out his P.D.A. from his lab coat.
"Well I have two availble modes for the next two Alternators" Chip spoke as he looked up from the device as he punched in a series of keystrokes.
We all looked up at the main monitor.
Computer rendered images of Bumblebee and Cliffjumper moved in a 360 rotationon the screen next to their new Alternator Vehicle forms.
"I think Spike will like our next choice" Chip mused.
Last edited by johndillinga2003 on Tue Nov 30, 2004 8:54 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby johndillinga2003 » Tue Nov 30, 2004 8:43 am

Chapter 2

The Decepticons in attendance Shuddered at the massive shadowed form that stood in front of them.
Swindle stepped forward, "Well there big boss--".
"Save the speech!".
Swindle nodded, "We accomplished what we set out to do. We got complete scans of the last two Autobots and we can now begin refitting the troops with the Binaltech designed bodies".
"Excellent, But the failure of your mission is in not destroying the Autobots" The Shadowed form stepped forward revealing the Decepticon leader, Megatron.
"It wasn't our fault that your little Virus didn't destroy the Autobots completely like it should have" Deadend said as he approached from the shadows entering the throne room.
"You insolate fool, I have destroyed lesser mech for less!" Megatron stalked forward, The tip of his Shoulder mounted Rail gun glowing with energy.
"HA!. Lets face it Megatron you won't kill me, You need me more then I need you!".
Deadend challenged pointing his finger at Megatron.
"A word of caution Stunticon, I will not put up with you rebellious attitude Like Motormaster has" Megatron growled his optics narrowing in rage, "Cross me and you will find yourself in a scrap pile on Junkion".
"Whatever" Deadend responded as he tossed a metal case towards Megatron, within it the contents of his last mission.
Megatron caught the case, opening it to peer inside. Megatron looked up to say something to Deadend, But he had disappear with out Megatron noticing.

"Tell me your yanking my crankshaft!" Cliffjumper stood infront of Chip.
"Afraid not Cliffjumper" Chip responded solomly.
"Of all the vehicle modes you could have picked on this dirtball, I get stuck with this?,
A Mini-Cooper...".
"Well atleast you'll be above the smallest joke" Bumblebee laughed as he looked down towards Cliffjumper.
"How about I kick your chrome plated butt?".
"Let's see you reach that high" Bumblebee laughed as he avoided the game of chase from Cliffjumper.
"Guys settle down!" Spike called out, "Or i'll bring the big guys in!".
"Oh thats it!" Cliffjumper growled, "The next one to make another comment about my height, Gets their skidplate kicked back to Cybertron".
"You should show a little restraint, Cliffjumper" Sliverstreak said as he and the other Autobots entered the room, "I would have thought you were bigger then that!".
Cliffjumper narrowed his optics and used a human jester involving one of his fingers extended from his up turned fist.
"So!" Bumblebee spoke aloud, "This is the Updated form of my original Earth mode...Not to shabby".
"Yes!" Chip responded happily for the change of subject, "It was obvious that when we revived you that it would be in this form".
"So then how do you explain me?" Cliffjumper sneered.
"It was the last Earth vehicle we had for the moment" Chip responded.

I figured it was my turn to voice some input.
"Cliffjumper!" I began, "Granted you aren't pleased with your new Alt mode and it is understandable, But what you don't realize is that it will be an asset to our mission here on earth".
"Yea,... Sure Sideswipe".
"We were forced to take on these new forms, But even that wouldn't have been possible if it wasn't for Chip. We have no commuication with Cybertron, But our mission still remains the same. To stop the Decepticons" Prowl responded.

Cliffjumper stood their for a moment before speaking again he turned to Spike and Chip.
"Is their a sports package to this thing?" Cliffjumper transformed into his new vehicle mode, "Cause this thing needs a spoiler....And better tires".
I chuckled to myself, At least Cliffjumper had settled down. More so after Spike's reassurance to get Cliffjumper the "Sports package" for him.
"I need to speak to you" Prowl whispered.

A short time later I walked outside to find Prowl awaiting my arrival outside the compound of the Binaltech labatories. Whatever he had wanted to speak on, It was something he didn't want the others to hear.
"Deadend stole something of great significance that will turn the tide of the war against us real quick!".
I looked at Prowl, Waiting for a clue to this little chat.
"Chip had contracted an outside technology institute exclusively for the development of combiner technology for his orginial project of construction designs. Deadend stole a set of prototype combiner link microchips from that institute".
I think at that point the shock on my face became evident to Prowl.
"Now I can only make the assumption that Megatron intends to create a Decepticon Alternator combiner, And logicly I think Deadend is the first piece to the anwser of who that might be!" Prowl responded.
"Menasor!" I barely spoke aloud.
Prowl nodded, "I don't know how Swindle fits into this plan of Megatron's, But I shudder to think that their may also be a Combaticon combiner in our future as well".
For the first time since being appointed as commander of this mission, I felt helpless. Optimus what would you have done in this situlation?...
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Postby johndillinga2003 » Tue Nov 30, 2004 8:44 am

Chapter 3

Spanning the Period of two standard Earth days, We cruised the streets with Holographic Drivers to avert suspision while looking for any signs of Decepticon activity.
I started my left side blinkers with the intent to proceed to switch lanes to turn on to an intersection and head west, when a loud horn blast aborted my turn.
A large black truck pulling a car carrier shot past with a selection of cars in tow.
Earthers. I mused, The swear they own the road!.
My proximity sensors squawked, I decided to follow The truck trailing close behind.
I pulled up stopping next to it at another light in the left hand lane when my suspision was proven.
The truck had no driver visible nor did one turn up on my sensor display, The light turned green and the truck roared off, I peeled off following the truck cutting off another car in the process, causing it's driver to spit out a slew of curses at my holographic driver

"Sideswipe come in".
"Yea Prowl?"
"I'm getting reports on the Earth police bands, There was a bunch of Vehicles stolen from a car lot in sector 14" Prowl reported.
"I'm trailing Motor Master and he's loaded with cars".
"What?" Prowl asked.
"He's loaded with cars!" I repeated.
"I'm issuing the order for a recall, Better return to base Sideswipe".
"Are you serious... We need to stop the Decepticons now!.
"Sideswipe you can't stop the Decepticons by yourself we need to formulate a strategy" Prowl pleaded.
I growled in disagreement, But ultimately he was right
"Roger returning to base"

Motor Master registered the halt of the Autobot as he continued down the roadway hauling his load of stolen cars all the way to the Decepticon base.
He pulled into the main chamber with the other Stunticons decloaking along with Swindle in tow.
"Your little contraption worked perfectly" Breakdown laughed, While Dragstrip and Wildrider transformed into their bot modes.
Breakdown followed suit along with Swindle transforming into their bot modes as well.
"Heh was their any doubt?" Swindle laughed.
"Did you come along to get a new body or supervise?" Motor Master growled.
The Stunticons scrambled over to remove their new forms off the carrier as Motor Master detatched the carrier rigging from his folded down trailer.
Motor Master transformed into his bot mode and hoisted his new form off the carrier as well.
Each of the new vehicles had a towing harnest that each of the Stunticons pulled away from the carrier.
Motor Master turned and looked at Swindle, "Tell Megatron we have returned and get the combiner chips from him. We'll be in Archiville's Lab".
Swindle nodded and walked off.
Motor Master and the remaining Stunticons pulled their new vehicle bodies off to the lab where the two Human Allies would be waiting.

Deadend emerged from the shadows deactivating his masking field generator.
He watched the other Stunticons, The last of them Wildrider disappear into the curved tunnel of the base heading towards the lab of the two human germs that Megatron Employed to help in the Decepticon Alternator conversion.
Deadend sneered in disgust and transformed burning rubber as he roared out of the cavern tunnel that exited from the Decepticon base.

Meanwhile the other Stunticons finished towing the new vehicle forms into the laboratory where one of the two humans stood with his back to the Stunticons.
"Doctor Fujiyama Where is Archiville?" Motor Master growled.
The senior Asian man looked back at the Stunticon Commander.
"He's in his chamber...Probbly recharging I would guess"
"You not here to guess" Breakdown sneered.
"Whatever" Fujiyama grunted.
"Stinking Human germ" Dragstrip growled.
"Enough" Motor Master barked silencing his troops, "As soon as Doctor Archiville is done recharging his power cells you two will start on the Alternator conversion of our new bodies".
Swindle walked into the laboratory, Stopping next to Doctor Fujiyama. And placing the combiner chip case down on the counter next to the Human doctor.
"You know what we need" Motor Master spoke.
"There are only four of you Stunticons present for completion of the Combiner process to be done, He needs to be here for the installation of the final chip"
Doctor Fujiyama replied.
"We'll worry about him later, Right now worry about these" Motor Master pointed to the new cars.
Doctor Fujiyama nodded in response.
Motor Master led the Stunticons out of the laboratory and Swindle exited from the other direction.
Doctor Fujiyama looked over the new vehicles infront of him, he scratched at the restraining collar locked around his neck.
His thoughts of his family brought tears of grief he used his hands to whipe away the tears from his eyes and to hide his shame of cry
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Postby johndillinga2003 » Tue Nov 30, 2004 8:44 am

Chapter Four

I have regrets about letting the Stunticons get away with the stolen cars and Deadend Stealing the prototype combiner chips, Thus Giving them the advantage in this war.
These two major setbacks have dealt us a serious blow, With everyone recalled to the base we begun formulating a plan of attack.

