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Cybertron - Polyhex

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Postby Devastron » Sun Nov 25, 2007 1:01 am

Weapon: Energo-Sword
Shockwave's Tower – Corridors

Cyclonus looked over at Rapture just as he received the reply from Starscream. An interesting coincidence that. He listened quietly as the seeker presented him with a seeming barrage of reports and plans to approve. He could already tell that paperwork was not something he was going to enjoy, but it was necessary. He quickly reviewed the various items before replying to the seeker.

“Consolidation and restructuring of seeker squadrons approved. Your promotion is conditionally approved. I will make it permanent once I am satisfied with your work. It is no slight against you, but I will not promote someone who I haven’t seen function with my own optics. Your attack plans are approved pending any possible disagreement from Commander Shockwave. The commander has also asked for a continuous combat air patrol of seekers over Polyhex. Set up a rotation of this and have the first squadron launch immediately.” He handed the datapad back to her. “Was there anything else?”

Approaching the Polyhex border

Sixshot raced low over the outskirts of Polyhex. A scanner sweep had picked up some bit of Autobot activity outside of their borders. It was still relatively close to Nova Cronum and the vaunted Maximus line, but it was a legitimate target. Still hugging the ground, the sixchanger raced to confront these Autobots and send them scurrying back to the safety of their city-state or, better yet, leave their broken, deactivated bodies laying in no mech’s land between the city states.
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Postby FuzzymusPrime » Sun Nov 25, 2007 12:24 pm

Just outside Shockwaves Hangar

Swindle had picked himself up and reloaded the cluster bombs onto his back. He could do little about the mud and dust he'd picked up. I'll go through a wash cycle later. Presentability is an important trait for any businessman. Back in his alt mode, he headed for the Hangar once again.

Shockwave's Tower - Main Hangar

Swindle was pleased to see the hangar had emptied in the while he'd been gone, as the last thing he wan't was to give the Seekers more to laugh at. He spotted Warthog and Bludgeon still in conversation at the door between the Hangar and the nearby Arena, and trundled over.
"Basically, Esteemed Master, the Seekers and their new allies in the air, the Sweeps, have forgotten the true purpose of the war, and are in danger of falling into conflict among themselves. Warthog and I beleive that if a true master of the martial arts were to demonstrate his skill, in a sanctioned combat with another skilled warrior, it might remind those wayward to recall their true objectives. We humbly ask your forgiveness if we are being too presumptous in this."
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Postby Warthog » Mon Nov 26, 2007 12:45 pm

Shockwaves Tower--Hangar

looked down at Swindle from his impressive height, faceplate emotionless though his eyes spoke otherwise.

Thanks for stealing my flame, kid he told Swindle over a private transmission.

"Bludgeon, if we can get some of these built up frustrations out in some fights today, things'll probably calm down. Even if they don't..." and Warthog chuckled, "you can get some practice in."
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Postby *Silverblade » Mon Nov 26, 2007 9:35 pm

Shockwave's Tower – Corridors

Ghost turned to face his unseen partner.

"I'm her wingmech, not a repair drone! It will look out of sorts if I follow here everywhere. Mechs might whisper I have some other interest in her. "

Ghost ground his teeth in disgust his demon like optics flashed as he stared in the direction Rap had gone.

“And….. What is the purpose of this endeavor?”

He tilted his translucent head as he listened. His frown deepened.

“Playing games with Starscream is not a smart move………… yes I …… No ……. Ok what do you want me to say? That her dead lover wants her to back off the egomaniac. She’ll shoot me the moment the words leave my vocal processor, and ……… She wont believe me……… arg! Fine fine.”

Ghost made his way down the corridor his feet tapping a quick tattoo on the hard floor. As he caught up to Rapture. He formally saluted Cyclonus before speaking to her.

“Subcommander, may I escort you to your meeting? I would like a word with you about your… my position as wingman, I, er have a question as to what I saw Skywarp do recently.”

It was a weak lie but the transparent seeker wasn’t prepared to speak in front of Cyclonus.
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Postby Tasbirk » Mon Nov 26, 2007 10:55 pm

Shockwave's Tower – Corridors

Rapture was quite satisfied with Cyclonus's condition on her promotion. That single statement spoke volumes as to the nature of the new Air Commander. He shared her belief that performance far outweighed politics, and that was more than enough to convince her she was backing the correct Mech for the job.