We all watched Prowl durning this meeting, His hands dancing closely over a keyboard and describing reference points on the holo map before us.
One Key point was the discovery of an abandoned military installation in the mountains about 100 kilometers in the north west away from the Old Volcano that the Ark crashed into so long ago, We believe this to be the location of the Decepticon base.
The data supplied by Spike's own research of the installation gave us a lot of data to fill in the missing blanks in our own information.
The abandoned installation was designed akin to another human military installation called Norrad.
The installation we investigated had been de-mapped and left to rot well over fifty human years ago.

"This is what we know currently" Prowl spoke, "The Decepticons now have the means to complete their Alternator combiner and with this abandoned installation that they now occupy, They have the space needed and possibly two of Earth's foremost, Bio-technology specialest.
Doctor Archiville and Doctor Fujiyama".
From the looks on all of their faces I knew they all recongnized the two names, They were as able to to us as Spike and Chip.

"We have to assume that Megatron's main goal at this point is to get the rest of the Stunticons upgraded if he hasn't already by now, But at the same time the appearance of Swindle could be cause for concern. That the possibility of an Alternator Combaticon combiner could be in our future as well" Prowl finished up.
In the silence that proceeded Prowl's words, I looked over everyone gathered and noticed the dissapearence of Grimlock and Windcharger.
"Oh Slag!", I muttered.

The two aforementioned missing Autobots had snuck out of the briefing before Prowl had ended his speech.
Grimlock knew of the installations location thought to be the Decepticons base, Grimlock dragged Windcharger along because he would have use for Windcharger's training in Sniper tactics.

"Me Grimlock says you wait here for my signal".
"Slag that!. I want in on the action you big Lummox!" Windcharger shot back.
"Slag not here, Only Me Grimlock. Me Grimlock King!".
Windcharger shook his head in dismay, "Thats not what i meant....".
"Me Grimlock not care what you meant".
"Whatever..." Windcharger grunted.
"Me Grimlock says you stay here, Wait for me signal. You take shot causing Distraction, Me Grimlock sneak into Decepticon base take down Decepticons, Retrieve Combiner chips and we leave".
"Wow it sounds so simple...." Windcharger cracked.
"Me Grimlock says it is!", With that the former Dinobot walked down a steep cliff from the established vantage point they had set up when they arrived outside the installations sensor range. Within a short time Grimlock disappeared from sight and Windcharger had set up his rifle and targeting rectical to keep a eye on Grimlock as he moved further down the slope.

Within a mega-cycle Grimlock's voice issued over the static filled comm channel.
"Me Grimlock give Signal now, You Windcharger take shot, Distract Decepticons".
Windcharger muttered a Cybertronian curse under his breath and adjusted the rifle closer to his body, with the right target identiflied and the holo-camouflage in place over Windcharger he Squeezed the trigger of his rifle.
A high powered Woosh issued from the barrel sending a beam of pinpoint energy outwards at it's target. The backwash of superheated air washed over Windcharger stirring up dust clouds as the energy beam struck the main cluster of communications and sensors destroying the relays surrounding it.

A group of Sentry drones flew up out of a hatch joining the already patrolling Sentries flying up to Windcharger's location.
Windcharger pulled the barrel under the holo-camouflage, as the sentries flew up and scanned the area around The hologram. and flew off to the east scanning the surface of the mountian range with out the slightest bit of detection alerting them to Windcharger.
"Grimlock I hope you know what your doing" Windcharger grunted.

With the base's Sentry drones distracted Grimlock slid down the hill and transformed into his vehicle mode racing into the unguarded opening of the entrance.
Grimlock skidded to a stop and Transformed back into his bot mod staying to the shadows of the dimly lit cave as two Unidentified Decepticons strolled past.
Grimlock pulled out a sensor pad from the dock in his back and looked over the screens display. The Sensor sweep locked onto the energy signature of the Combiner chips, Grimlock grunted and followed the Signal deeper into the Decepticon base.

After the sentry drones made one final sweep over the area Windcharger remained cloaked under he sighed in relief. He was about to drop the hologram covering when the roar of three sonic booms slammed into him from above.
Windcharger looked up to see the shadowed undercarriages of the three Seeker elite, Starscream, Thundercracker, And Skywarp.
The Three Decepticons banked and flew in low towards the Decepticon's base and transformed once they touched down.
Windcharger pumped up the gaijn on his audio receivers as he heard the voice of their Leader Starscream barking out orders to Thundercracker and Skywarp. The other two Seekers nodded in response and followed Starscream into the tunnel's entrance.
Windcharger activated his commlink and spoke into it, "Grimlock you got company coming in from your rear".
His warning was greeted with static.
"Not good" Windcharger grunted.

Grimlock kept to the shadows avoiding the various Decepticons within the base, Grimlock uttered a Cybertronian curse as he followed the faint energy signature deeper into the base until one began to glow fiercely.
"Me think this not good".
"Ah, But it is good for us!".
Grimlock turned around and say Deadend standing in front of him, The faint light from the tunnel's lighting glinted off Deadend's gun.
"It was very foolish of you to come in here Autobot, Very foolish" Deadend smirked as Grimlock ducked bringing his double blaster and sword to arms dropping the sensor pad.
"Me Grimlock come for Combiner Technology you stole, and Me Grimlock is taking it back!".
The growing commotion brought about more Decepticons to the confrontation. Somewhere in the crowd another Energy sword flared to life, It's purple glow casted across the Copper coated body of it's owner.
"Your outmatched Dinobot, Drop your weapons and I might let you beg for your spark before I destroy it once and for all." the copper colored Decepticon spoke.
"Bludgeon...Help me kill this fool" Deadend Grunted.
"Me Grimlock Think that not going to happen, Not today...Not ever".
Grimlock jumped forward grabbing Deadend into a head lock causing the Decepticons to move forward.
"Me think you back off or else". Grimlock draged Deadend backwards towards the entrance, Deadend tried to pull away and free himself but did not succeed.
Grimlock stored his blaster and ripped Deaend's weapon out of his hand dropping it to the ground
"This is your last Chance, Grimlock" Bludgeon growled, the red flair from his optics hidden behind his skull mask glared Menacingly.
"Me Grimlock think not stupid Decepticon".
Grimlock adjusted his grip on Deadend head and leveling the sword to the back of Deadend's neck while draging him further out of the tunnel towards the entrance's opening.
"Let me go you faulty Autobot" Deadend growled.
"Me think you in no place to make demands". Grimlock laughed as he looked to Bludgeon, "Last chance you say" Grimlock mocked Bludgeon.
As he brought his arm wielding the sword back and swung it, Letting it fly into the neck joint of Deadend tearing through the servos and hydraulic pumps within his neck.
Mech fluid splasded out of the pumps coating Grimlock's chest and spraying to the ground.
The Decepticons grimaced in horror as the energy sword continued to slice through Deadend's neck until the head lifted away from the body it's cut neck servos moving back and forth as the headless body drifted forward and fell to the ground with a Whump
Grimlock spun around with Deadend's head in his grip "It not Spark, but good convosation piece". Grimlock transformed and raced out of the Entrance before the Decpeticons could react to give chase They stood in place Stunned by the brutality they had just whitnessed.

Grimlock met up a short time later with Windcharger as they raced away from the Decepticon base Just as the Seeker jets began to give chase but had retreated a short time later.
They returned to the Binaltech Lab both Transforming into bot mode and walking into the main complex.

"What in Cybetron...?" Windcharger gasped as he looked at what Grimlock was holding.
"Me Grimlock wanted suvinere from vacation to mount on the wall".
"You call that a vacation?" Windcharger barked.
"Me Grimlock had fun...."
They stoped dead in their tracks as Sideswipe and Prowl stood in front of them.

"Slag were in it deep now!" Windcharger muttered under his breath.
"You have No idea" Prowl Growled.
"Me Grimlock told you before, Slag not here".