"No Sir," the midnight femme responded precisely. "Nothing further. Thank you for your time." With a sharp salute, she turned on her heel and set off for the Command Center.

Had she been a femme of lesser manufacture, she might have been shocked as Ghost seemingly came out of nowhere. But Soundwave's daughter was NOT of lesser manufacture. If she was surprised in the slightest, no sign of it marred her impassive faceplate.

The stealth Seeker's request was, unfortunately, a common one. Skywarp's behavior was a constant source of irritation to the former Cassetticon. However, this time it seemed...disingenuous somehow. The canny femme decided to play along for the moment.

"Very well. You may fill me in en route." She resumed her brisk pace, expecting her new wingmech to keep up. Once they were safely away from the Air Commander, the prototype opened a secure channel to her subordinate.

<Alright. What is this really about?>
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Postby *Silverblade » Tue Nov 27, 2007 11:03 am

Shockwave's Tower – Corridors

Ghost wasn’t sure how to start. For a moment he stared at his unseen advisor helplessly then turned back to rapture. He was not a sensitive mech, and he wasn’t sure of exactly how to convince the hardcore femme that he was speaking the truth.

>>Your right it’s not about Warp. But I can not speak of this where anyone can eavesdrop.<<

His ruby optics held her hard gaze, and he moved into the empty room that held a barrage of noisy security monitors.

“This isn’t coming from me. I wasn’t the only one in the room with you and Starscream.”

He threw an accusing look at the spirit beside him, but he was not about to answer what he had said to Ghost. His optics narrowed and he turned back to Rapture, allowing his features to relax. Sighing he began….

Rapture there is someone…… who …. Has a personal interest in you… in your safety. He is only too aware of what you are doing, he’s also driving me up a wall.”

Ghost made sure not to look at Choker as his comment disturbed the dead mech. The Transparent seeker kept his optics on his subcommander. Suddenly with a desperate look of exasperation Ghost turned to look at his unseen counterpart. At that moment Ghost lost his cool, grinding his teeth he hissed.

“Can't you see she doesn’t believe me, she probably is questioning my function right now…………. I don’t care, you have now power here. Your not Commanding in the Sonic Canyons anymore and Cyclonus is in charge of us here. There’s nothing you can do to change any of this……………. No Screamer is to preoccupied to notice what we’ve seen……… I ……………….”
He paused,
“Sir, I have done more for you than any other who has crossed over. This is too much.”

He turned his optics back to Rapture, surely now he was headed for deactivation. Never before had Ghost had so much trouble with the dead. But it was only this one particular Decepticon. This one who died at the hands of an Autobot, defending those he commanded. A mech who commanded fear in those he oversaw yet valued them and gave them respect. A rare and Nobel spark among the high-ranking elite. His charisma and power were what aided him in manipulating Ghost, and Ghost’s knowledge of what he had done had lent the seeker to obey. But at heart Ghost was still a seeker and he could only take so much selfless righteousness.

He waited for Rapture’s harsh words to hit him.
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Postby Darth Vegeta » Tue Nov 27, 2007 2:04 pm

OOC: oopsie in my post i meant trainingroom not hangar but nevermind we'll assume he moved away (;

Shockwave's Tower -- Hangar

Bludgeon's vizored gaze moved from Swindle to Warthog and then to Nightraid.
"You flatter my ego" he noted dryly but added no comment to it. Rising up he spoke "I would not mind a duel. It would remind me of the old gladiatorial fights. And indeed. The pups are basking in eagerness and an excess of energy yet lack selfdiscipline and purpose. It would be unfortunate if they turned it onto each other instead of upon the true enemy" he said. "Who shall face me?" he said. It almost sounded like he was eager... almost.
Nightraid advanced and took place next to Warthog and Swindle. "Another veteran of your calibre" he said "Or several foes" he said.
"Such as?" came Bludgeon's grim voice.
Nightraid tapped his faceplate in thought. "Hmmm a lot of the worthy foes are among the higher ranked officers and given the current situation i doubt they'd bother with a fight like this..." he said. "Swindle, Warthog? A suggestion perhaps?" he said calmly with a polite tone.
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Postby FuzzymusPrime » Tue Nov 27, 2007 5:04 pm