Outside the Binaltech gates a lone black sedan sat, It's sole occupant taking video recordings of the Autobots until they disappeared into the main complex within the laboratory.
"I have footage, Returning to headquarters".
The driver side window slid up concealing the driver in it's tint as the car started up and drove off.
Posts: 210
Joined: Fri May 23, 2003 5:21 pm

Postby johndillinga2003 » Wed Dec 15, 2004 4:16 pm

Chapter 5

It was a night so much like another, One that costed the Autobots their Cybertronian forms when they came to Earth giving way to the Alternator replacements that the Autobots currently had.
The steady rain fall splatered across Sideswipe's armored structure, But he didn't move away from the rain fall he kept his gaze on the distant horizion.
It seems so long ago Sideswipe reflected, The second great war, The cosmic rust, our arrival here on Earth.
Sideswipe thought back to his recent Cybetronian form it was a copy of his first Earth form painted black instead of the orginial red paint he had.
The second great war was very violent, Many of the Autobots that had been brought back to life by the Last Autobot had been Destroyed with in the first few deca-cycles of the war the list read off like a report, Wheelie, Huffer, Beachcomber, The combiner group of the Aerialbots, Hoist, Grapple, and Perceptor. Others had been severely damaged. Sideswipe's brother, Sunstreaker had been one of the damaged bots and survived the war because of the sacrifice of Optimus Prime. Who gave his body over to the Cosmic rust to stop it. Optimus survived the incounter but many others didn't.
Megatron had gotten a hold of a small sample of the Cosmic rust and had perverted it to his own means.
The past couple of days had been filled with turmoil, Grimlock's unautorized attack on the Decepticon base had destroyed any chance of getting the stolen combiner chips back from them.
It was almost assured that the combiner chips were now installed in the first Decepticon Alternator combiner group, The Stunticons.
Sideswipe gave one last look towards the horizon before he turned and walked into the main complex of the Binaltech lab.

The newly converted Stunticons minus Deadend stood infront of their leader Megatron, With Deadend being repaired the new Stunticons could not combine into Meansor as so many of the Decepticons had awaited to see.
Bludgeon stalked forward slaming his energy sword into the ground it shuddered as the force of the impact caused energy to static and wash up the blade.
"Why are we waiting for?" Bludgeon growled, "with every deca-cycle we wait we lose our oppitunity to strike".
Motormaster turned and staired down Bludgeon, "Time?. Time no longer matters to us once Deadend is fully repaired Menasor will merge and the Earth will tremble before us".
Motormaster motioned to the other Stunticons behind him and smirked, "We have already won this war. The Autobots just don't know it yet".
"I'm not convinced!" Blugeon retorted.
"Enough!" Megatron ordered.
The two Decepticons continued to challenge each other, neither one backing down from the other.
"ENOUGH!" Megatron repeated as his rail gun fired into the ground between the two knocking them appart.
Motormaster stumbled backwards into the other Stunticons, While Bludgeon bumped into Ravage.
"Bludgeon don't make me regret your reactivation, Next time i'll do more then rip your head off"
Bludgeon moved back retreving his sword and stowing it away.
"Once Deadend has been repaired, The Stunticons will set forth my plan and bring about the end of the Autobots"
Megatron spoke.
Bludgeon growled at his humilation by Megatron and noticed Starscream and the other two Seekers quitely chatting between themselves.
Starscream looked at Bludgeon while the other two laughed behind him, Starscream grined and returned to the other Seeker's line of talk, Speaking in hushed tones to eachother.
Bludgeon narrowed his opptics the Skull maks hidding his contempt, He vowled to deal with the Seekers when the time presented it's self.
Bludgeon grunted his discontent, Megatron continued to speak to the Decepticons alaying what Bludgeon considered worthless banther.

Chip looked down at the clipboard he held as a container truck backed into the loading dock. The driver and his helper jumped down from the cab and walked towards the back of the trailer his helper unlocked the door and proceeded to open the trailer.
The driver walked up to Chip, "Six cars aboard boss, Just need ya to sign this here form and their all yours".
Chip nodded as the driver handed him the slip and tilted his cowboy hat up on his head.
Chip looked over the form and signed the slip handing it back to the driver, The driver nodded and walked over to help set up the ramps to unload the cars.
First off the truck was a Yellow Dodge Viper Competition model for Sunstreaker, Next was a Chevy Colbalt, followed by a Mitsubisi Lancer Evo Eight, Another Mustang white in color with blue GT racing stripes, A grey Pontiac G6 and the last.
A Lincoln Mark LT. Once all the cars had been offloaded and the truck locked back up, The driver and his helper reboarded the cab and drove out of the loading dock.
Chip paged some of the techs to take the cars into the processing lab for reconfiguration, Chip left the loading dock area and headed towards the statis chamber, The section of the lab that contained the statis locked forms of the damaged Autobots. Chip awiped his key card into a slot next to the door way and walked in once his code was confirmed, Chip put the key card into his lab coat's pocket and walked over to the first Statis chamber which contained Sunstreaker.
Through a series of controls and commands the Statis chamber's computer began the reactivation sequence for Sunstreaker.
Chip moved over and reactivated another Chamber, it's systems cycling and warming up. Chip brushed his hands across the name plate that read "Wheeljack"
Chip smiled and moved on to the next Chamber in the line, It's name plate reading "Hot Rod".
The Statis Chambers hummed to life re-energizing the Damaged Autobot's Laser cores and surging power through out their sparks.

Doctor Fujiyama whiped his brow of the sweat that dripped from it, He had completed the last of the repairs to Deadend. Fujiyama nodded to Doctor Archiville signalling the completion of his work.
Archiville punched in a series of commands and controls that re-powered Deadend's laser core.
Deadend's opptic's flaired to life glowing a deep red as he rose from the repair bed, He reached a vertical base and looked down at the two humans and snired in disgust.
"Out of my way you germ" Deadend laughed as he knocked Fujiyama away.
Deadend stalker towards the eixt seething in rage.
"Stinking Autobot will pay for taking my head!".
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Joined: Fri May 23, 2003 5:21 pm

Postby johndillinga2003 » Wed Dec 15, 2004 4:17 pm

Chapter 6

Shortly before dawn the world shook.

It awoke the people of the city to rolling blackouts and tremmors through out the ground, The first major Decepticon attack had begun.
Megatron, The leader of the Decepticons Transformed from his tank mode to the massive robot mode and launched his armored foot into a fence surounding the nuclear power plant the powered the city.
Arlam klakons sounded as the Stunticons followed Megatron into the powerplant's complex with Flatbed drone huller's following close behind.
Megatron stopped and turned to the Stunticons nodding his head.

"Stunticons Merge!" Motormaster Shouted out as he lept sky ward transforming into his combiner mode.
Deadend and Dragstrip transformed into the legs as Motormaster slammed down onto the connectors of the legs.
Brakedown and wildrider leppt upwards and transformed into the arms slamming into the connectors.
Two armored slots on ether side of Motormaster's head opened and the Combiner head slid out in halves joining in the center to create the head mask.
The newly formed combiner roared in rage flexing it's limbs for the first time.

"Meansor lives!".

Later that morning the local news stations were alive with the news of the attack of the power plant.
The reports were coming in that the Plutonium core had been drained sending the city into darkness, Thoses with back up generators stayed in their homes for fear of another attack by the giant robot monsters.
One of the viewers seethed in anger, Slamming his armored fist into the table.
Prowl turned and caught a description from a senior aged woman on the monitor.
It discribed a big shadowed robot with cars attached to it's body.
"Meansor" Prowl uttered, he looked back at the monitor and issued a cybertronian curse to him self.
With this attack the Decepticons had broken the contract that the Autobots had agreed to with the Earth's leaders when they left Earth after the last war.
If they returned the Earth's military would be brought against them in full force.
Thankfully The Autobots remained hidden at the moment so their were still options left in their favor, While the Decepticons would have to deal with the Earth's Military.
But that in it's self was not a good thing ether.
Sideswipe, Jazz, and Hound had entered the command center walking over to Prowl.

"Megatron has made his first move, The Decepticons have attacked the cities main power plant draining the Plutonium core sending the local area into darkness" Prowl reported, "It's a solid bet that the stolen Plutonium has been converted into Energon by now".

"So basicly Megabum's back to his ole' tricks again" Jazz responded.
Prowl nodded as he punched up a series of commands bring up a data display on the main monitor.
"Grimlock and Windcharger's little sorte' has destroyed any chance we had of getting the combiner chips back from Megatron".

"I could sneek in under to Cloak of my hologram technology to get us some intel on the Decepticon's plans" Hound offered.

"Too risky" Prowl replied, "You would end up getting caught before you could escape with the information".
Hound nodded in reply.
"Were short on options and time" Sideswipe spoke, "Were now in a defensive posistion, The only thing we have going for us is that the Humans don't now were here as well".
Jazz looked at the display and turned to the others.
"Their little attack has hung them out to dry, All we have to do is sit back and wait and when the time is right we swoop in and save the day" Jazz smiled.
Prowl looked at Jazz skepticly, "Well I hope your right about that!".
So do I, So do I...Sideswipe thought to himself.