Shockwave's Tower - Hangar Exit

>>Stealing your thunder Warthog? Matrix forbid my friend, I'm just backing you up. Mechs like Bludgeon think in terms of assertive veterans and deferrent students. This way we compliment each other, taking turns talking.<<

Finishing his short private message to Warthog as Nightraid made his observations, Swindle paid thought to this idea. Brawl's gone missing, and I distinctly recall Sixshot leaving in a hurry when he bowled me over. There ain't a whole of good fighters left over 'cept the Seeker aces. Hmm...

"If the purpose of this battle is reconciliation, then perhaps the 2 sides in question should be combined to one purpose. One Seeker and one Sweep, chosen champions of their sides, against Master Bludgeon."

'Course, that'd only be reconciling if both of them got their afts handed to them, otherwise whichever sides' guy got the winning hit would lord it over the others. Suits me either way, long as I can set up the bets right.

Swindle then awaited Warthog's turn to talk, and Bludgeons response.

OOC - Are there any non-drone Seekers in Polyhex other than Scourge, or are they all back in Kaon on manuvers?
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Postby Warthog » Wed Nov 28, 2007 11:10 am

Shockwaves Tower--Hangar Exit

"I wish we could get Cyclonus and Starscream to beat the slag out of each other," Warthog muttered, laughing at the thought. "If nothing else, I'll team up with one of the kids...I'm older than any Seeker here." He stopped and considered that for a moment...the Seekers might take this as him taking sides, but the Sweeps would certainly take it as an overture of peace...unless their egoes really were that huge.

"Unless of course you think that would stack the odds too heavily against you, Bludgeon"
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Postby Stormshadow » Wed Nov 28, 2007 1:29 pm

Shockwaves Tower--Hangar Exit

Finnally having enough of standing around idle Rampage made his way to the exit of the hangar bay; nothing interesting was happening here and he had no wish to remain standing like a sullen statue. If he had no orders and no reason to fight then he would simply amuse himself. Besides it wasn't as if he didn't know ways of keeping himself occupied without causing too much harm; it just he preffered the more violent ones.
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Postby Tasbirk » Wed Nov 28, 2007 2:22 pm

Shockwave's Tower- Security annex three

Rapture's crimson optics flared dangerously as she listened to Ghost, their eerie light a testament to her anger. Choker?! How DARE he use that name! In mere astroseconds, the clever femme analyzed the situation.

The very fact that Ghost knew that nickname was troubling. Only a very few had known Gallows by that moniker, and fewer still dared use it. Rapture's lost love had not been one to suffer presumptuous familiarity from his subordinates.

The transparent Seeker's behavior was also quite telling. The midnight femme already suspected that Ghost was far from the lunatic most took him for. His earlier mention of Gallows' molybdenum armor had lead her to theorize that Ghost's 'delusions' were, in fact, the calculated actions of a skilled spy and blackmailer. That had concerned her but a little, as those were talents she herself had learned from the best.

However, that hypothesis was thrown into question by the sheer ineptitude Ghost had just demonstrated in the art of subterfuge. A capable spy he may have been, but he had just proven beyond the shadow of a doubt that he was no master manipulator.

Finally, there was the matter of his obvious and earnest concern for his own well-being. The stealth tetrajet genuinely wished to remain silent about this matter, and feared retribution for speaking of it. The logical conclusion of these facts was improbable in the extreme. But no other explanation seemed possible.

As ridiculous as it sounded, it seemed that, for the moment at least, all available data implied that Ghost could indeed communicate with the deceased. Moreover, he was in contact with Gallows.

"Listen very closely, Ghost," she began, her voice filled with and icy ruthlessness. Her movement faster than most optics could follow, the sculptress' hand snapped out towards Ghost's throat. Slowly, deliberately, her fingers closed around the transparent Seeker's brittle neck. She applied very little pressure, more an implication of force than an application thereof.

"I am, at this time, inclined to believe you. But we will discuss this at a later date. Currently, my plans are at too delicate a stage to introduce such an unknown factor. You will speak of this matter to no one. There are matters unfolding as we speak which may be of advantage to you, if you serve me adequately. Fail in this simple directive, and the fate you meet shall prove more stern and vicious than the Sharkticons' Feast." She released the Seeker as swiftly as she had grasped him.

"I trust we understand one another," she concluded in a tone that left no doubt that it was NOT a question.
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Postby Darth Vegeta » Wed Nov 28, 2007 4:10 pm

Shockwaves Tower--Hangar Exit

"No i do not think that Warthog. And even if the odds were against me..." Bludgeon looked at each in turn "I would welcome it. Defeat is a good teacher. Challenge is a steppingstone to mastery. The purpose of a spar is to learn. That is something forgotten too easily by inflated egoes... and hurt pride" he said.
Nightraid nodded "I wouldn't mind putting up my saber against yours once more Master Bludgeon" he said. "And there's the talented silver femme too" he noted. "But it's a sweep we need for sure. At least one... and preferably one that's liked or at least respected and reasonable" he noted.
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Postby The J Writer » Wed Nov 28, 2007 4:41 pm

Shockwave's Tower - Commissary

Finishing his second ale, Dunehopper stood up from the table. Flexing his arm actuators, he wasn't really feeling the effects of the energon, but did feel somewhat refreshed.

"I think I might go down to the Hangar and see what everyone else is up to," he said to Darkjet. "Maybe there's a patrol heading out or something to do."

He shook his head as he remembered that the Polyhex Decepticons were not in the offensive mode at the moment, and that activity was probably being minimized so as to avoid provoking another Autobot attack.

"Man, this stinks. Peace stinks. We should be pounding the 'Bots all the way back to Iacon. Why isn't Starscream leaning on Shocky to cut us loose again? We showed what we can do when we kicked that Omega Sentinel's aft. Man..."

He looked to Darkjet. "Let's go. We're gonna find some action around here, one way or another."

The golden Seeker stomped out of the Commissary.
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Postby DarkJet » Wed Nov 28, 2007 6:27 pm

Shockwave's Tower - The Energon Bar

As Dunehopper left Skyshroud got up to leave with him, but first turned to Ramjet. "Hey aren't you coming? He asked of his cone headed comrade, as he headed out the door hot on Dunehoppers heels.


Shockwavwe's Tower - The Hanger

Firebat entered carefully not to bother the small crowd gathered at the Hanger Exit. He was rather disappointed that he wasn't allowed to join the fight against the Guardian, something about his fire not being the weapon of choice.

"Fools," he thought to himself "If they knew what my fire could do, if they knew how he hungers for fuel and sacrifice, they would have let Firebat fight the stupid Guardian......"
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Postby *Silverblade » Fri Nov 30, 2007 2:42 pm

Shockwave's Tower

Ghost did not appreciate being strangled by the midnight femme. His blood red optics flashed in rebuke of her attitude. Of course he wasn’t going to tell anybody. What secrets the dead gave to him were his alone to keep, and not for the auditories of unworthy cons. It wasn’t his idea to watch her, he could care less over what the self absorbed femcon wanted to do with her existence. But…. Gallows had other ideas apparently. As soon as she released him the Translucent seeker took a step back.

“More than you’ll ever know Rapture.”

Ghost turned from her as he did he faded away into nothing but a pair of hot red optics. Angrily he stalked away from his wingleader and subcommander.

“NO! Absolutely not.”

He did not halt his motion as he made his way back to the hanger and towards the surveillance rooms where most of Shockwave’s computers were. The ones that held the profiles of most of the fraction. His unseen follower had wanted him to shadow the femme. But Ghost was beyond mad, he was a seeker and a spy, not some private eye for lovers. He pushed the door open with angry force. Anyone in the room would have been startled out of their wits, since they would not have been able to see the specialized seeker. Sulkily Ghost sat down hard in a chair not noticing that Starscream 4 computer screens away was staring blankly at a monitor before him. Oblivious to his surroundings due to his heated temper, Ghost began opening the profiles of deceased mechs who had served Lord Meagatron. His optics busy scanning the screens, the chair he sat in appeared empty to the casual observer.
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Postby Tasbirk » Fri Nov 30, 2007 10:38 pm

Shockwave's Tower

Rapture allowed Ghost to slink off without further comment. Her reaction had certainly not made a friend out of the stealthy Seeker. But mention of Gallows tended to overload the femme's normally staid emotive subroutines.