Chip and Spike with a small group of the Binaltech research team looked over the Three new Autobots as they stood infront of the assembled Humans.
Wheeljack knelt down to look at Spike and Chip, "You two sure got older since the last time I set my optics on you".
The group of researchers chuckled at the comment as Spike and Chip stood embarrised in front of them.

"Thanks....Wheeljack" Chip retorted as he rolled his wheelchair forward.

"Not to smart Brainic!".
"Oh Hot Rod they know im joking with them!" Wheeljack replied.
"The name's Rodimus, Hot Rod nolonger exist!" Rodimus turned towards Sunstreaker who was still in his vehicle mode, "So Streaker how do you feel?"
The yellow Viper Transformed, His feet pads slamming into the floor as he stood
upwards clenching his fist.

"Compaired to me, Deadend's just a prototype!" Sunstreaker replied with his optic's ablaze.

"I'm glad you feel that way" Chip responded, "Because your going to get a chance to prove that soon enough when you face him".

"Don't worry Chip, I'm ready for that stinking Decepticon!" Sunstreaker growled.

Rodimus Stepped forward looking down at the Two Human alies infront of him.
"Let's go greet Optimus" Rodimus grunted.

"Sorry Rodimus" Spike spoke, "Optimus Prime isn't in charge here nor is he here".
The three Autobots looked at Spike in shock.

"Optimus isn't here?" Rodimus asked.
"He wasn't with us on the shuttle to Earth" Wheeljack replied.
Rodimus adopted a thinking pose, "So...Who's in Charge then?"

"Sideswipe is the leader on this mission" Spike replied.

"Well Then let's go Greet Sideswipe then!" Rodimus shruged.

The Driver of the Black sedan walked into the cities Governor's office and stopped at the desk the high back of the black leather chair faced him it's occupant coughed clearing his throat.

"Did you get the proof we needed?"
"Yes sir".
The High back Leather chair slowly spun around ther person Seated in it leaned forward as the Driver passed a infomation disk forward.
"I think this Information you've managed to gather will be usefull to Megatron"
"Yes sir".
"You may go I have some things to attend to!"
The driver nodded and walked out to the Governor's office.
The occupint turned towards the eastern wall of his office and pressed a button under the desk a monitor slid forward as it activated showing the face of the Decepticon leader.

"Mister Berger What can I do For you?" Megatron asked.
"I have some very usefull information for you concerning the Autobots"
"Proceed to the base we can discuss your payment here"
Shawn Berger nodded as the Monitor receeded into the wall of the office
He stood up grabing his decreative cane and walked out of the office.
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Postby Skullgrin140 » Sat Dec 18, 2004 7:50 am

Cool Story Dude :shock: 8)

Nice ideas, keep up the good work :wink:
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Postby Pepie » Mon Dec 20, 2004 1:48 am

Oooh sweet.. *prints page*
Gonna read this story this week, looks promising John!
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Postby Pepie » Mon Dec 20, 2004 4:23 pm

pepie wrote:Oooh sweet.. *prints page*
Gonna read this story this week, looks promising John!

Well well, had some time and read it completely.
You are a good writer JD ! I had ready fun reading it and recommend it for anyone else!

As for the text itself, you might want to check it out for typos dude :wink:
Love that joke on deadends new body from Sunstreaker.
Anyway, cant wait for all the other chapters, how long is it gonna be you think ?
Could be one long story if ya ask me :D
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Postby johndillinga2003 » Tue Dec 21, 2004 9:44 am

yea at the moment tfd spell checker is down so i need to find some other way of checking it.

The members at TFD (That read fanfiction) Love this story:D

Chapter seven should be up by the end of the week me thinks,

Wait to you see what I've got instore this is just the begining...
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Postby Pepie » Tue Dec 21, 2004 12:10 pm

John Dillinga wrote:Wait to you see what I've got instore this is just the begining...

I thought so, heh.
You have laid a good base for a BIG story, you can go so many ways with this.
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Postby johndillinga2003 » Sun Jan 02, 2005 11:44 am


"Your Going to draw unwanted attention to us!" Sideswipe growled as His newly rebuilt brother, Sunstreaker shot past.
"When do I ever draw Unwanted Attention?" Sunstreaker laughed.
"Well atleast do us both a favor and activate you holo-driver!"
"No way pal that thing looks like the Human embodiment of Tracks, What self respecting Human would wear a pink sweater tied around his neck?"
Got to addmit he's right on that one, Sideswipe thought.
"You know. I can't wait to put this new body through all it's paces, Open up and see what I really can do!" Sunstreaker spoke.
"Yea well just wait till we get out to the mountian range by the old Volcano" Sideswipe responded.
"Right, Roger. Will do" Sunstreaker laughed as he spead forward leaving a plume of dirt to swril up across Sideswipe's hood.
Sideswipe began to speed up to keep pace with his eger brother when a blip on his sensors caught his attention.
Sideswipe came to a hault along the intersection scaning for the cause of the sensor blip. But nothing showed up again on it's next sweep.
A signal ghost perhaps... Sideswipe pondered as two cars behind him started beeping their horns.
"Sorry" His voice projected from the Holo-driver as he spead off to catch up with his brother Who was already dissapearing over the horizon.
"Deja vu`" Sideswipe mumbled as he increased his speed to catch up with Sunstreaker.

Sideswipe's Sensor ghost Muffled a laugh as it pulled out of it's parking spot, the Black sports car reved it's engine and followed Them at a distance recording the two Autobots through a camera mounted in the grill of the front cowling of his Vehicle mode.
With it's cloaked windows and Rag top no one could see inside of the vehicle or the two passengers it contained.

"So what do we do when we catch up to them?".

"We pound them".

"We Pounce on them first, Then we Pound them". the Vehicle spoke.

"I don't think i'll ever get use to the idea of him speaking".


Shawn Berger stood infront of the imposing leader of the Decepticons, The last time he had seen him he had been a giant alien robot that turned into a small gun, it was unrealistic to say the least, Megatron's new form suited him better.
Although he still is a giant alien robot!. One that turns into a tank, Berger thought.

"Your information has proven useful Mister Berger" Megatron concieded.
"Just a part of the grandose debt I owe to you Lord Megatron!" Berger replied taking a pull of his cigar.
"Be that as it may. Your in your posistion of power, Simply because it benefits me and my Decepticons" Megatron replied.
Berger nodded.
"You Human's think in such a small stature, Your race's potential is destined for so much more..." Megatron trailed off before gloating too much.
"Yes" Berger replied, "But my imagination isn't as addvanced as yours is" Berger laughed.
"You may return to your dwelling, I shall contact you shortly with a list of things i will need from you and your people" Megatron smirked as he stood from his throne, "Starscream escort our esteamed guest back to his vehicle".
"Yes mighty Megatron" Starscream spoke while mumbling a curse under his breath as he followed the Human out of the Decepticon's base.

Once outside Starscream stopped Berger before he entered his vehicle.
"A word if i may be so kind?" Starscream grunted as he knelt down.
"Yes?" Berger asked.
"Megatron is not as mighty as you may think Berger, For too long we Decepticons have followed his every order, Megatron would not be where he is now if he didn't use us as steping stones, But. We Decepticons are the ones to blame for that because we let him do it in the first place, We are under powered soley because he fears that any one of us could challenge him for his posistion of power. Some one like me".
"I am aware of your history with Megatron, Starscream. Stop waistig mine and your time and get to the point!"

"Very well" starscream responed, "You are in uniqe posistion at the moment You can continue your dealings with Megatron while we could strike up a partnership perhaps.
It would be equally profitable to both of us in fact allow me to place an offer on the table, as you Humans would say" Starscream opened his chest plastron and pulled out a short container but when placed on the ground It equaled Berger hight.
"In this tube is 100 metric leters of a powerful substance called, Nucleon. It is a fuel source that is almost like a posion now to us Transformers, But im sure your Human scientest could work wonders with it, you could power your intire city for 1000 years or make weapons that would put fear into the core of any enemy you may have. I give it to you freely in hopes that we may have a open relationship That would help us dispose of the tyranical despot we have as a leader" Starscream picked up the tube again and placed it into the back of the Limo.

"The data pad on the side of that tube will help you process the Nucleon into a useable substance for your people" Starscream stood up to his full Height and smilled down on Berger, "There is much more where that came from that is just a small sample".

Shawn berger looked at the tube of Nucleon resting in the back of his Limo with wide eyes, "We'll be in touch!" Berger spoke as he dashed for the door and order the driver back to town.
Starscream watched the Limo drive off into the distance as he smirked, "Everything is now falling into place".
He now had an insurance policy for the future as it would help him grasp the power he felt he soley deserved, And soon enough he would have it. His two Sub-commanders Thundercracker and Skywarp approched him, they were never far behind. They to would reap the rewards of this deal he had struck, providing that their loyalty remained true to Starscream.
He smiled as the stopped infront of him confused by the look on Starscream's face.
"The gears have now been set into motion properly oiled, All will go as planed for us.
But for Megatron they will soon grind to a hault. This day marks the start of his downfall and our ascention to the power we so rightly deserve"
Thundercracker and Skywarp nodded in responce as Starscream's evil laughter filled the tunnel they walked.

Sideswipe and Sunstreaker skided to a hault as a black sports car sat infront of them.
The doors on it opened and two fimilar forms poped out.
"The Casetticons?" Sunstreaker asked taken aback.
Sideswipe transformed with Sunstreaker following suit.

"Were back!!!" Frenzy Laughed as he and Rumble's arms converted into the pile driver pistons and started pounding the ground.
The black sports car that looked like Tracks to Sideswipe transformed Claws sliding out from above the wrist on each arm.
The new Decepticon bent low into a crouch, "While they pound, Allow me to pounce!" It said with a heavy accent.
"And who are you supose to be?" Sunstreaker growled as the Decepticon leaped forward.
"The call me Ravage!" He spoke as his claws swiped forward.
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Postby ImperiaxPrime » Mon Jan 03, 2005 1:00 pm

Motto: "Do not consider the wars of the future, instead consider a future without war."
Weapon: Twin Shock-Concussion Missiles
I assume he speaks with BW Ravage's voice? Very cool John.
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Postby johndillinga2003 » Mon Jan 03, 2005 2:48 pm

Yes after a debate on TFD on what he should sound like, Hell I wanted to give him a bad french accent :P
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Postby ImperiaxPrime » Tue Jan 04, 2005 10:21 am

Motto: "Do not consider the wars of the future, instead consider a future without war."
Weapon: Twin Shock-Concussion Missiles
There is an episode of the G1 cartoon where you hear Ravage's voice in tape mode. I can't remember which one, but I'm pretty sure it's in season 1.

I am loving this story by the way. Have you considered contributing your writing skills to TFM's "PROJECT"?
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Postby johndillinga2003 » Tue Jan 04, 2005 2:40 pm

Chapter 8

"Come on hurry up get us back to the base!" Shawn berger screamed in frustration.
"Im trying sir" the driver spoke as he swerved the limo in and out of traffic.
"Try harder!".
Berger slamed his back into the seat and picked up his car phone dialing the extention of the Research and Develolpment section of his Central City Army base.
"This is Berger. Get me Pulanski, Now!".

The lead R&D Scientest picked up the phone a moment later, "Yes Mister Berger how can I help you?" Pulanski spoke in a highly annoyed voice.
"Drop what ever it is your doing. Im coming in with a new....Item that will give me the power I've been waiting for!" Berger replied.
"Oh joy I can hardly wait" Pulanski grumbled.
"Well be right- Driver how long till we get to the base?" Berger yelled.
"Ten minutes sir".
"We'll be there in ten minutes" Berger repeated.
"My happiness knows no bounds" Pulanski retorted and hung up.

Berger looked at the head set in shock, "That man needs a vacation, Would be nice if I gave him one". Berger laughed as he patted his hand on the outside casing of the cylinder in a delightful state.
"This nucleon stuff is going to change my life".

Both Sideswipe and Sunstreaker side stepped away from Ravage's lung as he sailed through the gap between them.
Ravage landed and slid across the ground, Kicking up coulds of dirt that sailed through the air behind him.

Ravage addjusted his stance, "Impressive I didn't think you would be able to avoid my first strike"He growled as he thrusted out his arms, The claws slicing through the air. "Let me try again!" he growled in his heavy accent as he dodged forward gowling ferociously. Ravage shot between the two yet again, Sunstreaker jumped back avoiding the strike but Sideswipe had not been so lucky.
Sideswipe's midsection caught a glancing blow chinks of his armor plating falling to the ground.

"Your not fast!" Sunstreaker laughed mockingly, "Your just too slow".
"Don't intice him" Sideswipe warned.
Ravage growled in pleasure as he leaped again performing a back hand swipe with his claws.
Sideswipe used his hood sheild to block the blow and squezzed the trigger on his gun firing off a shot that missed.
Sunstreaker fired off a shot that crossed the path Ravage had just vacated as he skidded to a hault a few meters away.
"You was saying something about not being fast enough?" Ravage mocked as he stood up from his predator mode.
"You might be fast" Sideswipe grunted, "But you won't dodge these!".
From his shoulder mounts six micro-missiles launched streaking towards the Decepticon.
Ravage retracted his claws backflipping away from the missiles as the continued to persue him.
"Come on hit him!" Sideswipe grunted as the missiles curved in their path following Ravage.
Rumble and Frenzy aimed their blasters and started shooting at the missiles, One of them caught a glancing blow sending it to the ground at the spot Ravage was about to land on.
The explosion knocked him out of his flip and into the air as the other missiles contacted with him sending the Decepticon sprialing through the air and slaming to the ground. Dirt and rocks pelting his armor.
Ravage grunted a laugh as he fought to return to a vertical base, prepaired to speak when the chick of metal against metal sounded on his cat like head.
"Make another move and you'll be spending a long time in a CR chamber, You slaggin' Con" Sunstreaker warned with his blaster to Ravage's head.
Ravage grined slightly, "So the predator has become the prey?".
"You never was a predator in the first place!" Sunstreaker mocked.
Ravage grunted as his right hand claw slowly slid out of it's housing.
"Nor were you!" Ravage snarled as he droped and spun around. Sunstreaker's fired off a shot just as Ravage ducked and brought his claws up through the bottom of the weapon.
Sparks and a puff of smoke issued from the gun as it was ripped from Sunstreaker's hand and flung away off of Ravage's claws.
Ravage brought his other set of claws into play using them with enough force to knock Sunstreaker to the ground with a back handed blow.
Ravge stood over the fallen Sunstreaker with his claws placed above his neck.
Rumble and Frenzy stood back watching and cheering on Ravage.
Sideswipe shook his head in amazment, It had happend so fast! he thought.
"This was too easy!" Ravage growled in disgust, "I had surely expected more out of you two".

This isn't good Sideswipe reasoned, Come on think of something. You can't let this happen...Im not about to lose my brother.
Sideswipe dodged forward his weapon gripped tightly in his hand as he knocked Ravage to the ground, The began to roll across the ground fighting for control.
The distraction gave Sunstreaker enough time to get to a vertical base and to arm his secondary weapon. His right hand slid back into his arm housing and a long sliver barrel of his Pile driver laser slide out locking in place.
Sunstreaker took aim and fired.
The shot slamed into Ravage's head just as Sideswipe was thrown clear in the last roll, Ravage's body bounced across the ground stopping ten meters away.
"Nice shot" Sideswipe grunted as he walked over to Sunstreaker.
"It was the process of a good diversion that gave me the shot" Sunstreaker replied.
"Are my recievers functioning properly?" Sideswipe asked aloud, "I could have sworn that was a compliment".
"Ha!" Sunstreaker laughed as he patted his brother's shoulder, "Don't let it go to your head!".
Sunstreaker looked his brother over and then looked himself over, "Crap look at me Im filty, Am I ever going to need a good washing, Waxing and buff job to get all these scratches out of my finish".
"Typical!" Sideswipe sighed, "You Egotistical approch to your appearence rather then your attention to the battle is going to get you a place in the Allspark one day".
Sideswipe transformed and drove off.
"Well you know me" Sunstreaker retorted as he transformed to catch up with his brother, "I live for the moment!".

Rumble and Frenzy ran over to Ravage's spralled out form.
Frenzy kicked at Ravage's head, "You think he's dead?".
Rumble shrughed, "I got dibs on his Energon rations!".
"Im... Not dead you fools" Ravage grunted as he went into statis lock.
Rumble looked at his brother.
"What!" Frenzy replied, "Im not calling it in!".

The sound of footsteps caused Wheeljack to look up from his inpromtu work station to greet Spike and Chip.
"Spike, Chip what can I do for you?" Wheeljack asked.
"We need you to come with us" Chip spoke.
"Ok" Wheeljack shruged and dropped his tools to the make shift table and followed Spike as he pushed Chip's wheelchair infront of him.
He followed the two to the elevator lift that he came up on from the reactivation chamber.
Spike hit the decent button and the lift dropped down, shortly a tone sounded followed by a computerized female voice.
"Authorization please!".
Spike pulled out a key card and swiped it through a card slot and punched in as series of buttons from a pannel that had opened up in the wall.
"Thank you. Continuing on to Sub-level 50!", The voice replied.
Wheeljack looked at the Lift's floor counter.
93...92...91...90. Whats going on here?. Wheeljack thought.