Not now, the femme told herself. Things are falling into place. Now is not the time to let sentimentality and personal matters occupy me. Vengeance will have its time and place. And as for grief...I have not another tear left to shed. Forcing her processors to focus on other matters, she left the small annex, heading once again for the Command center. Two hundred and forty seven astroseconds later, she passed through the automated doors to the nerve center of Polyhex.

She found the City Commander engaged with Onslaught. Knowing better than to interrupt such a meeting, the former Casseticon let herself be seen, and waited to be acknowledged by Shockwave. Nevertheless, the midnight femme was not one to simply loiter. If she was going to wait, she would use the time efficiently.

She set to work checking and double-checking her mission proposal. She edited wording, revised time tables and fine-tuned every aspect of the document. She wanted it to be nothing less than perfect when Shockwave read it.

However, it was more than that. This mission would be a first step in reinforcing the vital role her phenotype played in the Decepticon forces. Moreover, this was her chance to prove herself. To Cyclonus, to the High Command, to the rank and file. To her father. She could make a meaningful contribution to the war effort. She had to.

The cause was everything.
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Postby The J Writer » Sat Dec 01, 2007 10:22 am

Shockwave's Tower - Hangar Bay

Having wasted no time after leaving the Commissar, Dunehopper strode into the Hangar Bay and looked around. He saw Firebat in one corner - freakjob - and Bludgeon - freakjob - standing with Nightraid - fruit - and Warthog. He didn't actually have a negative opinion of Warthog, since any Decepticon flyer who could boast impressive firepower like Warthog had to be at least respectable in Dunehopper's book. Still, his association with the fruit and the freakjob warranted inclusion in Dunehopper's verbal abuse as he approached.

"What's with the idiot convention?" he asked, louder than necessary, as he neared the trio. Assuming Skyshroud was still somewhere behind him, he called to the rookie Seeker.

"See, this is why we're not out there winning the War. Guys like them," he pointed at Nightraid and Bludgeon. "Rather talk about a fight than go to one."

He spat a gob of fluid onto the floor to articulate his distaste for the Metallikato master and the tactician.

Shockwave's Tower - Command Center

Holding up one hand to halt Onslaught's report before it began in earnest, Shockwave turned his single optic to the newcomer. Identification: Rapture. Seeker warrior. Her rank was not particularly high, at least not in the personnel files, but Shockwave was quite aware of her work as Starscream's de facto executive officer in the recent mission to drive the Omega Sentinel out of Polyhex.

If Starscream favors her...perhaps I should not. That was the first analysis that sprang to mind. However, Shockwave was, if nothing else, a highly objective thinker. Evidence was necessary to draw a conclusion, and thus far, Rapture had provided no evidence to suggest the military coordinator should distrust her.

"State your purpose."

Three words, four syllables, was all the acknowledgment Rapture would receive until she did something to warrant greater interest from Shockwave. It was nothing personal. It was simple efficiency.
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Postby FuzzymusPrime » Sat Dec 01, 2007 4:12 pm

Shockwaves Tower - Hangar Bay

Swindle had been about to say something, when Dunehopper began to butt in on the conversation. The Intruder hadn't even noticed him, but he still had to move to avoid being spat upon. Swindle wheeled around to beside Warthog, making sure not to get between Bludgeon and the new arrival, and whispered.
"Sorry Warthog, but I think the representative from the Seekers has just volunteered, and I ain't sure Bludgeon's going to wait for him to find a partner. Maybe we should back off a little and finish our business while they do theirs."

Not too far though. I certainly don't want to miss the fight.
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Postby Tasbirk » Sat Dec 01, 2007 5:21 pm

Shockwave's Tower - Command Center

This is it, the femme told herself. No mistakes. Show them what you can do.

With a sharp salute, Rapture approached Shockwave. "Proposed tactical action for your approval, Sir." She connected her datapad to the console. The displays hummed to life, showing a view of Autobot territory.