"Um Spike were are we going?" Wheeljack asked.
"You'll see in a moment" Spike replied.
The lift came to a stop and Spike grabed the back of Chip's wheel chair pushing him forward down a tunnel. This is big enough for Optimus Prime to pass through unhindered Wheeljack pondered.
They came to a stop at the end of the tunnel on a ledge that was connected to a set of steps that decended downwards.
"Great Primus!" Wheeljack gasphed as he looked at the sight before his optics.
"This is where we kept your Cybertonic bodies while we built the new ones for you" Chip spoke.
"Amazing!" Wheeljack mumbled, "You Built your complex on the Largest Autobot built structure we left here on Earth?"
"No" Spike laughed, "It is the Binal-Tech Lab!. It was too big to have on the surface with the pact Optimus Prime signed with the United Earth Government, So we had it brought down here after the place was dug out with enough space for it"
But if you look up you'll see that some of the main towers and antenna's go through to the surface as part of the above ground complex" Chip spoke.
Wheeljack took in the whole sceen, "Who else knows about this?".
"Sideswipe, Prowl, Rodimus" Spike counted off, "We'd like you guys to stage your opperations down here".
"Were getting worried because we got word that the E.D.C. Is sniffing around looking for any connection that we might have with the Decepticons being here" Chip replied.
"It is better suited for us to be here" Wheeljack replied.

A short time later they returned to the suface complex, Wheeljack went of to collect his tools and inventions he had begun working on.
Spike and Chip Spoke with Prowl to let him know when the disheviled pair of Sideswipe and Sunstreaker returned to the Command center.
Prowl looked over the two with slight intrest, "What happened to you two?".
"We had a little get together with Ravage and the Casetticons" Sideswipe responded.
"Ravage?" Prowl asked.
"Yep he got the Alternator Treatment" Sunstreaker spoke as he whiped off his arms with a cloth, "Now if you'll excuse me I got some self detailing to do".
Prowl watched Sunstreaker leave, "Just what we need. Another set back!".

"Well Doctor Archiville?" Megatron asked his mouth turned up in a evil smile.

Doctor Archiville looked up at the Decepticon leader the dim light gleaming off his half robotic head.
"The data Mister Berger provided us with is more then we could have ever hopped for. With this disk we now have the information we need to construct our own version of Alternator bodies for your troops, We no longer need to wait for the Autobots alies to design and build their new bodies just to copy them".
"Excellent!" Megatron replied as he stopped infront of a purple and blue incomplete body that was on a table.
"When will he be functioning?" Megatron asked.
"Relatively soon, I would think" Doctor Archiville responded.
"Keep a tight leash on him!" Megatron ordered as he walked out of the lab.
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Postby johndillinga2003 » Tue Jan 04, 2005 2:41 pm

ImperiaxPrime wrote:There is an episode of the G1 cartoon where you hear Ravage's voice in tape mode. I can't remember which one, but I'm pretty sure it's in season 1.

I am loving this story by the way. Have you considered contributing your writing skills to TFM's "PROJECT"?

I made a post in the Project thread so we'll see who fishy fishy... :P
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Postby johndillinga2003 » Thu Jan 13, 2005 4:08 pm


It had been a standard Earth week since the Autobots moved their opperations down below the Binal tech labortory into the old Autobot city.
Spike had just hung up the phone in his office glad that the move had come before the call he had just recieved. He glanced over an old family photo that showed His wife Carly, Daniel his only son, Angela their new born daughter, and Spike himself.
Spike sighed in grief thinking back to the time the photograph was taken.
It was a few weeks before the Transformers last battle on Earth, The day his only son Daniel had given his life to stop the war ten years ago.

Spike brushed his finger tips across the frame of the photo, Times had been happier then. Spike trailed off in his thoughts untill the beep on the phone's intercom brought him back to reality. Spike picked up the headset and listened to the voice on the other end.

"The Stunticons have attacked a steel mill in the industrial section of Central city!".

Far below the Labortory complex sat the massive Autobot construct once known as Autobot city and later rebuilt after the Unicron's death into the massive Autobot citybot, Metroplex. It sat in city mode it's looming towers making up sections of the Binal tech complex that the rest of it was built on.
Inside, The Autobots were aware of the attack.
Prowl sat in the center of a muti-surface control kios, Various screens displaying images from the local media broadcast, News printouts, and chatter from the local police bands.
Sideswipe and Rodimus stood off to the side as Prowl's chair spun on it's base as he scaned each new source of information presented to him.
Prowl tapped a blinking button on the chair as the forward screen blinked to life showing the image of Spike.

"Spike what do you have for me?" Prowl asked as the chair turned in the direction of a new data stream.
"We've got a Trailer load of problems to unload, First the Stunticons-"
"We allready know about the attack!" Prowl interupted.
"Ok" Spike conceeded, "Also we got troubles of our own. I just recently recieved a call from Melissa Fareborne of the E.D.C.".
"What?" Prowl slamed down on the chair's pause button.
"Yes it was a early warning call, Were going to have a full investigation team from the E.D.C. sent here. Appearently besides the recent rash of Decepticon activity, Sideswipe you and Sunstreaker were spotted in the area of the Ark fighting Ravage by a civilian plane".
"Thats just great!" Sideswipe grumbled.
Prowl shook his head in disgust.

"Were lucky enough Melissa pre-warned us, and that the desision was made to have you guys stay in Metroplex before hand. Were going to shut off all surface access to Metroplex from up here. If you guys wish to go out your going to have to use the tunnel ramp behind Metroplex for the time being" Spike addressed.
"Very well" Prowl agreed.
"We still have two teams out on patrol" Rodimus reported.
"Who?" Spike asked.
"Jazz and Hound" Rodimus began, "And Bumblebee and Cliffjumper".
"Are they anywhere near the aera of the attack?" Spike asked.
"No. Jazz and Hound are near the waterfront sector. Bumblebee and Cliffjumper are in the shopping district" Prowl responded.
"Recall them we don't need anymore problems right now!" Spike ended the communication.

"Yea this is really patroling!" Cliffjumper retorted sarcasticly.
"I'd wish you would calm down" Bumblebee replied, "this is the easiest job we've had so far, So relax!".
"I'll relax when were back at the base!" Cliffjumper grunted, "For Primus's sake were baby sitting a bunch of kids from the ungrateful Humans that booted us off this dirt ball the last time around, And you think I should stay calm!".

"Bumblebee, Cliffjumper return to base at once!" Prowl's voice sounded over both their communications channel.
Bumblebee started up his engine and his holo-driver appearing into place, "Well you got your wish!".
Cliffjumper started up his engine and followed Bumblebee out of the parking lot,
"About time ya' know!" Cliffjumper cheered.

Swindle back stepped falling down on his skid plate with a loud Thunk.
Swindle sneered in disgust.
"Your here because of my careful planing and minipulation of recent events, your new body is because of my work. And now you want to jepordize everything I worked for!".
Swindle looked up at the shadowed form of his commander, "You promised that we'ed be first in line for the new bodies and the combiner technology that Megatron had stolen. But yet im the only one here!".
"Don't try my patence, Fool!". The shadowed form stepped forward revealing Starscream, "I can only minipulate Megatron so much at one time before he become suspisous about my motives, I have set in motion a contingency plan that will reunite you with your team mates but i need time for it to happen. I have made a deal with Shawn Berger and suplied him with enough Nucleon to fuel his greed, And on that i plan to collect on soon enough the payment will be his most powerful military vehicles so the Combaticons can be reborn!".
Starscream extended his hand forward and helped Swindle to a vertical base bring him face to face with him.
"I'm giving you this warning, It is your first and your last. Do not cross me, other wise you'll end back up in the spark chamber with no bodies for any of you at all!"
Starscream growled.
Swindle nodded in acceptance and stepped back as Starscream pushed his way past.
Once he was out of range Swindle laughed, Now his minipulation of Starscream had begun, "Maybe I should make a visit to Mr. Berger and cut a deal with him to garrantee the Construction of my fellow Combaticons".
Swindle transformed into his vehicle mode and drove towards the exit of the Decepticon base.
"Let's see how things turn out when Starscream's little planed minipulations of Megatron comes to an end!" Swindle laughed as he exited the gates of the base.

As he drove off, A elongated camera lens shifted it's focus watching the Tan jeep drive off. It squawked in pleasure and recieded into the darkness of the tunnel.
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Postby Pepie » Fri Jan 14, 2005 4:28 am

I'm soo behind in reading this :D
Will print it out!!
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Postby johndillinga2003 » Mon Jan 24, 2005 4:51 pm

Chapter 10

By the morning of the next day, Spike and Chip were more then ready for the Arrival of the E.D.C. and it's acompaning inspection team, Thanks to Melissa Fareborne's addvance warning. But what they weren't prepaired for was the inclusion of one person.

Director Thomas Wentworth.

The Inspection team leader stood a distance away from the rest of the inspection team and the E.D.C. troops reviewing his list of notes from his clipboard.
Chip dreaded dealing with this New Director he sat in his wheelchair arm's length from the tall, lanky hard case that came with the rest of the group.

"So what exactly is it that you people do here beside waste the good hard working tax payers of this town's money?" Wentworth asked brashly.

Chip grumbled a curse before he began his defense.
"We study ways of making fuel effcient vehicles and look at ways to make vehicles run on alternitive fuel sources, Such as hybrid technology for future vehicles".

"But wouldn't you do your test on one type of vehicle, instead of fifthteen diffrent models?" Wentworth asked skepticly.

Spike intrupted, "You are aware that diffrent vehicles run diffrently, a prototype conversion on one vehicle wont work the same for the other, but the over all goal is to get them to work using the same process of hybrid fabrication and possible making it so future vehicles can run off more the one fuel source. It has been twenty years since we found out that we are depleating the fossil fuels of this planet we have to change our ideals otherwise were not going to have vehicles to drive, But expensive lawn decoration".

Wentworth coughed, "Im not impressed. Again I address my previous question to you Doctor Chase, Not some lacky Who thinks he knows it all!".

Chip reached into his pocket and produced a data pad and tossed it on the Director's clipboard.
"All the answers you want are on that Data pad, I have better things to do then answer questions about nosense from a pompus ass!"
Chip hit the analog stick and his wheelchair rolled away from the Director.

"How dare you!" Director Wentwoth started to follow after Chip when Spike stopped him.
"Remove your hands from my person!" Wentworth Squealed, as he slaped the datapad roughly against Spike's chest and walked off.

Hound and Jazz sat parked near the marina pier watching the city populace pass them by, Most were dressed for the beach or to enjoy the day out on a walk.

"Any luck contacting the base?" Jazz inquired.
"No im getting nothing but static on all the channels" Hound sighed.
"Well then" Jazz started, "Lets enjoy the fun, The sun, And some music to lighten our mood".
Jazz's Windows rolled down and his roof split appart and slid back over his rear window, The rear seats folded down and two large speakers slid into place.

"Try to keep it under 100 decibles would ya?" Hound pleaded.
"Wow" Jazz laughed, I was keeping it at 83. But 100 it is!".
"Greeaat" Hound exagerated, "I should have kept my mouth shut...".
He once again set forth the task of trying to contact the Autobot's base but when that failed he activated the sensor package to began a wide range sweep of the area. but also found it being jammed.
"What in Cybertron is going on?" he mumbled, "I think we better return back to base".
Jazz turned down the Sound and retracted his speakers, "What's the low down?".
"None of my equipment is working I think were being jammed" Hound replied.
Jazz's roof sealed up and closed his windows, "Ok then lets burn some rubber".
The two Autobots started up their engines and started the drive back to the base, pulling out of the parking lot of the marina's parking lot. They came to a stop lighta block away where a few cars were waiting for the traffic light to turn green.
During the wait Hound tried to scan the diffrent freqencies again for a break in the interference but again nothing.
"This light seems to be taking longer then usual" Hound grunted.
Jazz started laughing about to saysomething when he started backing up and gunning his engine.
"What the-?" hound asked as he brought his image scaners forward as the vehicles infront of them transformed into the Stunticons.
"Slagging Stunticons!" Hound growled as he raced backwards .
"What are we going to do?" Jazz barked, "We can't fight them here. We'll blow our cover!".
"Follow my Lead" hound instructed as he activated his holo emitter creating a ghost image of them both over their vehicle modes and cloaking the real versions.
Motor Master stalked infront of the two Autobots and laughed sinisterly,
"Come out and play cowards!".
"Their afraid to reveal themselves!" Brakedown laughed.
"We've got no choice!" Hound faked, "weve got to fight them!".
"What!" Jazz barked, at Hound as a coded signal ran across Jazz's radio.
"Oh..." Jazz laughed, as the two Autobots slowly backed away from the ghost of their vehicle forms and raced off as far as they could untill the images of the ghost dissapeared infront of the Stunticons.
"By the Spawn of the pit!" Motor Master cursed, "Combine!!!".

Jazz and Hound raced down the way they came turning towards the direction that would take them to the desert range.
"We've got to lure them out of the city!" Hound yelled.
"Well it looks like they took the bait!" Jazz replied as the gound behind them shook as the massive combined form of Meansor raced behind them.
"That was quick" Hound grunted.
They came to the begining of the Desert and began racing full out to avoid the Combiner's massive hand swipes.
Just as they reached the middle of the desert the glint of flashing lights appeared before them.
"Oh great!" Hound mumbled, "Just what we need...".
"Were running out of Options" Jazz yelled.
"We can't fight them with Humans in the area!" Hound replied.

"Who said anything about Humans?" A voice sounded over the their Intercomm, Giving pause to the two.
The racing rescue vehicles leaped into the air and transformed combining into a larger robot of their own.
Jazz and Hound skidded to a stop, clouds of dirt blowing up from their under bodies.
"I wouldn't have believe it if I hadn't seen it!" Hound gasphed.
Jazz studdered, "Defensor?".
They transformed just as the two combiners locked gaulntlets in battle.
"I think the scales just tipped in our favor!" Hound laughed as the two combiners were ingaged in a knockdown brawl.
Last edited by johndillinga2003 on Sun Feb 06, 2005 5:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby ImperiaxPrime » Tue Jan 25, 2005 12:58 pm

Motto: "Do not consider the wars of the future, instead consider a future without war."
Weapon: Twin Shock-Concussion Missiles
Alternator Defensor? Kick ass. I would love to see the designs for that.
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Firepower: 7
Skill: 8

Postby johndillinga2003 » Mon Jan 31, 2005 9:03 am

Nope not Alt Defensor :p can you say GEE-Wun :D
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Postby johndillinga2003 » Mon Jan 31, 2005 9:05 am

Chapter 11

The dust flew about from the ground as the two titans clashed slaming each other with their massive armored fist slaming into each other knocking chinks of metal to the ground. Meansor growled in rage as he fought the Autobot combiner to a stand still, Hound and Jazz moved back to avoid being stomped on accidently by one of them.

"This is going to draw someone's attention eventually" Jazz yelled to Hound.
Hound looked around the horizon, Maybe not. Look, Over there" He pointed eastward.
Jazz followed Hound's finger pointing and shruged, "Were near the Ark, what's so great about that?".
"Think! what ran off an underground power source?", Hound asked.
"Um...Oh the perimiter defense guns!" Jazz realied.
"If we get Defensor to posistion Meansor near the guns they'll activate and take out Meansor for us" Hound reasoned.
"Sounds like a plan" Jazz retorted, "follow me I think I have a way to get it done".

Jazz ran forward Hound followed after him and got into posistion far enough behind Meansor to attract Defensor's attention, Hound and Jazz started to wave in the direction for Defensor to lead Meansor to.
It worked. The Autobot combiner continued it's fight with the Decepticon combiner forcing him towards the direction Hound and Jazz lead them to.
Out the corner of Defensor's eye he saw the Ark's Autoguns raise out from their underground base and autolock on the Decepticon combiner.
"Warning Decepticon signature detected" The Autogun's targeting computer reported over Defensor's comm channel.
The five combined minds all agreed on one last move Push him into range!. Defensor shoved Meansor backwards the joints in his arm growning in protest at the test of strenght.
The Decepticon combiner stumbled backwards and the Autoguns began to fire slaming into the Decepticon combiner's flank.

Defensor split into the five Protectobots and transformed into vehicle mode following the Two other Autobots out of the area of the now wildly firing Auto guns as Meansor tryed to move away from the lasers bolts slaming his body to the ground.

Sideswipe stood infront of the group amused by the look of shock on Prowl's face as the Story was told to him.
The apperance of the Protectobots had shocked us all and presented more questions then the ones we had answers for.
As the other Autobots greeted the new arrivals sharing stories about their experiences since the last time each group had seen the other Rodimus approched me.

"Did you know about this?" Rodimus asked.
"No. Prime never informed me about their presence here". Did Optimus even know?.
Hotspot's lauhgter broke my train of thought as he explained, "We didn't even recognize these two untill we heard them over our comm channel as we approched to stop Meansor".
That brought around more laughter from the others.
Prowl briefed the Protoectobots on our mission here on Earth and anything else he felt they should be aware of.
Smokescreen stood up and addressed a question we had all wanted to know the answer too, How did they survive the effects of Megatron's altered version of the Cosmic Rust virus?.
"Simple!" First aid responded, "Our bodies were rebuilt here on Earth not on Cybertron!. We were left here to watch over the planet incase the Decepticons came back".
"Although we did have to make one change" Streetwise spoke up as the rest of the Protectobots instantly looked at Hotspot.
"Yea" mumbled Hotspot, "In order for us to successfully fit in here on Earth and to blend in with the other Earth vehicles, I got repainted...".
"Well who ever heard of a Powder-Blue fire truck?" Blades laughed.
Another round of laughter filled the room. Atleast by this turn of events, Our moral had been given a serious boost.