"An air strike on the Tygus Span," the midnight femme continued, highlighting the bridge in question. "I am sure the benefits of such an action are readily apparent, Sir. The Span is a vital link between Nova Cronum and Iacon. Thus, even a partial success in the assault would result in considerable disruption of enemy supply lines. To say nothing of the resources that would need to be reallocated to effect repairs."

A few keystrokes brought up a detailed holographic simulation of the intended attack. Rapture's artistic tendencies were fully displayed in the attention to detail.

"As for the assault itself, Sir, I propose a strike group composed of two squadrons. One carries the heavy ordinance necessary to complete the mission, the other is outfitted as an escort group. They will engage the enemy forces that are likely to respond to such a penetration of Autobot territory."

The simulated view zoomed in, a reticle ringing a part of the bridge. "The target itself is the primary supports near the Nova Cronum border. I have selected these in particaular because the Nova end of the bridge is further from Autobase Nu than the Iacon end is from Autobase Prime. That will increase enemy response time."

"There are four supports on the Nova end of the Span. The destruction of one would seriously undermine the Span's structural integrity. There is a 78.6% chance that the loss of two supports would result in a partial collapse. The loss of three would all but guarantee that the Tygus Span would fall. The sheer mass of the bridge would tear down the remaining support in under a breem."

"I have set the mission goal as the destruction of two supports. Given the likelihood of enemy reinforcement following the first successful demolition, each additional pass decreases the chances of successful completion and withdrawal. Beyond the second pass, there is only a 47.2% chance that a third attempt would succeed. The are only estimates, of course. Shifting conditions in the field might make a third pass viable, but as I said earlier, the complete destruction of the Span is favorable, but not vital to disrupt Autobot coordination."

The femme brought her presentation to a close. Hopefully, her careful work would be up to the high standards of the City Commander.
Last edited by Tasbirk on Mon Dec 03, 2007 1:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby DarkJet » Sat Dec 01, 2007 5:41 pm

Shockwave's Tower hanger Bay

"I agree. You know, the more time I spend here the more I feel like a part of something. But I also feel the threat of relaxation and play. That is a wast of time, we are at war. And war leaves no time for games."

Skyshroud was having a hard time keeping up with Dunehopper, wherever he was headed he was in a hurry. But when he started to talk they both slowed down a little.

"I feel like going for a fly, you wanna see if there is a patrol we can join? Or do have a better Idea?"


Shockwave's Tower Hanger Bay

Firebat saw more Cons entering the hanger, but he didn't care. He just wanted to wanted to burn something, it had been a while since he made a sacrifice and if he didn't soon there would be trouble.

Then he saw Swindle, he might as well see if he could get some fuel for his flamethrowers. He had never asked Swindle before but they say he has lots of hard to find things. So he started over towards Swindle and the other Cons he was with.

To his knowledge he was the only seeker to serve the fire. which meant that the special fuel that he needed was hard to get. If swindle could provide a more steady supply...
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Postby Kriszilla » Sun Dec 02, 2007 8:18 am

Shockwave's Tower - Hangar Bay

Scope seemed to flow through the air as he returned to the tower. he had just got back from patrols. No real activity to report. He sighed to himself as he landed and then transformed into his small but imposing robot form.

There were a whole bunch of bigger 'Cons in the hangar, something was gonna' happen real soon, Scope only wished he could join in for once. But the failsafes in his prototype body prevented him from acting violently towards other decepticons. This put him at a disadvantage, as he was often the butt of cruel jokes made by the more stupid 'Cons.

Scope had a lot of pent-up rage because of this. he'd had to put up with it for so long it had made him reclusive, he used his stealth abilities to be unseen even by his own allies. By the tension in the air, Scope could feel a fight was coming real soon. Scope quietly slunk through the hangar, none of the larger 'Cons noticing him walk through them.

He reached a far wall, where he had a good view of most everybody in the hangar. Might as well stay and watch, even if I can't join in. He thought.
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Postby FuzzymusPrime » Mon Dec 03, 2007 9:45 am

Shockwave's Tower - Hangar Bay

Following in behind Scope came the rest of the patrol, a young scout called Terros, 2 gray-plated Sweep Drones, and the imposing black frame of Blackguard, Sweep Defense Specialist. He transformed and dismissed the drones with a wave of his hand, then took a look around the bay. He couldn't really fail to notice the group collecting at the far end of the hanger, and in particular Dunehopper's loud commentary.