Spike knocked on the door to Chips office and walked in.
"Is he gone yet?" Chip mumbled.
"Unfortunatly no, But he found something else to keep him occupied for the time being".
"Any Idea when they plan to leave?" Chip asked hopefully.
"Melissa is trying to rush the research team throught their investigation as fast as possible, But Wenthworth is blocking her motives every step of the way" Spike replied.
Chip shook his head in disgust, "Just as long as he doesn't discover anything connected with the Autobots we should be ok, I hope".
"We will be don't worry" Spike replied, "I'll try to keep him away from here".
"Far away if possible" Chip grunted, "If only to save my sanity!".
Spike laughed as he began to walk out of the office.
Spike turned around and looked back at Chip.
"Could we get one of the 'Bots to accidently step on Wentworth?".
Spike laughed at Chip's sugestion and continued to walk out of the office.
"It's really not a bad idea if you seriously consider it!" Chip pleaded as Spike closed the door.

Ravage grunted as he climbed out of the C.R. chamber, "I seem to be slightly Stiff" Ravage spoke aloud.
"You shall recover!".
"Yes I know that!" Ravage growled.
"Then their is no need to address your structual defects!".

Ravage growled in response as he walked over to the rack holding his weapons, He stowed the gun and reattached the claws to the retractor housing.
Ravage looked up at the taller Decepticon, "Are you going to stand there and supervise everything I do?".
"If I feel it's need it, Afirmative".
Ravage growled loudly, "I'm no longer one of your little Casetticons, You need not worry about me!" Ravage pushed his way pass the shadowed Decepticon, "Go worry about them!"
"You need not concern your self with my actions!".
"Exactly!" Ravage grunted and transformed into his vehicle mode racing away from his once mentor.

A Squaking noise rang out as a shadowed bird like form landed atop the left shoulder of the other.
"Excellent, We shall report your findings to Megatron".

The Aforementioned Decepticon leader stood infront of a statis field over the holding tank containing the sparks of Decepticons not yet restored to a new form.
One spark of Megatron's intrest was floating in front of Megatron's face. It's orange glare shining off his body.
"And what is it that you want my little friend?, Revenge?" Megatron laughed mockingly.
The spark began to flare streams of energy reaching outwards simulating the appearence of a small sun.
"Im I to be impressed by your little display of rage?" Megatron reached into the statis field and grabed the spark within his armored hand.
"Know this!. Your in this state because of your overzelous ego and failure to follow orders!" Megatron squezzed tighter causing the spark to flare in protest.
"Your survival depends on your abblity to follow orders this time, You will soon be given a chance to redeem yourself!".
Megatron shoved the now almost red glowing spark back into the Statis field and reached in for another spark off to the left and pulled it out of the feild.
Megatron looked down at the pressence next to him.
Doctor Archiville moved the portable containment rig next to Megatron.
"Here is the one you need" Megatron spoke as he droped the Spark into the feild.
Doctor Archiville smiled and pushed the Containment rig towards the labortory
"Have you completed his new body?" Megatron asked as he walked with the half human cyborg.
"Yes Megatron all that needs to be done is the insertion of this spark and the final charging of his laser core, Shockwave will then be fully under your control" Archiville reported.
"Excellent" Megatron responded, "I have other matters to attend to!".
Doctor Archiville looked up and was taken aback by the appearence of the second Decepticon standing next to Megatron, Archiville had not seen Soundwave appear and watched them walk off to attend to their matters Megatron spoke of leaving Archiville to continue on to the labortory to finish his own work.
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Postby TwV » Sat Feb 05, 2005 12:57 pm

Dude! Nice fanfic!

Not that I've read (m)any sofar, but I enjoy reading this one.
I like the way you present the story through Sideswipe's eyes.
Posts: 105
Joined: Fri Nov 19, 2004 2:18 pm

Postby johndillinga2003 » Sun Feb 06, 2005 5:10 pm


I watched Grimlock pace back and forth for almost a cycle before he spoke.

"Me Grimlock Say, We No Need Protectobots. Me Grimlock Kick Butt!".
"You know, He gets a new body but no one fixed his head?" Streetwise joked.
"Me Grimlock Say, How About Me Fix Your Head?".

"Cool it you too!" I ordered, "Weve got enough problems already".

Rodimus stepped in between Grimlock and Streetwise to further dispell any other problems.

For once we had the advantage of being able to hold our own against Menasor, with the Protectobots now in our camp the odds against us had evened out a bit in our favor.
But their current forms would not beable to stand up to the newly more powerful Alternator upgrades that the Stunticons now had. And untill everything was in the clear topside it would be a while before that happened.

I took the time to look everyone over, satisfied with the fact that we now stood somewhat of a chance in this war. But if we were to win, we were going to need more Autobots to help and soon, I hope once they done with the problems topside we can get some more of our comrades online

"Im only trying to serve you-".
Starscream screeched as he gasped to talk as Megatron squezzed his hand tighter around Starscream's neck.
"Slience fool!" Megatron growled, With a snap back of his arm he sent the Seeker flying to the ground in a heap.
"My tollerance of you is coming to a very quick ending!".
"I don't mean you displeasure..." Starscream studdered.

A shadowed form stepped between the two looking down at the spralled Seeker.
"Let's be done with him and cut our losses!".
"Patience Shockwave" Megatron Insisted, "I still have some use of him. Even if he is worthless".
Shockwave's mono-opptic stared down at Starscream and witha slight back pull of his left arm, He simulated a firing of a blast from his X-ray cannon.

Starscream seethed in rage, "Help me up you fools!" He yelled as his troops.
Skywarp and Thundercracker pulled Starscream to a verticle base and got knocked aside for their help as Starscream pushed his way through the suronding Decepticons.

Megatron turned to Soundwave, "Well done!".
Soundwave nodded in responce as the battered group of Stunticons walked in on the assembly.
Motormaster spit out a mouth full of mech fluid before he spoke, "The Autobots have a combiner!".
"Defensor..." Deadend growled as he cluched his side.
"The Protectobots are here?" Megatron questioned, "But they wasn't at the crash zone for the Autobot shuttle...Nor during the battle".
"Never the less their here now!" Motormaster replied.
"Go get yourselves repaired!" Megatron ordered.

The five stunticons limped off to the repair bay as Megatron turned to Shockwave, "Your going to lead a group of Decepticons in a attack on the one possible place the Autobots are hiding out!", Megatron let his words sink in to all those assembled.
"The Binal Tech Labs!".

Spike Breathed a sigh of relief as the Director and his team left infront of the E.D.C. Suport force, Melissa Fareborne hung back to speak with Spike.
"Director Wentworth is not to overly enthused, But he seems to be somewhat satisfied with the evidence you guys have presented".
Melissa reported.
"Well the good thing is that he is leaving, Chip will be happy!" Spike replied.
"So how's everyone?".
"Everyone?" Spike asked unsurely.
"The Autobots" Melissa whispered.
Spike looked back at her in shock.
"You can't fool me I know they are here. Did you honestly think you could slip something like that past me?" Melissa laughed.
"I don't know what to say...." Spike trailed off.
Melissa patted Spike on the shoulder, "Don't worry. Just tell them I said hi".
She turned to walk off, "Oh and I'll be keeping an eye on you guys!".
Melissa winked at Spike and hurried to the lone waiting jeep from the E.D.C.
Spike waited outside as the jeep drove off and turned to walk back into the labatory entrence.

"The coast is clear...For now atleast" Spike reported.
Chip sunk down in his chair in relief, As Prowl watched.
"That's some of the best news we've had today" Prowl responded.
"We've reactivated the link topside for you guys" Spike responded.
"Great, we also have a bit of news for you, Jazz and Hound encountered the Protectobots out near the remains of the Ark" Prowl replied.
"The Protectobots?" Spike questioned in bewilderment, "Whered they come from?".
"That's the thing, They've always been here" Prowl responded.
"But where?" Spike asked.
"They hid among the other rescue vehicles in town and were alerted when the Decepticons attacked Jazz and Hound and they both fought off Defensor" Prowl reported.
"Sounds like we've all had an exciting day" Spike laughed, "Oh and Melissa told me to tell you guys hi".
"Fareborne?" Prowl inquired, "She knows were here?".
"I'll explain everything when you come topside" Spike replied.
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