It appear they are partaking in that most unfortunate vice of the soldier of darkness: Infighting. Blackguard strode over to the group: If there was anything other than harsh words on the cards, he either wanted to prevent it or end it quickly.

Swindle noticed the new arrivals. First one of the loudest of the Seekers, now a particularly nasty-lookin' Sweep. And we seem to be developing a crowd on top of that. The whole thing seems to be coming together all on it's own.
Swindle then noticed that Firebat seemed to be looking at him, rather than the rest of the group. Is that a customer I smell? This cycle's gonna be pretty busy for me. And hopefully profitable.
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Postby Longshot » Mon Dec 03, 2007 8:49 pm

Motto: "Feed them to the Sharkticons!"
Shockwave's Tower - Hangar Control

With no further communications from Cyclonus incoming, Starsceam had eased back into his desultory contemplation of the troops under his command. Shockwave's love of surveillance might have bordered upon a perverse sort of voyeurism, but the Seeker Commander had to acknowledge that his quarrelsome and demanding underlings were a great deal easier to endure when they were on the other side of a viewscreen. He watched them mill about in the hangar without much interest, his principle concern the schemes unfolding within his own sophisticated processors.

He did glance up, however, as the door to the control station opened and then closed again, to all appearances without actually admitting anybody. Starscream's optics darkened, and his struck the side of his cranial unit sharply with the palm of his hand. "Eh," he muttered distantly, "I must be seeing things. I'll have to remember to run a diagnostic on my optic sensors later."

Satisfied that nothing of any great significance was amiss--for the moment--he went back to his private plotting.

Command Center

At Shockwave's unspoken order, Onslaught immediately fell silent, allowing Rapture to address the City Commander as he gathered his own thoughts on the team he oversaw. Even so, he did listen attentively to her recommended course of action; military strategy was his business, after all, and unlike some officers he very much favored a combined arms approach to warfare. As such he considered neither ground-based nor aerial combat the exclusive domain of any particular group of mechanoids, but rather sectors of single unified field of action. And he was always interested in whatever new insights he could glean regarding either facet of the battlefield.

It was probably due to the Combaticons' make up. True, they were more effective as a land unit, but Vortex and Blast-Off provided invaluable tactical support. Just as Onslaught's team had supported many airborne assaults.

Her plan was, in his considered opinion, not without merit. It was sufficiently modest in scope to be feasible, given their present resources, but also significant enough to be considered a worthwhile expenditure of resources. All in all, he approved. Of course, his opinion had not been solicited. As such, Onslaught remained silent, but watchful.


Tossing his polishing cloth to one side, Dead End rose and stretched his stiff actuators. Shrugging, he cast one furtive, hooded glance at Blitzwing before shuffling in the general direction of the exit.

"I think I need refueling," he noted, not really expecting the commando to be particularly interested. "We should probably enjoy it while we can, since the next Great Shutdown can't be that far off. Not the way this latest phase of the war has been managed, anyway."
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Postby Warthog » Tue Dec 04, 2007 4:15 pm

Shockwave's Tower--Main Hangar Exit

Someone may wish they'd died today Warthog privately whispered to Swindle, looking dead at the challenging Seeker. Let's get the dirty business out of the way before the fighting starts.... Warthog begins walking away, waiting on Swindle to follow.
Last edited by Warthog on Thu Dec 06, 2007 5:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Stormshadow » Thu Dec 06, 2007 2:32 pm

Shockwaves Tower--Hangar Exit

Curious Rampage wandered over to see what was happening amound the group who were standing by the exit. The psycopath watched as a seeker made what even his battle-needy processor noticed was a dumb move. Even he wouldn't insult Bludgeon like that and he knew he wasn't exactly sane. Still thinking that it might get interesting he stayed to watch; keeping enough distance so as not to interfere with the proceedings. Spareing a glance at the sweep Rampage stayed where he was; yes things were indeed about to get interesting.
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